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期末练习题(一)期末练习题(一)笔试部分(共笔试部分(共 80 分)分) I. 词汇。(10 分) A) 根据句意及所给首字母,完成单词。 (5 分) 1 Our teachers are having a m _ in the teachers office. 2 Can I b _ your bike? Mine is broken. 3 Lucy h _ traveling by plane, but she likes taking the train. 4 Thank you very much for i _ me to your party. 5 Please dont play w _ that dog. Its dirty. B) 根据英文解释写出单词。(5 分) 6 t _: young people between 13-19 years old 7 b _: not interesting 8 t _: something unuseful 9 c _: some housework 10 f _: give food to II. 单项选择。(5 分) 11. Here are some books. Could you please _ ? A. take out them B. take them out C. take out it D. take it out 12. Dont go out to play. You _ finish your homework first. A. must B. have C. had D. had to 13. Could I _ ten yuan from you? I will give it to you next week. A. borrow B. give C. send D. help 14. He needs _ his room. A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleans D. clean 15. I could _ my bed and _ my clothes. A. make; fold B. make; do C. fold; do D. fold; wash III. 连词成句。(10 分) 16 I hope, Thursday, next, to my party, come, can, you _ 17. me, pass, you, salt, some, could _ 18. asking, me, your, party, thanks very much, for, to _ 19. have a cup of tea, may, I, please _ 20. speak to Bruce, I , could, please _ IV. 按要求转换句子,每空一词。(10 分) 21. Would you like to answer the questions?(改为同义句) _ _ _ answer the questions? 22. I can buy some snacks.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ buy _ snacks? 23. I got to their home, but they werent in.(改为同义句) There werent _ _when I got there. 24. He is going to look after his grandma. (改为同义句)He is going to _ _ _his grandma. 25. You need to exercise more to keep fit.(改为同义句) You need to_ more _to keep _ . V. 根据答语写出问句。(10 分) 26. - _? -Sorry. I have no money with me. 27. - _? - Because it is very boring. 28. - _? -No, I hate playing computer games. 29. - _? -Sorry, Im busy. Ask Tom to open it. 30. - _? -Sorry. I am going to use my bike. VI. 下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。(5 分) 31. How about wash the car now? 32. I hate to do the dish, because its boring. 33. Could you please go shop with me? 34. He usually cleans his room before school, but sometime he forgets to do it. 35. Could you buy any apples for me, Mum? VII. 翻译句子。(10 分) 根据所给汉语,用英语完成句子,每空一词。 36. 你能帮我打扫起居室吗? _ you help me_the living room? 37. 我讨厌做家务。 I _ _ the chores. 38. 我和我父母打算明天去度假。 My parents and I are going _ _ tomorrow. 39. 妈妈,不要忘了喂金鱼。 Mom, dont _ _ _ the goldfish. 40. 我喜欢洗车,但不喜欢散步。 I like_the car, but I dont like to_for a walk. VIII. 用适当的词完成句子。(10 分) A: Hello, Wang Wei!Could you help me, please? B: Certainly!_ (41) can I do for you? A: I _ (42) to move the writing desk, but its _ (4) heavy. B: Where do you want to_ (4) it? A: I want to put it in the next room. B: OK. _ (45) we go now? A: Yes. Lets go. B: Oh. Its so heavy. Is it _ (46)? A: No. Its full _ (47) books. B: I see. Why _(48) you take_ (49)the books? A: Thats a _ (50) idea. IX. 阅读理解:(10 分) The teacher is giving his students a written examination. He wants them to write a composition(作文). The title is My Dog, no less than 150 words. Little Tom thinks for a moment, then he begins to write, “I have a dog. I call him Bobby. I like my dog. He is all black, only the nose is white.“ Tom stops writing for a moment and continues,“Every day I take Bobby out for a walk. He likes having a walk, and I like giving him. We both like it.“ He counts(数) the words: 67. Tom scratches(抓) his head, looks out of the window, looks at the blackboard and continues,“Bobby likes sugar, so I often give him some sugar. But sometimes we do not have any sugar in the house, and then I do not give him any. “ He stops for a long time. Suddenly a thought strikes(敲,打) him. He smiles happily and writes quickly, “When I want Bobby to come, I callBobby. If he doesnt come, I call again,Bobby!Bobby!If he still doesnt come, I just callBobby! Bobby! Bobby!“ Tom counts the words: 149. He adds one more “Bobby“ and writes his name at the bottom of the paper and hands it in to the teacher. 根据短文内容和单词首字母提示完成下面的句子。 51. The teacher w_ the students to w_ a composition. 52. Now Tom is at s _. 53. Tom doesnt t _ hard w _ he writes the composition. 54. There is a d _ in T _ home. 55. At l _, Tom a _ a word “Bobby“ in his composition. 笔试部分 I. 1. meeting 2. borrow 3. hates 4. inviting 5.
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