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1 仁爱版八年级英语 第一部分教材梳理篇 Unit 1 join sb. 表示加人某人的行列,和某人一起。 如: When did he join the army? 他什么时候入伍 的? Will you join us? 你愿意加入我们吗 ? 【链接】(1)当join作不及物动词时, 意为“参加 (某项活动 ) “ ,通常结构为 “join in + 活动名称 “。如: Would you like to join in the match? 你要参加 比赛吗 ? ( 2 ) take part in 指参与某项活动,相当于Join in+活动名称。如 : I took part /joined in her birthday party last night. 昨晚我参加了她的生日晚会。 4. They are leaving for Japan the day after 3 tomorrow. 他们将于后天动身前往日本。 are leaving for并不表示动作现在正在进行, 而 是表示动作将要发生。 某些动词的现在进行时可用 来表示一个最近按计划或已安排好要进行的动作。 如:come , go , do , arrive , start , leave , return , have , stay , spend , sail , meet , fly 等。如 : Are you staying here till tomorrow? 你要在这 儿一直待到明天吗 ? 5. Would you mind teaching me? 请你教我,好吗? Would you mind(sb.) doing sth. ? 是一个常用固 定句型,表示 “请你做某事好吗 ?倘若(某人)做某事 你介意吗 ?“如: Would you mind giving me a hand? 介意帮我 个忙吗? 【链接】(1)否定句为 Would you mind not doing sth. ? 请不要做某事好吗 ?如: Would you mind not smoking here? 请不要在 这吸烟好吗 ? (2) Would you mind if. 此句型用于请求允许 或客气地请人做某事。如 : Would you mind if I open the window? 我打开 窗户好吗 ? (3) Would you mind sb. doing sth. ? 如: Would you mind me sitting here? 也可以说成 Would you mind my sitting here? 肯定回答 : Of course not. /Certainly not. /Never mind. /No , not at all. 否定回答 : Yes , youd better not. /Sorry Im afraid not. 6. I didn t want to miss the goal , either. 我也不想 丢掉那个球。 either“ 也,用于否定句后或否定词组后。如: Peter cant go and I cant , either. 彼得不能去, 我也不能。 I dont like it. Me either. “ “ 我不喜欢它。 “ “我也不喜欢。 “ 此外, either还可指 “两者中的任一个 “。如: You can park on either side of the street. 你可以 将车停在这条街的任何一边。 You can keep either of the two photos. 你可以 保留两张照片中的任何一张。 7. Were sure to win next time. 下次我们一定会 赢。 be sure to do sth. 肯定要做某事 (表将来 )。如: Its sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。 【链接】 be sure+(that) 从句“确信,“如: Im sure (that) he is right. 我确信他是对的。 8. Healthy eating habits and running help to build me up. 健康的饮食习惯和跑步帮助我强健身体。 build up 使, 健康,增强.,.体质。 build up 是一个动词 +副词的短语。这类短语 的宾语是代词时, 代词必须放在动词和副词中 间;如果宾语是名词, 则可放中间, 也可放在副 词后面。此类短语有give up , put up , cheer up , look up , turn up , ring up , take off, wake up , pick up , put off, turn off, see off, put on , cheer on , turn on , try on , put away , throw away , work out , carry out, check over, think over, turn down 等。 9. I have great fun running. 我从跑步中得到很大 乐趣。 have fun doing sth. 从做某事中获得乐趣。如: This term we will have great fun learning English. 这个学期我们将从学习英语中获得很大乐趣。 类似的结构还有 : have difficulty (in) doing sth. have problem (s) (in) doing sth. have trouble (in) doing sth. turn off 关掉, 截断(电流、煤气、水等 ). turn up 与turn down 为 反义词组, turn up开大,调高(音量、热量等 ) ;turn down把, 调低,关小。