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PEPPEP 小学五年级英语下册小学五年级英语下册 期末测试卷期末测试卷班级 姓名 分数 一、听录音,给图片标号。(一、听录音,给图片标号。(10 分)分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(1010 分)分) ( )1. A. take pictures B. draw pictures C. look at the pictures( )2. A. December B. October C. November( )3. A. catching butterflies B. counting insects C. collecting leaves( )4. A. swimming B. sleeping C. swinging( )5. A.7:05 B.6:55 C.7:15三、听问句,选出相应的答句。(三、听问句,选出相应的答句。(10 分)分)( )1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favourite season.( )2. A. Its June 21st. B. Its Thursday.( )3. A. No. Hes playing football. B. Yes. Hes very tall.( )4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Hold on, please.( )5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone.四、听录音,填空(四、听录音,填空(10 分)分)My name is Sarah. _ is my favourite season. Because my birthday is _20th. I _ climb mountains on the weekend with my brother. Look at my brother, he is in the study, and he is _an e-mail to my_.接下来请你们耐心和细心,试着体验采摘知识果实带来的接下来请你们耐心和细心,试着体验采摘知识果实带来的开心吧!(共开心吧!(共 60 分)分)五、请你为下列图片选择正确的词组,注意书写规范。(五、请你为下列图片选择正确的词组,注意书写规范。(10 分)分)write an E-mail watch TV climb trees write a letter swim六、请选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号里。(六、请选择正确的答案,把序号填在括号里。(10 分)分)( )1. -Whats your favourite season? -_A. I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim in summer.( )2. My parents usually get up _ 6:40.A. on B. in C. at ( )3 . -Whats the date today? -_A. Its Tuesday. B. Its cool C. Its April 1st. ( )4 . -Is Amy answering the phone? -_A. Yes, he does. B. No, she is writing a letter. C. No, he isnt.( )5. August is the _ month of the year.A. seven B. ninth C. eighth( )6. - What is Mike doing? - He _A. running B. swims in the river C. is walking( )7. -_ do you like summer? -_ I can swim in the river.A. Why, Because B. Why, And C. Which, Because( )8. There is a call _ you.A. for B. on C. at( )9. -_? -They are listening to music. A. What do they do? B. What are you doing? C. What are your grandparents doing?( )10. -Are the monkeys climbing the trees?-_A no,they are. B Yes,they are. C No, it isn,t.七、读一读,请选择正确的答句。(七、读一读,请选择正确的答句。(10 分)分)( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, Im going hiking.( ) 2. When is Childrens Day? B. Im doing homework.( ) 3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st. ( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountai D. Winter. I can play with snow.( ) 5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking.八、组合句子我最棒!(细心的你,一定要注意字母的大小写和八、组合句子我最棒!(细心的你,一定要注意字母的大小写和标点符号噢!)(标点符号噢!)(10 分)分)1. she listening Is ? music the to _2. He . making is snowman a _3. season like do . best Which you _4. birthday My is in . June grandpas_5. is dinner cooking in brother kitchen . the My_九、根据所给首字母,用单词的正确形式填空(九、根据所给首字母,用单词的正确形式填空(10 分)分)1. Zhang Peng is m_ a snowman.2. I often p_ sports with my friends.3. In spring, we can f_ kites. 4. Look! Tom is c_dinner. 5. Are they e_dinner?十、阅读理解。(十、阅读理解。(10 分)分)(A)Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan?Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike?Mike: Im watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?Wu: Just fine. Im doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister.Mike: What do you do on the weekend?Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park?Wu: Sure. What time?Mike: At 1:30.Wu: OK. See you later.Mike: Bye.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。.( ) 1. Wu Yifan is watching TV.( ) 2.Mike is doing the dishes.( ) 3. Wu Yifans father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom.( ) 4. Wu Yifan visits grandparents on the weekend.( ) 5. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Childrens Park at 1:30 with Mike. (B)My name is Amy. Im from Canada. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. Its windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is swinging in the garden. Im watching TV. Do you want to be my
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