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三年级英语期末综合测试卷(一)三年级英语期末综合测试卷(一) 2013.12013.1 班级:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_ 听力部分(50 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项(8 分) ( ) 1. A. GN B. JM C. JN ( ) 2. A. CSX B. SXZ C.XCZ ( ) 3. A. pdb B. qbd C.qdb ( ) 4. A. iar B. lar C.ril ( ) 5. A. Miss B. Mike C. class ( ) 6. A. this doll B. that ball C. the puppet ( ) 7. A. hes B. shes C. its ( ) 8. A. Youre right. B. Its great. C. Its for you. 二、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,对的打“” ,错打“” (8 8 分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,将相关图片连线。 (8 分)四、听录音,给下列句子标上正确序号。 (7 分) ( ) Happy Birthday, Miss Li.( ) See you, my friends. ( ) Look, this is my father and this is me. ( ) What colour is that new T-shirt ? ( ) Hes Mr Zhang. Hes my uncle. ( ) Would you like a pie or a sweet? ( ) This is for me and that is for you. 五、听问句,找答句。 (6 分) ( ) 1. A. Nice to meet you. B. How nice! C. See you next time. ( ) 2. A. This is a robot. B. Thats a CD. C. Its an apple. ( ) 3. A. Its great. B. Yes, please. C. Its a CD. ( ) 4. A. Its a car. B. Thank you. C. Happy Birthday ( ) 5. A. Yes, Im Joe. B. No, Im Tom. C. No, Im not. ( )6. A. Shes my grandma. B. This is my father. C. Shes my friend. 六、听录音,判断所听句子与所给情景是否相符,用 或 表示。 (5 5 分)1. 下午放学时你对李老师说:2. 想问手边的物品是什么,说:3. 向别人展示自己的新玩具,说:4. 想问这个球是什么颜色的,说:5. 当别人送礼物给你,你可以说:七、按要求,写出你听到的字母或字母组合。 (8 分)单个字母大小写大写字母组合小写字母组合笔试部分 (50 分) 一、写出所给字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写。(6 分) 1. Nn 2. F 3. j 4. Yy 5. R 6. u二、选择。(15 分) ( ) 1. -What colour is your jacket? - _.A. Its great. B. How nice! C. Its yellow. ( ) 2. This is my father. _.A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you. C. Great. ( ) 3. Look at my toy car . _.A. How nice! B. Yes, please. C. It is for you. ( ) 4. Would you like an ice cream? _.A. No, Im not. B. Yes, I am. C. No, thanks. ( ) 5. Happy Birthday , Mike.A. Happy Birthday! B. Thank you. C. Its nice. ( ) 6. This is Miss Li. Shes _ teacher.(老师)A. a ; my B. / ; my C. my ; a ( ) 7. _ you Paul ? No, _.A. Is ; Im not B. Are ; I am. C. Are ; Im Tom ( ) 8. This is _ new cap. Its _ orange.A. a ; an B. an ; a C. a ; / ( ) 9. _ that ? Its a CD.A. What B. What about C. Whats ( ) 10. This is Alice. _my sister.A. Hes B. Shes C. Its ( ) 11. 当你想把娃娃送给对方时,说:A. This ball is for you. B. This doll is for you. C. Its a doll. ( ) 12. 问对方是否要一个热狗,可以说:A. Would you like a dog? B. What about a hot dog? C. Look at the hot dog. ( ) 13. 告诉对方这是一顶棕色的帽子,可以说:A. What colour is this cap ? B. Its a brown cap. C. Look at my cap. ( ) 14.你让别人看你的全家福,可以说:A. Look at my friend. B. Look at my family. C. Look ,this is my father. ( ) 15.下午李老师上课前会说:A. Good afternoon, Miss Li. B. Hello, Miss Li. C. Good afternoon, class. 三、情境匹配。 (8 分) ( ) 1. Look at my T-shirt. A. Its a robot. ( ) 2. This robot is for you. B. How nice! Thank you. ( ) 3. Hi, are you Tim? C. Its great. ( ) 4. Would you like a pie ? D. Happy New Year ! ( ) 5. Happy New Year to you! E. Id like a pie, please. ( ) 6. Whats this ? F. Yes, youre right. ( )7. Jack is my new friend. G. No, thanks . ( )8. What would you like? H. Hes my friend, too. 四、连词成句。 (5 分)1. for , this , sister , doll , is , my (.)2. that , a, is , car , yellow (.)3. friend , he, new , is ,my (.)4. about , this , T-shirt ,what ,green (?)5. at , family , look , my (.)五、看图,完成句子。 (10 分) 1. -Whats _? -Its a _. 2. -_ at my _. -Its nice!3. -This _ is _you. -Thank you. I like it.4. -Would you like _ _? -Yes, please.5. -This is Yang Ling. _ is my friend. - Nice to_ you.六、选择正确的句子,完成对话,将序号填在横线上。(6 分) All: _ , Sam. Sam: Thank you. Dog: _ . Sam: Wow, a blue and white cap. I like the colour. Bobby: _. Sam: Thank you. Whats this ? Bobby: _. Sam: _. Would you like some sweets ? All: _. 三年级英语期末综合练习卷三年级英语期末综合练习卷( (一一) ) 听力稿听力稿 一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项 1. JM 2. SXZ 3. qdb 4. ril 5. Miss 6. the puppet 7. shes 8. Youre right. 二、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,对的打“” ,错打“” (8 8 分) 1.- Good afternoon, dear. -Good afternoon, Mum. 2.-Would you like this T-shirt ? -Yes, please. 3.- Hi ,Sam . This is my sister, Tina. Hello! 4. -Would you like a hot dog ? Yes, please. 5. -What would you like, girl ? -Id like a cake and an
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