close 闭上,关,关闭(门 窗、盒子等 ) ;open 开,打开,开启 (门、窗、盒子 等)。 (1)题由Its too noisy. 和a little 可知应填 turn down; (2) 题由“离开时要关灯 “可知应填 Turn off; (3) 题 由“让咱们一起看电视剧吧 “可知应填 Turn on; (4) 题为“张开嘴巴 “应用Open; (5) 题由“ loud“ 以及“ 他们疯狂地跳起舞来 “可知音乐被开大了 , 故填 turned up; ( 6 )题由“以防强光的照射 “可知应是闭 上眼睛,故填 close 。 6. shout at/ shout to (1) The children _ the driver , but he did not hear them. (2) If you dont stop _ me, I11 come and hit you. 【分析比较】 at 和to 与同一动词搭配时,意义有 很大的区别。shout to sb. 表示“大声叫某人 “多因距 离远,声音小听不见。 (1)题意为 “孩子们对着司机 喊叫着,但是他没听见。 “,故填shouted to。 shout at sb. 则表示“生气地或故意地对某人大喊大叫。 “(2)题意为 “你要是不停止冲着我叫嚷, 我就过去揍 你。“, 故填shouting at. Unit 2 核对,检查 worry about 担心,烦恼 get into 进入,到达 in public 当众;公开 all kinds of 各种各样的 hurry up 赶快,快点 go ahead ( 尤指经某人允许 )干下去 ;走剧锢,领先 all the time 一直 keep away (from) 远离 , just a moment 稍等一会儿,请稍等 ring.up 给, 打电话 on the other hand 另一方面 break out( 战争、火灾等 )突然发生,爆发 hand in 上交;交纳 get through 拨通(电话) ;通过 care for 关心;照顾 since then 从那时起 by mistake 错误地 ask for leave 请假征求“。 如: Why dont you ask him for some advice? 你为 什么不征求他的意见 ? Jack is asking for a job. 杰克正在求职。 (2) leave 在这里是名词,是 “假期,休假 “的意 思。 【链接】 leave 作动词时,有 “离开“忘了带, 丢下“;“交托,委托 “等官义。如 : The plane leaves for Tokyo a:t 13: 00. 飞机13:00飞往东京。 Ive left my bag on the bus. 我把包丢在公共汽 车上了。 You can leave the cooking to me. 你可以把做 饭事交给我负责。 4. Standing up late is bad for your health. 熬夜太 晚对你的健康有害。 (1)在这里 staying up 是动名词短语作主语。有 时候动名词也可作主语。如: Dancing is fun. 跳舞是一种乐趣。 Smoking is bad for you. 吸烟对你有害。 (2) be good /bad for 对, 有益/害。如: Walking is good for our health.散步对我们的健 康有益。 5. I must ask him to give up smoking. 我一定得让 他戒烟。 give up (doing) sth. 意为“放弃做某事 “。如: Jim is not good at Chinese and he wants to give it up. 吉姆语文学不好,他想放弃了。 6. You might get a headache when you work too hard or when you dont get enough sleep. 当你工 作太累或睡眠不足时,你可能会头痛。 enough 作形容词时,修饰名词,置于名词的 前后均可。如 : Do you have enough money? 你有足够的钱吗 ? 【链接】 (1) enough 作副词时,修饰形容词或 副词,应置于所修饰的形容词或副词之后。如: She is not old enough to go to school. = She is too young to go to school. 她太小了,还不能上 学。 I didnt get up ear1y enough this morning. 今天 早晨我起得不够早。 (2)enough 作代词,意为 “足够的东西 “。如: I have enough to do. 我要做的事够多了。 7. Its my duty to save patients. 挽救病人的生命 是我的职责。 Its ones duty to do. 做, 是某人的职责。 it 作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语。 如: Its my duty to study well. 好好学习是我的责 任。 【链接】 1. Its necessary for us to drink enough water every day. 我们每天喝足够的水是必要的。 2. Its kind of you to help me. 你帮助我真是太 好了。 第一句中的 necess
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