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西藏大学本科生毕业论文(设计)本科生毕业论文(设计)题目:题目:基于基于 JavaJava 平台藏式打骰子的设计与实现平台藏式打骰子的设计与实现院(部)院(部) 藏文信息技术研究中心藏文信息技术研究中心 专业年级专业年级 1111 计算机教育计算机教育 班班 姓姓 名名 雷清波雷清波 学学 号号 2205114013522051140135 指导教师指导教师 普布旦增普布旦增 职职 称称 二二一五年一月一日一五年一月一日西藏大学本科生毕业论文(设计)原创性及知识产权声明西藏大学本科生毕业论文(设计)原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在导师的指 导下取得的成果。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和 集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文(设计)引起的 法律结果完全由本人承担。 本毕业论文(设计)成果归西藏大学所有。特此声明毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 作者专业:计算机科学与技术(师范)作者学号:220511401352015 年 01 月 01 日基于 JavaJava 平台的藏式打骰子的设计与实现摘要摘要现在市场上的游戏多种多样,种类各异、功能齐全、界面优美、不仅拥有人性化的设计,而且还满足了人们的娱乐需要,即吸引了人们的眼球又使人流连忘返;但是这些游戏的侧重点在于娱乐,在于吸引人的目光,而非文化的传承与弘扬没有实际的现实意义。在西北西藏地区,有一款名为藏式打骰子游戏,具有很高的传统文化意义。就当地人群而言(主要集中为藏族) ,基本是人人都参与的娱乐游戏;为了使这款游戏信息化、大众化,一款藏式打骰子电子游戏具备了开发的可行性。本论文的藏式打骰子采用了Eclipse编辑工具和Java语言对本款游戏进行设计、开发与实现。介绍了本款游戏的开发环境及相关技术的实现,给出了设计过程、流程图等实施方案,并对本款游戏中的复杂算法做出了详情分析,同时还对开发中遇到的问题给出了解决方案。该打骰子游戏除了具有普通娱乐的打骰子基本功能外,主要特色在于它的益智(如:吃子、走子、叠子) ;除此之外,它占用空间小,界面设计精美独特(界面中加入了少量藏文,采用具有当地特色的背景图片、背景音乐) ,给人以别具一格的感觉。关键词:关键词:JavaJava;打骰子;藏式;打骰子;藏式AbstractNow in market game many and varied, the type each different, the function complete, the contact surface artistic, and has the user friendly design, both has met the people entertainment needs, also has attracted peoples eyeball; But its emphasis point lies in the entertainment, but the non- cultural inheritance with brings honor. In the Tibet area, section “the Tibet Type Hits Dice“ to have its particularity, the serviceability actually, speaking of the local main crowd, the main centralism is the Tibetan national minority; Speaking of the market demand and the feasibility, a section Tibet type hit the dice game the development to have the feasibility. The present paper Tibet type hit the dice to use the Eclipse edition tool and the Java language carries on the design, the development and the realization to this section game. Introduced this section game development environment and the correlation technology, has analyzed the feasibility which this section game develops, also has given implementation plans and so on design process, flow chart, and has made the details analysis to in this section game complex algorithm, meanwhile to developed the question which met to give the solution. This dozen dice game besides has the ordinary entertainment to hit the dice basic function, the main characteristic lies in its longan (for example: Eats the child, walks, folds the child); In addition, it takes the space to be young, the contact surface design fine unique (in contact surface has joined few Tibetan, uses has local characteristic background picture, background music), for the human by the feeling which has a distinctive style.Key word: Java; Hits the dice; Tibet type目目 录录摘要.III Abstract.III Key word: Java; Hits the dice; Tibet type .IV 一、引言.1 1.1 项目背景.1 1.2 实现的基本目标和研究内容.1 二、开发环境及相关技术.2 2.1 Java 简介.2 2.2 Java 开发环境设置.2 2.3 已具备的知识条件.7 2.4 已有的实践创新基础.7 三、打骰子的可行性分析.7 3.1 功能需求(图片与文字结合).7 3.1.1 打骰子的基本控制需求.8 3.1.2 功能键分析.8 3.1.2 益智性需求分析.10 3.2 技术支撑.
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