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(人教新版)四年级英语上册(人教新版)四年级英语上册 Lesson 20 练习题练习题一、根据所给情景说出英文句子:一、根据所给情景说出英文句子:1. 如果你想说今天天气真晴朗,你应怎样表达:2. 如果你想让同学们去踢足球,你应怎样说:3. 如果你想说今天天气真凉爽,你应怎样表达:4. 如果你想建议去动物园,你应怎样表达:5. 如果你想说我喜欢猴子,熊和鸟,你应怎样说:6. 如果你想说:“你呢?”应怎样表达:7. 你想知道今天的天气怎样应怎样问:8. 你想说让我们带着我的熊猫去玩,应怎样表达:二、填字母,组单词,译中文:二、填字母,组单词,译中文:1. f n ( ) 2. n c ( ) 3. l t( ) 4. t d y( ) 5. pl ( ) 6. f tb ll( ) 7. m ( ) 8. h pp ( ) 9. c l( ) 10. w r ( ) 11. w ( ) 12. z ( ) 13. p nd ( ) 14. b r( ) 15. t g ( ) 16. m nk y( ) 17. l ph nt( )18. b d( )三、看图写单词:三、看图写单词:四、判断下列单词划线字母的读音是否相同:四、判断下列单词划线字母的读音是否相同:1. zoo cool( ) 2. fruit juice( ) 3. book football( ) 4. cool good( ) 5. bear pear( ) 6. tiger kite( ) 7. nice fine( ) 8. bird girl( ) 9. panda happy( ) 10. about how( ) 11. warm car( ) 12. teacher weather( )五、找出与其它不属于同类的词,并将其序号填入题前括号内:五、找出与其它不属于同类的词,并将其序号填入题前括号内:( )1. A. fineB. nice C. five D. cool ( )2. A. fiveB. fifteenC. kite D. six ( )3. A. kiteB. ball C. football D. go ( )4. A. panda B. pineapple C. bear D. monkey ( )5. A. happy B. small C. big D. zoo ( )6. A. China B. England C. friend D. America ( )7. A. teacher B. eight C. postman D. farmer ( )8. A. orange B. apple C. peach D. tomato六、选择:六、选择:( )1. Whats ten and ten ? Its .A. twenty B. thirteen C. twelve ( )2. Its today . Lets play with my football.A. five B. fine C. nine ( )3. Whats this in English ? Its a .A. tomato B. bread C. milk ( )4. Where are you from ? Im from .A. English B. England C. eight ( )5. Whats this ? Its an .A. bear B. pear C. orange ( )6. Whats your father ? Hes a .A. farmer B. fine C. engineer ( )7. Lets play my kite .A. to B. on C. with ( )8. Let play basketball.A. as B. us C. is ( )9. the weather today? A. Whats B. Hows C. Wheres ( )10. Lets . A. playing football B. play the football C. play football七、组句。七、组句。1. weather, today, how, the, is(?) 2. go, zoo, shall, the, to, we(?)3. let, football, us, play(.)4. is, fine, today, it(.)【试题答案试题答案】一、根据所给情景说出英文句子: 1. 如果你想说今天天气真晴朗,你应怎样表达:Its fine today . / Its nice today . 2. 如果你想让同学们去踢足球,你应怎样说:Lets play football . 3. 如果你想说今天天气真凉爽,你应怎样表达:Its cool today . 4. 如果你想建议去动物园,你应怎样表达:Shall we go to the zoo ? 5. 如果你想说我喜欢猴子,熊和鸟,你应怎样说:I like monkeys , bears and birds . 6. 如果你想说:“你呢?”应怎样表达:How about you ? / What about you ? 7.你想知道今天的天气怎样应怎样问:Hows the weather today? 8.你想说让我们带着我的熊猫去玩,应怎样表达:Lets play with my panda.二、填字母,组单词,译中文: 1. f i n e(天气晴朗)2. n i c e(晴朗的) 3. l e t(让)4. t o d a y(今天) 5. pl a y(玩)6. f o o tb a ll(足球) 7. m y(我的)8. h a pp y(快乐的) 9. c o o l(凉爽的)10. w a r m(温暖的) 11. w e(我们)12. z o o(动物园) 13. p a nd a(熊猫)14. b e a r(熊) 15. t i g e r(考虎)16. m o nk e y(猴子) 17. e l e ph a nt(大象)18. b i r d(鸟)三、看图写单词:a kitea pandaan eggplanta green peppera tomato四、判断下列单词划线字母的读音是否相同: 1. zoo cool( ) 2. fruit juice( ) 3. book football( ) 4. cool good( ) 5. bear pear( ) 6. tiger kite( ) 7. nice fine( ) 8. bird girl( ) 9. panda happy( ) 10. about how( ) 11. warm car( ) 12. teacher weather( )五、找出与其它不属于同类的词,并将真序号填入题前括号内: ( C )1. A. fineB. nice C. fiveD. cool ( C )2. A. fiveB. fifteenC. kiteD. six ( D )3. A. kiteB. ball C. football D. go ( B )4. A. panda B. pineappleC. bearD. monkey ( D )5. A. happy B. smallC. bigD. zoo( C )6. A. China B. England C. friend D. America ( B )7. A. teacher B. eight C. postmanD. farmer ( D )8. A. orange B. appleC. peachD. tomato六、选择: ( A )1. Whats ten and ten ? Its .A. twenty B. thirteen C. twelve ( B )2. Its today . Lets play with my football.A. five B. fine C. nine ( A )3. Whats this in English ? Its a .A. tomato B. bread C. milk ( B )4. Where are you from ? Im from .A. English B. England C. eight ( C )5. Whats this ? Its an .A. bear B. pear C. orange ( A )6. Whats your father ? Hes a .A. farmer B. fine C. engineer ( C )7. Lets play my kite .A. to B. on C. with ( B )8. Let play basketball.A. as B. us C. is( B ) 9. the weather today? A. Whats B. Hows C. Wheres ( C ) 10. Lets . A. playing football B. play the football C. play football 七、组句。 1. weather, today, how, the, is(?) Hows the weather today? 2.go, zoo, shall, the, to, we(?) Shall we go to the zoo? 3.let football us play(.) Lets play football. 4.is, fine, today, it(.) Its fine today.
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