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五年级英语上册五年级英语上册 Unit 3 基础知识和重点过关基础知识和重点过关姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 一、听音,标号。一、听音,标号。(10 分分)二、你知道在这些节日里我们都吃些什么吗二、你知道在这些节日里我们都吃些什么吗?(8分分)Lantern Festival(元宵节)zongziMid-Autumn DaydumplingsDragon Boat Festivalsweet dumplingsSpring Festivalmooncakes三、将与下列单词相对应的图片序号填入单词右面的横线上三、将与下列单词相对应的图片序号填入单词右面的横线上(10分分)eggplant_carrot_tofu_tomato_ potato_cabbage_onion_green beans_ cucumber_celery_四、将单词与相应的中文连起来并读一读。四、将单词与相应的中文连起来并读一读。(12分分)sweetsaltyhealthysourtastyfresh健康的新鲜的甜的咸的可口的酸的五、找出与其他三个不同类的项。五、找出与其他三个不同类的项。(6分分)六、圈出你所认识的单词。六、圈出你所认识的单词。(12分分)七、重新排列句子,使对话完整。七、重新排列句子,使对话完整。(5分分)AWhats your favourite food ?BAmyits time for lunch nowCI like tofu tooBut fish is my favouriteDYesIts 12oclockLets go to the canteenEI like tofu very muchIts healthy for meFOKSome tofu and fish, please八、你能帮单词宝宝找到他们自己的家吗八、你能帮单词宝宝找到他们自己的家吗?请连线。请连线。(5分分)九、从九、从B栏里找出栏里找出A栏的正确答案。栏的正确答案。(10分分)AB1What would you like for lunch?AHeres a glass of water2Do you like potatoes ?BThank you very much3Have some eggplant,pleaseCYesTheyre tasty and healthy4Im thirsty,MumDId like some cabbagefish and soup5Why dont you like lemon?EIts sourI dont like sour 十、读对话,判断对错。十、读对话,判断对错。(10分分)Mike:Whats your favourite food?John:My faourite food is muttonWhat would you like for lunch?Mike:Id like some tomatoes and mutton,and you?John:I like eggplants and tofuBecause theyre healthyMike:Theyre great( )1Mike would like some potatoes for lunch( )2John likes eggplants and tofubecause theyre healthy( )3Johns favourite food is mutton( )4Mike thinks that eggplants and tofu are sweet( )5Eggplants and tofu are great十一、小鬼当家。今天你主厨,去菜场买菜,请制定好购物单。十一、小鬼当家。今天你主厨,去菜场买菜,请制定好购物单。(12分分)lunchdinnergrandpagrandmafathermothermeA:What would you like for lunchdinner,grandma?B:Id like some参考答案参考答案一、Now,there are many vegetables in the market ! I can see some cabbage,some celery,some carrots and some onionsThere are many fresh cucumbers tooThey are all healthy for us!(5 2 1 4 3)二、略三、F C B H I E G A J D四、略五、orange tofu green beans sausage mutton beef六、略七、D A E C F八、可数名词:hamburger strawberry orange apple potato不可数名词:tofu mutton milk pork九、l5 D C B A E十、 十一、略
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