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http:/www.sdhctg.com/ http:/www.lwtugongbu.com/种子科学与工程专业实践教学改革与实践中英文翻译种子科学与工程专业实践教学改革与实践中英文翻译Seed science and engineering practice of English teaching reform and practice of translation摘要:概述了我国种子产业的市场变化和发展趋势,探讨了种业新形势下种子专业人才培养思路,结合安徽农业大学种子科学与工程专业建设与教学改革实践,提出强化教师的实践教学改革意识、改革实践教学方案、加强校内外实验实习基地建设、开展多种形式的实践教学活动等实践教学改革举措。Abstract: This paper summarizes the changes in the market for seed industry in China and the trend of development of the seed industry, professional talent cultivation under the new situation of Anhui Agriculture University, combined with the seed science and engineering specialty construction and teaching reform practice, put forward to strengthen the teachers practical teaching reform consciousness, practice teaching reform measures to strengthen the practice teaching reform scheme, experiment and practice base outside the school the construction of practical teaching activities, carry out various forms of.关键词:种子科学与工程;实践教学;改革与实践Keywords: Seed Science and engineering; practice teaching; reform and Practice农业是国民经济发展的基础,而种子又是农业生产的基础,所谓“农以种为先”。我国加入WTO 及种子法颁布以来,国内种业市场已经发生了很大变化。国有种子企业纷纷改制,国外种业巨头以合资、股份制、独资等形式大举进入国内种业市场。在中国最大的反季节蔬菜种植基地山东寿光,彩椒、长茄等一些蔬菜品种的外资种子已占据 90以上的市场份额。国内种子企业面临前所未有的市场竞争压力。Agriculture is the foundation of national economic development, and the seed is the base of agricultural production, the so-called “ agriculture in order to plant first “. Since the promulgation of Chinas accession to the WTO and the “ seed law “, the domestic seed market has undergone a great change. State-owned seed enterprises restructuring, foreign seed industry giants to joint ventures, joint stock system, sole proprietorship form of sweeping into the domestic market of seed industry. In China the biggest out-of-season vegetable planting base of Shandong Shouguang, pepper, eggplant and other vegetables varieties of foreign seed has occupied more than 90% http:/www.sdjjqzjx.com/ http:/www.yinuofuhua.com/market share. The domestic enterprise facing the pressure of market competition hitherto unknown.国发201118 号文 f 牛=关于加快推进现代农作物种业发展的意见明确指出我国是农业生产大国和用种大国,农作物种业是国家战略性、基础性核心产业,是促进农业长期稳定发展、保障国家粮食安全的根本;明确提出构建产业为主导、企业为主体、基地为依托、产学研相结合、 “育繁推一体化”的现代农作物种业体系的蓝图,以期全面提升我国农作物种业发展水平。为了实现这一目标,国务院确立的重点任务包含了“加强农作物种业人才培养,建立教学、科研与实验相结合的有效机制,提升农作物种业人才培养质量,充分利用高等院校教学资源,加大农作物种业人才继续教育和培训力度,为我国农作物种业发展提供人才和科技支撑”。The 201118, f = cow “ on accelerating the development of modern crop seed industry views “ clearly pointed out that China is a country with a big country and agricultural production, crop seed industry is a national strategic, basic core industry, is to promote the fundamental agricultural long-term stable development, ensuring national food security; explicitly proposed the construction industry as the leading, enterprises as the main body, base, a combination of research, “ breeding “ integration of modern crop seed industry system blueprint, in order to comprehensively enhance the crop seed industry development level of our country. In order to achieve this goal, the key task of the State Council set contains “ strengthen crop seed industry personnel training, establishment of effective mechanism of combining teaching, scientific research and experiment, improve the quality of crop seed industry personnel training, make full use of teaching resources in Colleges and universities, increase crop seed industry personnel continuing education and training efforts, to provide talents and scientific and technological support to me crop seed industry development in china “.1 应对种业市场形势变化,调整人才培养思路我国农作物种业发展面临着前所未有的发展形势,一方面是农作物种业取得了长足的发展,良种生产水平及其供应能力显著提高,种子企业实力明显增强,培育形成了一批“育繁推一体化”的种子企业,市场的集中度逐步提高,种子管理体制实现了政企分开,市场监管得到加强。另一方面,随着全球化进程的深入和生物技术的发展,我国农作物种业的发展要应对前所未有的问题和严峻挑战,集中表现在微观上企业、科研院所育种方法、技术和模式落后,品种特色不强;宏观上种子市场准入门槛低,企业的规模仍然偏小,技术研发能力普遍弱,市场竞争力不强。Change 1 to seed the market situation, thinking of our crop seed industry development is facing http:/www.sdhctg.com/ http:/www.lwtugongbu.com/the development situation of hitherto unknown culture adjust talent, one is the crop seed industry has made considerable development, seed production and supply capacity significantly increased, seed enterprise strength significantly enhanced, foster the formation of a number of “ breeding “ integration of seed enterprises, gradually improve the market concentration, the seed management system in the realization of the government, strengthen market supervision. On the other hand, with the development of globalization and the development of biotechnology, crop seed industry in China to deal with hitherto unknown problems and challenges, concentrated in the micro enterprises, research institutes and breeding method, technology and backward mode, characteristics of varieties is not strong; the macro seed market admittance doorsill is low, the scale of the enterprise still small, technology research and development ability is generally weak, the market competitiveness is not strong.同时,种子市场监管技术和手段落后,违法生产经营及不公平竞争较为普遍,严重影响了我国农作物种业的健康发展,制约了农业生产的可持续发展。At the s
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