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洛洛 阳阳 理理 工工 学学 院院毕毕 业业 设设 计(论计(论 文)文) 题目题目自激式开关电源设计自激式开关电源设计2013 年年 3 月月 18 日日自激式开关电源设计摘 要电源犹如人体的心脏,是所有电设备的的动力,但电源却不像心脏那样形式单一。因为标志电源特性的参数有功率、电压、频率、噪音及带负载时参数的变化等,在同一参数要求下,又有体积。重量、形态、效率、可靠性等指标。人们洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)II可按此去“塑造和完美电源,因此电源的形式是极多的。本设计重点介绍开关电源的原理和设计方法。论文主要完成的内容有:(1)根据设计需要选择开关电源电路;(2)设计输入整流滤波电路,并确定相关器件参数;(3)设计输出电路,并确定相关器件参数;(4)设计电压反馈电路;(5)通过实验和计算对设计中的数据进行验证。广义上说,凡用半导体功率器件作为开关,将一种电源形态转变成为另一形态的主电路都叫做开关变换器电路,转变时用自动控制闭环稳定输出并有保护环节则称为开关电源。开关电源主要组成部分是 DC-DC 变换器,因为它是变换的核心,涉及频率变换。关键词: 开关电源,可靠性,反馈电路,频率变换洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)IIISelf-excited Switching PowerABSTRACTPower is like the heart of the human body, is the power of all electrical equipment, but not like heart, form a single power supply. Because mark power characteristic parameters are power, voltage, frequency, noise, and the load parameters, such as the change of the parameters in the same request, and volume. Weight, shape, efficiency, reliability index. People can click here to go to “shape and perfect the power and therefore is very much in the form of power. This design mainly introduces principle and design method of switching power supply. The main content of the papers are: (1)Choose switching power supply circuit based on the requirement; (2)Design input rectifier filter circuit and identify the relevant device parameters; (3)Design rectifier output and establish the relevant device parameters; (4)Design voltage feedback circuit; (5)Validate data of the designing by adoption of experimental and computations.In a broad sense, all with a semiconductor power device as a switch, a new form of power will be transformed into another form of main circuit are called switch converter circuit, shift when using automatic control closed-loop stable output link is called switching power supply and protection. Switching power supply is the main part of DC - DC converter, because it is the core of the transformation, frequency conversion.KEY WORDS: Switching Power Supply, reliability, feedback circuit, frequency transformation洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)IV目目 录录前 言.1第 1 章 开关电源基础.21.1 开关电源功能 .21.2 开关电源的结构 .21.3 开关电源的工作原理 .21.4 开关电源的组成 .41.5 开关电源的特点 .51.6 开关电源的分类 .61.7 开关电源的主要技术指标 .12第二章 开关器件.132.1 开关器件概述 .132.2 开关器件的分类 .132.3 二极管 .162.3.1 开关二极管.162.3.2 稳压二极管.162.3.3. 快速恢复二极管及超快速恢复二极管.172.4 开关晶体管 .182.4.1 电力场效应晶体管 MOSFET.182.4.2 绝缘栅双极晶体管 IGBT.20第三章 自激式开关电源.223.1 自激式开关电源的简介 .223.2 自激式开关电源的结构和保护电路 .223.2.1 自激式降压电源的结构和工作原理.223.2.2 降压型电源保护电路.233.2.2 降压型电源保护电路.243.3 自激式开关电源的保护电路总结 .263.3 自激电源的优化 .273.3.1 增大降压比控制.27洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文)V3.3.2 自激电源的同步控制.29第 4 章 打印机开关电源的设计.334.2 打印机开关电源特点 .334.3 电路实例分析 .34结 论.37谢 辞.38参考文献.
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