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一、定语从句一、定语从句“口诀一口诀一”详解详解定语从句真奇妙,定语从句真奇妙, 关系代关系代( (副副) )词来引导,词来引导, 定语从句分两种,定语从句分两种, 是否限定看逗号。是否限定看逗号。 该口诀的意思是,定语从句由关系代词(which, that, who, whom, whose)和关系副词(where, when, why)来引导。请同学们牢记这 8 个词。 定语从句分“限制性定语从句”和“非限制性定语从句”两种,前者表示与主句的关系比较密切,它说明先行词的性质、身份、特征等状况。如果去掉,则会影响句子意思的完整。后者表示与主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词作些附加说明而已。如果去掉,主句意思仍然清楚完整。它跟主句之间常用逗号分开,翻译时通常不译作定语,而是单独译成与主句并列的句子。请比较: Tom is a boy who often helps others. 汤姆是一个经常帮助别人的男孩。(who often helps others 是限制性定语从句。如果去掉,Tom is a boy.这个句子就没什么意义。) Yesterday I met Tom, who seemed a little upset. 昨天我见到了汤姆,他看起来有点心烦意乱。(who seemed a little upset 是非限制性定语从句。如果去掉,Yesterday I met Tom.仍有意义。) 又如: A doctor is a person who looks after peoples health. 医生就是负责人们健康的人。 This is the diamond which the lady has lost. 这就是那位女士丢失的钻石。 The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometers away. 我学习了仅两年的那所学校离家 3 公里远。 I still remember the time when I first traveled by plane. 我仍然记得第一次坐飞机旅行的时间。 (以上为限制性定语从句) Last night I saw a very good film, which was about the Second World War. 昨晚我看了一部非常好的电影,它是关于第二次世界大战的。 My parents live in my hometown, which is about 30 kilometers from here. 我的父母住我的家乡,离这里大约 30 公里。 Alice, who is a distant relative of mine, studies in Yale now. 爱丽丝是我的一位远房亲戚,她现在耶鲁学习。 The house, where a murder case happened last year, has got a lovely garden. 那栋房子有一个漂亮的花园,去年那里发生过一起谋杀案。 (以上为非限制性定语从句) 二、定语从句二、定语从句“口诀二口诀二”详解详解 which 指物指物 who 指人,指人, 地点地点 where 时间时间 when, that 人或物均可,人或物均可, why 之前是之前是 reason。 该口诀的意思是,选用什么样的关系代词(或关系副词),是由先行词决定的。定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词;连接先行词和定语从句的词叫做关系词(包括关系代词和关系副词),也叫引导词。关系词不仅在先行词与定语从句之间起连接作用,而且也充当定语从句中的一个成分。例如: They planted some trees which didnt need much water. 他们种植了一些不大需要水的树木。(which 指物) The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada . 昨天参观我们学校的那位外国人来自加拿大。(who 指人) This is the house where the old scientist once lived. 这是那位老科学家曾经居住过的房子。(为了押韵才说“地点 where”。意思是说,先行词是地点时,关系词用 where。) I will never forget the day when I joined the Youth League. 我将永远不会忘记我加入团的那一天。(为了押韵才说“时间 when”。意思是说,先行词是时间时,关系词用 when。) Do you know the man that is reading a book over there? 你认识正在那儿读书的那个人吗?(that 人或物均可) This is a supermarket that sells a variety of goods. 这是一家出售各种各样商品的超市。(that 人或物均可) I dont know the reason why he is late. 我不知道他迟到的原因。(为了押韵才说“why 之前是 reason”。意思是说,先行词是原因 reason 时,关系词用 why。) 【注意注意】当定语从句由关系副词 where, when 或 why 引导时,可以用“介词+which”代替。例如: This is the house where the old scientist once lived. = This is the house in which the old scientist once lived. I will never forget the day when I joined the Youth League. = I will never forget the day on which I joined the Youth League. She came around to explain the reason why she was absent from the meeting. = She came around to explain the reason for which she was absent from the meeting. 【注意注意】并非所有的地点、时间或原因,后面的定语从句都要用 where, when 或 why引导。如果定语从句中缺少主语或宾语,那么,就要用 that 或 which 引导。例如: This is the house that/which (不用 where) my father built last year. 这是我父亲去年建造的房子。(作定语从句的宾语) Do you still remember the days that/which (不用 when) we spent in the countryside? 你是否还记得我们在乡下度过的那些日子吗?(作定语从句的宾语) I wont listen to the reason that/which (不用 why)you have given us. 我坚决不听你给我们提供的那个理由。(作定语从句的宾语)三、定语从句三、定语从句“口诀三口诀三”详解详解 从句当中作宾语,从句当中作宾语, whom 可以代替可以代替 who, 为了句子更简练,为了句子更简练, 关系代词可省去。关系代词可省去。 该口诀的意思是,如果关系代词在定语从句中作了宾语,那么就可以省略。此时,指人的关系代词 whom 可以代替 who,当然也都可以省略。具体地说,who 和 whom 二者都用于指人。语法规定,who 在定语从句中作主语,whom 在定语从句中作宾语。但在现代英语中,作定语从句宾语时,用 who 和 whom 都可以。例如: The boy who made a speech just now is my best friend.刚才讲话的那个男孩是我最好的朋友。(who 在从句中作主语,不可省略) I have many friends (who/whom) I can turn to for help when in trouble.我有很多在困难时刻可以求助的朋友。(who/whom 在从句中作宾语,可以省略) 【注意注意】在从句中作介词的宾语且介词提到之前时,只能用 whom,不能用 who。如:I have many friends to whom I can turn for help when in trouble.我有很多在困难时刻可以求助的朋友。 The river which/that runs through the centre of the city brings us lots of pleasure.穿过市中心的那条河给我们带来了很多欢乐。(which/that 在从句中作主语,不可省略) Do you remember the holiday (which/that) we spent together? 你记得我们一起度过的那个假期吗?(which 在从句中作宾语,可以省略) The message (which/that) you are looking for is in todays China Daily.你找的信息就在今天的中国日报上。(that, which 在从句中作宾语,可以省略) 又如: The fish (which/that) I cooked was very delicious. 我做的那条鱼味道鲜美。 The girl (who/whom/that) you saw yesterday is my girlfriend. 你昨天见到的那个女孩是我的女朋友。 四、定语从句四、定语从句“口诀四口诀四”详解详解 关系若是表所属,关系若是表所属, whose 用法不可无。用法不可无。 除此之外还有啥?除此之外还有啥? whom, which 加加 of。 该口诀的意思是,如果先行词与后面的名词是所属关系,那么要用 whose 来引导。whose 指人也指物,它表示先行词与它所修饰的词是所有关系,本身在定语从句中作定语。 I want to help the children, whose parents were injured or died in the earthquake. 我想帮助那些孩子们,他们的父母在地震中伤亡。 We must repair the desks and chairs whose legs are broken. 我们必须修理那些断了腿的桌子和椅子。 除了用 whose 表所属关系以外,在 whom 和 which 前加 of 也是一个不错的办法。上面两句可以这样表达: I want to help the children, whose parents were injured or died in the earthquake. =I want to help the children, of whom the parents were injured or died in the earthquake. =I want to help the children, the parents of whom were injured or died in the earthquake. We must repair the desks and
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