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全南二小 2013-20142013-2014 学年上学期四年级英语月考(二)考试范围:UnitUnit 1 1 UnitUnit 4 4题号一二三四五六七八九十总分分数听力部分(40(40 分) )、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (1212 分)( ( ) ) 1. A. teacherB. pictureC. finger( ( ) ) 2. A. doorB. floorC. blackboard( ( ) ) 3. A. wallB. ballC. tall( ( ) ) 4. A. short B. storybook C. strong( ( ) ) 5. A. hand B. fan C. panda( ( ) ) 6. A. phoneB. bed C. desk( ( ) ) 7. A. sofaB. fridgeC. table( ( ) ) 8. A. study B. kitchen C. bedroom( ( ) ) 9. A. cat B. dad C. cake( ( ) ) 10. A. bigB. five C. six( ( ) ) 11. A. boxB. dog C. lost( ( ) ) 12. A. living roomB. bathroom C. bedroom、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10(10 分) ) ( )1. . A. This is my home. B. This is my school.C. This is my bedroom.( )2. . A. Is she in the living room? B. Is she in the study?C. Is he in the study?( )3. . A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she is.( )4. . A. Wheres my pen? B. Wheres your pencil?C. Wheres her pencil box?( )5. . A. Watch TV. B. Read a book. C. Go to the study.三、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,判断正“”误“” 。 (8 8 分)四、听录音,选出所听到句子的汉语意思。(10(10 分) ) 1.1.( ) A.钥匙在哪里?2.2.( ) B.我有一个新书包。3.3.( ) C.它们在桌子上吗?4.4.( ) D.让我来擦窗户。5.5.( ) E.她很文静。笔试部分(6060 分)五、选出下列划线部分发音不同的单词(1010 分)( )1. A. nose B. note C. not ( )2. A. apple B. cat C. cake( )3. A. kite B. it C. milk ( )4. A. up B. duck C. use ( )5. A. rose B. coke C. dog 六、开心做选择。 (2020 分)( )1.Is this your bathroom ? _ _ _ A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is.( ( ) ) 2.Where are your pens? _ _ _A. Its on the desk. B. Yes, it is.( ( ) ) 3. Are the boys in the classroom? A. Yes, they arent B. No, they arent.( ( ) ) 4. Are the keys in the door? Yes, . A. they are. B. they arent. ( ( ) ) 5. Is she in the kitchen?A. Yes, she isnt.B. Yes, she is.( ( ) ) 6. Turn the light. A. it B. inC. on ( ( ) ) 7. There is a bed the window.A. in B. onC. near( ( ) ) 8. What colour is the door ? Its A. nice B. green C. door( ( ) ) 9. lights are there in the classroom?A. What. B. How many. C. How much( ( ) ) 10. This my friend, she short hairA. is, have B. is, has C. are, has七、找一找, 根据问题选答语。 (1010 分)( () ) 1. Where are my keys? A. I am in the bedroom.( () ) 2. Are they on the desk? B. Her name is Lucy.( () ) 3. Where are you? C. Yes, it is.( () ) 4. Is it a nice room? D. Theyre on the table.( () ) 5. Whats her name? E. No, they arent.八、连词成句(1010 分) 1 1、whatwhat namename isis hishis (?)(?)2 2、sheshe studystudy inin isis thethe (?)(?)3、help me let you (.)(.)4.4. longlong hairhair sheshe hashas (.)(.)5.5. tabletable onon areare thethe theythey (?)(?)九、短文阅读,对的写“T T” ,错的写“F F” 。 (1010 分)This is my bedroom .Its a big room .There is a shelf in the bedroom .There are some books on the shelf .There is a bed near the window .There is a cat under the bed .Its name is Mimi .There is a desk in it ,too .There are some toys on the desk .Do you like my bedroom. ( )1. The bedroom is a big room.( )2. The shelf is in the bedroom. ( )3. The cat is on the bed . ( )4. On the desk there are some toys. ( )5. The books are on the desk.
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