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一、选派类别和留学期限一、选派类别和留学期限 selected categories and study duration1、博士研究生博士研究生(赴国外攻读博士学位):留学期限为 36-48 个月;Ph.D. ( doctorate abroad ) : study period of 36-48 months ;2、硕士研究生、硕士研究生(赴国外攻读硕士学位):留学期限为 12-24 个月;graduates ( masters degree abroad ) : study period of 12-24 months ; 二、优先资助学科、专业领域二、优先资助学科、专业领域 funding priorities disciplines, professional fields重点选派领域为能源、资源、环境、农业、制造、信息等关键领域及生命、空间、海洋、纳米、新材料等战略领域和人文及应用社会科学。Focus on selected areas of energy, resources, environment, agriculture, manufacturing, information and other key areas of life , space, marine , nano , new materials and other strategic areas and application of social sciences and humanities . 三、资助内容三、资助内容:一般为往返国际旅费和规定留学期间的奖学金生活费。funding Contents: General requirements for the round-trip international travel and living expenses during the study scholarship . 四、申请条件四、申请条件(一)申请人条件(一)申请人条件 the applicant Conditions申请人应为高等学校、企业事业单位、行政机关、科研机构的正式工作人员和在校优秀学生,且符合下列基本条件:Applicants should colleges and universities, enterprises, institutions , administrative agencies, research institutions and regular staff outstanding students at the school and meet the following basic requirements:1、 热爱祖国,热爱社会主义,具有良好的政治和业务素质,无违法违纪记录,在工作、学习中表现突出,学成后回国为祖国建设服务;love the motherland and socialism , with good political and professional qualities , no law and discipline records, work, study, outstanding performance , upon graduation returned to the motherland construction services ; 2、具有良好专业基础和发展潜力,外语水平达到国家留学基金资助出国留学外语条件规定的要求;has a good professional basis and development potential, foreign language proficiency to achieve “ national language study abroad Funding conditions “ requirements ; 3、身心健康;physical and mental health ;4、曾经享受国家留学基金资助出国留学的人员,回国后工作一般须满五年方可再次申请。who enjoy the state funded study abroad personnel , after returning to work for five years before they are generally required to re-apply . (二)申请类别及要求(二)申请类别及要求博士研究生博士研究生 PhD申请时年龄不超过 35 岁(1975 年 3 月 20 日以后出生),具有硕士学位,或申请时为应届本科毕业生,或在读硕士生(含应届硕士毕业生)或博士一年级学生。来自高等院校的申请人申请时应为就读高校的全日制在读学生(委托培养和定向生除外)。申请时须提交国外教育机构的入学通知书复印件、免学费或获得学费资助证明复印件、雅思/托福考试成绩单复印件或外方院校/导师出具的外语合格证明。入学时间原则上为申请当年。Application, not older than 35 years ( March 20, 1975 after the birth ) , with a masters degree , or an application for the fresh graduates or graduate students in reading ( including fresh graduates ) or PhD first year students . Applicants from universities should apply to attend college full-time students in reading ( except commissioned training and targeted students ) . Application shall be submitted to the admission of foreign educational institutions photocopy , free tuition fee subsidy certificate or obtain copies of IELTS / TOEFL transcripts or foreign institution / tutor issued by foreign certification. Intake principle is the year of application . 1、选拔办法选拔办法 selection methods采取“个人申请、单位推荐、专家评审、择优录取”的方式进行选拔。凡符合申请条件的中国公民,均可按规定的程序申请。to take “ individual applications , the unit recommendation, expert evaluation , merit “ approach to selection . Who meet the eligibility criteria of the Chinese citizens can apply for the required procedures . 2、受理方式、受理方式 the admissibility of way留学基金委委托各受理单位统一受理本地区的申请。受理单位负责接受咨询、受理、审核申请材料;留学基金委一般不直接受理个人及单位的申请。, CSC entrusted with receiving units to accept all of the region applications . Receiving unit is responsible for counseling , acceptance, review the application materials ; CSC generally do not directly accept applications for individuals and units . 3、评审、录取、评审、录取 accreditation and admission留学基金委将根据项目具体要求组织专家对申请材料进行评审,并根据专家评审意见确定录取人员名单。录取通知将根据项目要求通过各有关受理机构转发或由留学基金委直接发至申请人所在单位。CSC will be based on the specific requirements of the project organized experts to review the application materials , and according to experts opinions to determine a list of persons admitted . Admission notice will be based on the project requirements through the relevant appellate body or forwarded by CSC sent directly to the applicants unit . 4、派出及管理、派出及管理 sending and managing留学人员在派出前,须与留学基金委签订资助出国留学协议书并办理公证、交存保证金和国际旅行健康证明书,审核后再予办理签证、预订机票等派出手续。派出后应遵守国家留学基金资助出国留学人员的有关规定及资助出国留学协议书的有关约定。留学期间,留学人员应自觉接受驻外使(领)馆教育处(组)的管理。Personnel sent abroad shall, before signing with the CSC “ funded study abroad agreement“ and notarial deposit margin and the “ international travel health certificate “,booking airline tickets and other dispatch procedures. After sending Scholarship Fund shall comply with study abroad personnel requirements and the “financing agreement to study abroad ,“ the relevant conventions. Study period , students should consciously accept the embassy ( consulate) Department of Education ( group ) management . 5、具体条件、具体条件 the specific conditions一、申请自费留学,一般应具备以下四项基本条件: 有一定标准的外语水平 有一定自理能力 有充足的经济来源 身体健康 A certain standards of foreign languages, self-care ability ,sufficient financial resources,and be in good health.二、申请人的外语条件 foreign institutions Foreign applicants for studying conditions国外学校对留学申请者都有一定的外语水平要求,只是不同的国家不同的学校有不同的标准。赴美、英、澳、加、新等通用英语的国家学习,需通过英语熟练程度考试,如TOFEL、GRE、ESE、GMAT、MELAB、IELTS 等。以 IELTS 为例,中国大陆学生申请赴英、澳、新留学,研究生须 6.5 分以上。A
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