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辽师大版(三起)六年级英语下册阶段测试(六)辽师大版(三起)六年级英语下册阶段测试(六)小学资源网 http:/www.xj5u.com/一、写出下列词组:一、写出下列词组:(15 分分)扫地_ 切面包_ 列一张单_ 做好准备_煮面条_ 试试看_ 写信_ 第二组_整理我的房间_ 练太极_二、将下列词组译成汉语:二、将下列词组译成汉语:(15 分分)vegetables_ clean the desk_ go boating_do morning exercises_ collect inseets_ climb the hill_take pictures_ go ballooning_三、找出读音不同的一个词:三、找出读音不同的一个词:(8 分分)1.( )a.funny b.sky c.try2.( )a.hen b.pink c.ince3.( )a.face b.pencil c.cake4.( )a.is b.bus c.nose5.( )a.glass b.orange c.girl6.( )a.way b.Monday c.day7.( )a.doctor b.home c.go8.( )a.ill b.swing c.bike四、选择:四、选择:(15 分分)1.There _ some apples on the desk.A.is B.are C.am2.Do you _ a big football?A.has B.are C.have3.Are they singing _ dancing?A.and B.or C.to4.Im _ fishing.A.go B.going C.cook5.How busy _ are!A.they B.them C.their6.I want _ clean the chairs.A.of B.to C.and7._ fresh the air is!A.What B.Where C.How8.Hes _ a report.A.writing B.write C.writeing9.What _ they doing?A.do B.are C.does10.There _ a lot of books.A.is B.have C.are11._ she drinking?A.Whats B.Is C.Does12.Lets _ the piano.A.playing B.play C.plays13.He is _ a can.A.open B.opening C.openning14._ the girl doing?A.Where B.What C.Whats15.Time _ dinner.A.to B.for C.of五、选出错误的一项,并改正。五、选出错误的一项,并改正。(10 分分)1.Tom is sitting in the left.( )( )a b c2.Lets go and have look.( )( )a b c3.Are the boys eatting?( )( )a b c4.Group 1 is making a picture.( )( )a b c5.Theyre not eating and drinking.( )( )a b c六、根据问或答完成对话:六、根据问或答完成对话:(10 分分)1._?Im mopping the floor.2.Are they fighting? _3.Whos taking pictures? _4._? He is riding a bike.5.Are you listening to music? _七、完成下列词组:七、完成下列词组:(8 分分)1._ the middle 2._ the time 3.all kinds _ 4.next _5._ the paper 6.between_ 7._ sailing 8._ handstands八、连词成句:八、连词成句:(10 分分)1.my, are, binoculars, where?2.you, drawing, are, pictures?3.tomorrow, hiking, are, going, we.4.am, I, not, stones, collecting5.playing, ar, football, they九、作文:九、作文:(介绍你的家人或朋友在干什么?介绍你的家人或朋友在干什么?)_小学资源网 http:/www.xj5u.com/
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