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.单词荟萃1accommodate v. 提供住处;容纳;适应 _ n. 住宿, 住所;适应2. _ n. 建设 construct v. 建设3historical adj. 历史的, 有关历史的 _ adj. 有历史意义的 _ n. 历史4narrow adj. 狭窄的, 狭隘的 v. (使)变窄 _ adv. 狭隘地, 勉强地5. _ adj. 全球的 globe n. 全球, 地球6observatory n. 观察台 _ v. 观察 observation n. 观察7. _ adj. 有雾的 fog n. 雾 8. _ v. 迁移;除去, 拿走 removal n除去, 消除;移动, 搬迁.短语检测1起源于 2非常重要 3渴望;梦想 4阻止;退缩 5变为现实;实现 6为提供 7把用于(做)某事 8结束;终止 9讲得通;有意义 10飞越上空 date back to/date from of great importance dream of hold back come true providefor use for (doing) sth. bring an end to make sense fly over .佳句再现1 wrote a poem _ “walls of stone to _ clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges”. 毛泽东写过一首词, 在这首词中, 他表达了“更立西江石壁, 截断巫山云雨, 高峡出平湖”的理想。2The dam will generate electricity _ about 40 million tons of coal _ so much air pollution. 大坝将要产生相当于燃烧4000万吨煤所产生的电量, 但是却不会造成那么严重的空气污染。3Lighting _ the Empire State Building about _. 闪电一年大约袭击帝国大厦500次。.词汇学习1 date n日期;时期;约会 vt.注明日期;约会out of date过时的;废弃的 up to date 现代的;时新的to date到目前为止 date back to/from 追溯到;始于【温馨提示】date back to和date from作谓语时无被动语态, 而且往往用于一般现在时。【活学活用】The church can _ the 13th century. 这座教堂的历史可以追溯到13世纪。2 accommodate v. 容纳;适应accommodation n住处,适应 accommodate sb. for the night留某人过夜accommodate (oneself) to doing/sth. (使自己)适应【活学活用】(1)He soon _ the new environment. 他很快适应了新环境。(2)How many people _? 大厅能容纳多少人?3 remove v.移开, 去掉, 清除;开除;迁移【易混辨析】remove 和moveremove和 move都表示“移动”。区别是:move强调位置和姿态的改变;remove则指“拿走, 撤走, 去除(take away from/get rid of)”等义, 强调完全放弃原来的地方而达到新的位置。表示“迁居”时, 二者均可。如:Who moved my cheese? 谁动了我的奶酪? Please remove the dishes (from the table). 请把碗碟(从餐桌上)拿走。【活学活用】用move或remove的适当形式填空(1)The danger was suddenly _. (2)He tried to _ the dirty marks on the wall. (3)Please_ your chair closer to me. .短语学习1 make sense 有意义;有道理make sense of 了解的意义;懂得in a/some sense 在某个意义上sense of humour/direction/shame/responsibility 幽默感/方向感/羞耻感/责任感sense sth./that 意识到, 感觉到【经典句式】It makes sense to do sth. 做某事是合情合理的/有道理的。There is no sense (in) doing sth. 做某事没有意义。【活学活用】(1) _ keep cattle on the hillside. 在山坡上养牛是明智之举。(2)Can you _ this poem?你看得懂这首诗吗?(3)What you say is true _. 你的话在某种意义上属实。2 hold back 阻挡;抑制, 控制;隐瞒;退缩, 犹豫;阻碍进步或发展hold on 不挂断(电话);坚持住 hold on to 抓住不放, 留住不卖hold out 伸出;维持, 坚持 hold up 延误;使耽搁(常用于被动语态)get/catch/take hold of 抓住, 握住【活学活用】1根据语境为hold back选择合适的英语释义a. to make someone or something stop moving forward b. to stop yourself from feeling or showing a particular emotion c. to keep sth. secret d. to be unwilling to do sth. because of fear or being careful or to make sb. unwilling to do sth. e. to prevent someone or something from making progress (1)Tell me all about itdont hold anything back! _ (2)She wanted to tell him but pride held her back. _ (3)Anger flooded through her. She couldnt hold it back. _ (4)The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. _ (5)They felt the economy in this country was being held back by too many government controls. _ 2用hold相关短语的适当形式填空(1)She just managed _ her anger. (2)She _, not knowing how to break the terrible news. (3)supplies couldnt _ long. (4)They managed _ until help arrived. (5)Our flight _ by fog. As a result, I was late for an important meeting. These books are of great help to you. These books are very helpful to you. 这些书对你很有帮助。句型学习A temple is a place of great importance to Buddhists. 寺庙对于佛教徒来说是一个重要的地方。【句式点拨】be of value/use/help/difference/importance 等抽象名词, 可用其同根形容词 valuable/useful/helpful/different/important 等替换, 且这些抽象名词前可用 little, some, any, no, great 等修饰。如:These books are of great help to you. These books are very helpful to you. 这些书对你很有帮助。【相关拓展】(1)be of color/age/size/shape等普通名词。如:Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes and of different metals. 硬币可能大小、重量、形状不同, 所用金属材料不同。(2)be of a(n)/one 名词, 表示“同一的”。如:They are of a color. 他们的颜色一样。(3)be of 普通名词或物质名词, 表示“由制成”,“由组成”。如:The small bridge is of stone. The small bridge is made of stone. 小桥是由石头做成的。【活学活用】(1)It is _ to you. It is_ to you. 这个东西对你没用。(2)These cars are _. 这些车大小一样。.选词填空in particular, dream of, hold back, come true, bringto an end 1No one can _ the wheel of history.2The risk is that Europe will get hit harder, _ its financial system.3I used to _ becoming an actor, now I have realized I will never.4I believe my dream will _ one day.5That our father came _ our discussion _.单项填空12010湖北卷 After the e
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