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摘摘 要要主井提升机是矿井大型固定设备之一,它的主要任务是沿井筒运煤,其性能好坏直接关系到矿山的生产效率和安全性及可靠性。本文针对目前主井提升设备的现状,从实际需要出发,设计了井提升机的驱动系统,主要包括主轴、减速器设计和计算,联轴器、钢丝绳、卷筒、电动机的选型等。目前国内外大中型矿井的新井设计几乎全部选用多绳摩擦提升系统。多绳摩擦提升系统具有很多显著的优点,如安全可靠、节省钢材和技术先进等。主轴、减速器、联轴器等是其主要组成部分,它们性能的好坏决定了提升机工作性能和安全可靠性的优劣,因此,合理地选择和设计这些零部件具有很重要的意义。为此,必须熟悉和掌握矿井提升设备的结构、工作原理、性能特点等方面的知识,以做到设计合理,计算精确,使设计出的提升机能够安全,可靠、经济地工作。关键词关键词: 主井提升机 主轴 减速器 ABSTRACTMine hoist is one of the large fixed equipment in the mine. Its main task is carrying coals. Its performance is directly related to the efficiency, safety and reliability of the mining production. Aiming at the present situation and according to the actual needs, this text finished the design of the driving system of mine hoist, mainly including the design and calculation of spindle, reducer, and the selection of coupling steel wire, drum, motor selection, etc. Both at home and abroad, the new wells design of large and medium-sized mines almost all use the hoisting system with more rope friction. It has many prominent advantages, such as it is safe and reliable, it can save steel and we have advanced technology about it, etc. Spindle, reducer, couplings etc. is the main component of the mine hoist, they decided the working performance and safety grounds of the hoist, therefore, the reliability of reasonable selection and design of these parts have very important significance. Therefore, we must be familiar with and grasp the structure, working principle and characteristics of the mine hoist, in order to achieve reasonable design and accurate calculation , and in order that the hoist can be safe, reliable, and economical to work.Keywords: Mine hoist; Spindle; Reducer3 / 57目目 录录摘 要.1ABSTRACT .2Keywords.2目 录 .31 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机.61.1 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机的种类及其结构分析.61.2 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机的优点及其局限性.61.3 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机在国内外的发展现状.81.4 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机在我国的应用情况.91.5 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机提升工作原理 .92 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机的总体方案设计.112.1 矿井参数 .112.2 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机的主要组成部分.122.2.1 多绳摩擦式提升机的类型选择 .132.2.2 微拖动装置 .132.2.3 深度指示器选择.142.2.4 车槽装置 .152.3 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机的附属设备 .162. 3.1 罐道选型 .162. 3.2 拉紧方式 .172. 3.3 固定装置选择.182. 3.4 井架装置选择.182. 3.5 导向轮装置选择.192. 3.6 提升容器的连接装置 .193 多绳摩擦式矿井提升机设备选型 .213.1 提升方式确定.213.2 提升容器型号选择 .213.3 提升钢丝绳选择计算.234 / 573.4 计算滚筒直径并选择提升机 .253.5 提升系统确定.263.6 提升容器的最小自重.273.7 钢丝绳与提升机的校验.283.8 垫材料单位压力 .293.9 预选电动机.303.10 提升速度图 .304 减速器的设计 .344.1 传动系统总效率 .344.2 计算减速器运动参数.
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