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Abstracti硕硕士学位士学位论论文文基于基于产产品品线线的的软软件开件开发发技技术术研究及研究及应应用用Abstractii摘要随着软件技术的不断发展,软件重用成为提高软件生产效率的一个核心问题。就目前来看,不管是面向结构还是面向对象的重用都是属于小粒度的源代码级重用,而构件技术的出现虽然实现了软件重用的大粒度,但是构件模型在系统需要一种基于领域的大规模软件重用的开发活动中不能起到很好的效果。基于此,软件产品线应运而生,软件产品线工程不仅能够降低开发成本还可以大大缩短产品上市时间,极大地改善了软件开发过程。在软件复用方面达到了空前未有的高水平。本课题根据软件产品线技术的研究现状,分析软件产品线的优势、生命周期、难点与误区。在此基础上做成一个产品线模型做成工具。该工具的开发过程以产品线作为指导思想,以方便快捷的做成产品线模型为目标。做成后被作为核心资产在产品线的持续开发中起到至关重要的作用。之后该工具应用在自动售货机电机部分软件系统的开发上,做成了电机部分的平台无关模型。目标主要是为了验证模型做成工具作为核心资产,在产品线的持续开发中起到的关键作用,为产品线的开发打下坚实基础。关关键词键词: : 产品线技术,产品线模型做成工具,自动售货机浙江大学硕士学位论文 AbstractiiiAbstractWith the continuous development of software technology, software reuse has become a core issue to improve the production efficiency of software problems. From the current point of view, whether it is structure-oriented or object-oriented reuses belong to the source code-level reuse in small granularity. Although the emergence of component technology to achieve the software reuse in large granularity, the component model cant play a good effect when the system requires a development activity based on the field of large-scale software reuse. As a result, software product line arises at the historic moment. The engineering of software product line can not only reduce the development costs, greatly shorten the product time to market, but also optimize the process of software development. In the aspect of software reuse has reached the unprecedented high level as well. According to the current research status of software product line technology, this topic analyzes the advantages, life cycle, difficulties and misunderstandings of software product line, and makes a product line modeling tool on this basis. The development process of the tool regards product line as the guiding ideology, in order to make product line model in a convenient and efficient way for the target. After being made, the products play a crucial role in the continuous development as the core assets in line. Then, the application in the automatic vending machine on the part of the software system development used by the tool, and made it to the platform independent model of motor parts successfully. The main goal is to verify the model which made tool as the core asset plays a significant part in the product line of continuous development, and lay a solid foundation for the development of product line at the same time.Key Words: Product line technology, Product line modeling tool, Vending machine 浙江大学硕士学位论文 目录I目目录录摘要.i Abstract.ii 图目录 .III 表目录.IV 第 1 章 绪论 .1 1.1 引言.1 1.1 论文研究背景与意义.1 1.2 产品线技术国内外研究现状.2 1.3 论文的研究内容及组织结构.3 1.4 本章小结.4 第 2 章 软件产品线技术相关研究现状 .5 2.1 软件产品线基本理论.5 2.2 核心资产开发的定义.6 2.2.1 什么是产品开发.7 2.2.2 管理的作用.8 2.3 软件产品线的实践域.8 2.4 软件产品线的优势.9 2.5 本章小结.12 第 3 章 软件产品线技术实现与应用难点分析 .13 3.1 产品线方法实现的基本原则.13 3.2 产品线方法的生命周期.14 3.3 产品线方法的开发特点.
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