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中国最大的论文知识平台中国最大的论文知识平台 www.lwxiezuo.com摘摘 要要本文首先介绍了格莱斯会话含义理论,包括会话含义的五个特点、合作原则的发展历程、其中四准则的具体内容以及合作原则的应用。然后对大学英语四、六级测试中的对话型听力理解题做了介绍和分析,指出其命题方式和测试重点与难点。结合合作原则的四准则,阐述了四、六级对话型听力理解真题中违反四准则的情况并据此分成四类,由此不仅总结出四种类型题目的一些特点,还阐明了合作原则四准则在解答对话型听力理解题时所起的作用。最后结合大学英语四、六级对话型听力理解真题,例举了相关且有代表性的题目,提出了一些解题思路与技巧。关键词:会话含义;合作原则;四准则;对话型听力;解题思路 中国最大的论文知识平台中国最大的论文知识平台 www.lwxiezuo.comABSTRACTThe paper first introduces Gricean conversational implicature theory, including five properties of conversational implicature, development of the cooperative principle, contents of the four maxims and application of the CP. It then explores examination proposition, test orientation and difficult points of the conversational listening comprehension in CET-4 cooperative principle; four maxims; conversational listening comprehension; solutions 中国最大的论文知识平台中国最大的论文知识平台 www.lwxiezuo.comContents1Introduction.12. Gricean conversational implicature theory.22.1 Five properties of conversational implicature.32.2 Introduction and development of cooperative principle .52.3 Contents of cooperative principle .72.4 Application of cooperative principle.93. A brief introduction of listening comprehension in CET-4 2) theoretical research in which different views are aired about the CP; 3) practical application in which application of the CP is attempted in various fields94. In the process of the research, there are some critiques on the CP and its associated maxims. In an article entitled On the Limitations of the CP, Zhang Chunlong(1995) argues that Grices description of the relation maxim is too vague, and that Grices emphasis on the speakers instead of on the hearers or both is itself incomprehensive1086-89. Gao Weidong analyzes two basic concepts“cooperation” and “principle” in his article “Cooperation”and “Principle” in the CP. He finds that whether the CP is understood as an absolute principle or a relevant one, there might be problems. Thus, Gao concludes that the CP is both vague and inconsistent116-9. These critiques are of great help to a better and deeper understanding of the CP. Although there are some critiques, the CP with its maxims is not only a kind of attempt but also a contribution to the field of pragmatics.2.3 Contents of cooperative principleIt is H.P. Grice that first phrased the theory of the Cooperative Principle in his William James Lectures at Harvard in 1967. Grices theory is about how people use language. He believes that there is a set of assumptions that may be formulated as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in the conduct of conversation. These assumptions jointly express a general principle governing conversations. That is the Cooperative Principle: Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged12. Besides Grice derives a set of maxims concerning what should be 中国最大的论文知识平台中国最大的论文知识平台 www.lwxiezuo.comsaid in a conversation and how it should be said. He identifies four basic maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relevance and Manner as guidelines for the efficient and effective use of language in conversation. This means people need to convey their ideas efficiently, truly, relevantly and clearly in conversations. The cooperative principle has the following maxims.Table 1The Four Maxims of the CPWHAT SHOULD BE SAIDN1. Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange).N2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.Q1. Do not say what you believe to be false.Q2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.R1. Be relevantHOW IT SHOULD BE SAID M1. Avoid obscurity of expression.M2. Avoid ambiguity.M3. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).M4. Be orderly.(Note: N-quantity, Q-quality, R-relation, M-manner.)Here are some examples violating these maxims respectively.1) The maxim of quantity:A: When is Susans birthday party?B: Sometime next month.This is a conversation between two people when both A and B know exactly when Susan is going to give her birthday party. B violates the maxim of quantity on purpose by not offering the sufficient information of the exact date of Susans birthday party. The implicative meaning is that “Im unwilling to tell you when the party is going to be held.”2) The maxim of quality:A: Would you like to join us for the concert on Sunday?B: Im afraid I have got a class on Sunday.It is known to A and B that there is no class that wi
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