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单元练习题一 用适合的情态动词填空: 1. - _I use your ruler, Kate ?- Of course, you_, Sandy.2. _ you tell me the way to the History Museum, sir?3.-_I ask you some questions, Mr Wu?-Yes, you _.4.-_I watch TV now, Mum?- Yes, you _, but you _ finish your homework first. 5.- _ your sister speak English well, too?-No, she _.二 用宾语从句完成下列句子1 Earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. Most people believe _.2. We may even live in a dome with ten bedrooms.Do you think _?3.He has time to play football with me.I am sure_.4. The film will begin at 7 tomorrow evening.Tell him _.5. Humans need water, food and air to survive.Everyone knows _.
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