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北京师范大学发展心理与心理健康研究生课程班考试题(09假期)(授课教授:冯泊麟 考试时间:2009730)科目:心理测量学 姓名: 班级: 0809 级 学号: 分数: 试题简答题1、 比较测量(measurement)与评定(rating)的异同。2、 何谓标准化心理测验,编制标准化心理测验一般包括哪些基本步骤?3、什么是常模参照测验和标准参照测验?4、什么情况被喻为“效标污染”?5、何谓比率智商和离差智商,现在通常使用哪一种?6、什么是心理测量的信度,其统计定义你学过哪几个?实际计算信度的方法你学过几种?二、问答题1、为什么说心理测量是间接测量?从这种间接性出发,谈谈你对心理测量效度的理解。2、你所学过的人格测验哪一个是采用迫选法编制的,迫选法编制的测验有哪些基本特点?要 求:(1)请用 A4 纸,卷面字迹清楚。(2)交作业时间:7 月 30 日。邮寄地址:北京师范大学教三楼 413 室 朱慎国老师收 邮编:100875北京师范大学英语语言文学研究生课程班考试题(寒暑班)(2009729授课教师:于晖教授)科目:科目:语言学理论与流派语言学理论与流派 姓名:姓名: 学号学号: 分数分数: 语言学理论与流派课程考试试卷语言学理论与流派课程考试试卷Answer the following questions in English.1.Explain briefly why Saussure is regarded as the father of modern linguistics. (30) 2.What is Sapir-Whorf hypothesis about? Explain your own understanding of the relationship between language, culture and thought. Illustrate your point with examples if necessary. (30) 3.The basic opposition, in grammars of the second half of the twentieth century, is not that between structuralist and generative as set out in the public debates of the 1960sbut the more fundamental opposition is between those that are primarily syntagmatic in orientation (by and large the formal grammars, with their roots in logic and philosophy) and those that are primarily paradigmatic (by and large the functional ones, with their roots in rhetoric and ethnography).Comment on the above passage with regard to your own views toward linguistic research orientation. (40)北京师范大学文学院研究生课程班考试题(授课教师:孙 郁教授考试日期:2009 年 7 月 26 日)科目:现代散文研究 班别: 姓名:_学号:_分数:_考试题考试题(一)试谈鲁迅散文的传统。(二)怎样理解周作人散文的影响力?作业要求:(1)作业统一用 A4 纸完成。(2)请于 2009 年 7 月 29 日交卷。(3)邮寄地址:北京师范大学教三楼(出版社楼)413 室朱慎国老师收邮 编:100875
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