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Complete the following: 1. A: _ Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Tiger Hill? B: Turn left at the second light and then walk straight ahead for three blocks. A: Is it far from here? B: No. Its only _ a ten-minute walk. A:Thank you. B: _ You are welcome. Put the following into English: 1 请叫 206 房的汤普生先生下来,告诉他有位叫玛丽的女 士来看他。 2 对不起,他房间没人接电话,您能留言吗? 3 我与汤普生有约会,但我现在必须离开。你能告诉他我 晚上 6:30 回来吗? 4 请问,到寄畅园怎么走? 只要乘 10 路公共汽车,到终点站下。 您能给我介绍一下寄畅园吗? 我很高兴为您介绍。寄畅园是江苏名园之一,以格 子窗著称,景色非常美丽。 谢谢您的介绍。 乐意为您服务。 Answer: 1.Please ask Mr. Thompson to come downstairs and tell him a Ms Mary is here to see him. 2.Im sorry. R: There is nobody answering the phone in his room. Would you leave a message? I have an appointment with Mr. Thompson, but I have to 3.leave now. Would you tell him that III be back at 6:30 in the evening? 4.Excuse me. But where is the Jichang Garden? Please take Bus No.10 and get off at the bus terminal. Would you tell me something about the Jichang Garden? Im glad to. Jichang Garden is one of the most famous gardens in Jiangsu for its lattice windows and the beautiful sceneries there. Thank you for your introduction. Im pleased to be at your service. Put the following into Chinese: 1.Will you please tell me the simplest way to the Zhongshan Park? 2.I think Ill have to resign myself to the taxi fare, then. 3.Id like your advice on a weekend tour for my group of tourists. 4.I feel such a fool without knowing what food to expect, and I am the leader. 5.I tried to contact Mr. Graham in Room 1204 but he was out. Could you try to locate him for me? 6.Im afraid I have to cut down on walking since my tourists are all a bit old! 7.In the middle of the lake near Yuantouzhu, there stands a series of hills called Three Hills where there live a lot of monkeys. 8.Thats most essential in this kind of heat. 9.Do you want me to arrange a proper lunch or just packed lunches? 10. The Jichang Garden is one of the most famous gardens in Jiangsu. Answer: 1.您能告诉我去中山公园最便捷的路线吗? 2.那么,看来我只能花钱打的了。 3.您能为我们的旅游团周末出游提点建议吗? 4.要是不知道需要什么样的食品真是太傻了,我是领队啊。5.我想和 1204 房间的格雷安联系,但是他出去了。您能 设法为我们找出他在什么地方吗? 6.因为我的旅游者们年龄都稍微有些偏大,恐怕要减少一 些步行的项目。 7.在鼋头渚旁边的湖中央,矗立着叫做“三山”的一系列 小山,那里有很多猴子。 8.在这么热的天气中那是非常必须的。 9.您想要我安排像样的午餐还是盒饭? 10. 寄畅园是江苏最有名的园林之一。 保险箱 safe 抽屉 drawer 窗帘 curtain 床头柜 bedside table 控制开关 switches 遥控器 controller 垃圾筐 waste 烟灰缸 ashtray 夜灯 night light 饮水机 drinking water dispenser 电视节目单 TV program 服务指南 directory of service 针线包 sewing knit 护发素 hair conditioner 护肤液 lotion 洗发水 shampoo 沐浴液 foam bath 拖鞋 slippers 变压器 transformer 插头 plug 接线板 adapter 胶带 adhesive tape 空气清新剂 air freshener 手推车 trolley ) Good afternoon. Information Desk. Is there anything I can do for you? 2) What seems to be the problem, sir? 3) What information would you like to get? 4) Would you like to book an airline ticket? 5) Shall we get a taxi for you? 6) The weather will be very good tomorrow. Have a nice tour!7) The Summer Palace is not far away from here. Youd better take a taxi there.8) You can a subway train there. Its very convenient. 9) The local cuisine here is Sichuan cuisine. Its tasty. 10) If you want to send an e-mail, you can do it in your room or go to the business center.11) OK. Ill do it for you right away. 12) Would you like to leave a message for your friend?13) Ill stick the stamp and sent it for you. 14) Not at all. You are always welcome.Conversation one A: Excuse me, where is the Business Center?B: Its on the sixth floor. Please take the elevator in the lobby and then turn right. It is alongside the corridor. But sir, Im afraid it is closed. A: What? Doesnt it provide 24-hour service? B: Im sorry, sir. The Business Center is open until eleven at night. Now is already half-past eleven. A: But I have to fax an urgent document to the U. S. A right now.B: Dont worry, sir. Would you please give it to me? I could fax it for you. A: Thank you. One more thing, where is the public phone?B: Its behind the elevator. A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome, sirConversation two A: Excuse me, but may I ask you something? B: Yes, of course. What is it?A: Im going to invite a friend to have a dinner with me. Im interested in Beijing Roast Duck. Could you recommend a proper restaurant? B: There are several well-known roast duck restaurants. I recommend you Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Its my favorite one. You may go there. A: Is it far from here?B: Its not quite a distance from here. You can take a taxi to get there.A: All right. III take a taxi. But would you write down the name of the restaurant so that I can show it to the driver? B: No problem. Here you are. A: Id like to ask one more thing. Do you have any idea how much I should pay for the taxi? B: I think around 50 yuan will do. Enjoy yourselves at the restaurant. A:Thank you so much.Three A: 对不起,你能帮个忙么? B: 当然可以。我可以为您效劳什么呢? A: 我今天没事,想去游
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