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Chang Kun PDL Guizhou Section, Supervision Package 5 长昆客专贵州段监理长昆客专贵州段监理5标标BJTY - PB JV工地巡查记录工地巡查记录 Site Visit Record记录编号 Record No: SVR/P5C11/065 工程描述工程描述 Project Description工程名称 Project Name长昆客专贵州段监理 5 标 11 合同段 Chang Kun PDL, Guizhou Section, Supervision Package 5, Construction Contract:11 长度 Length41.806 km 边界 BoundaryDK882+329-DK924+135 施工单位 ContractorCRB 13 Group 中铁十三局 桥梁 Bridges5 隧道 Tunnels6 路基 Earthworks144.61m 监理组 Teams:桩号 Chainage单位结构名称 Unit Structure Names组 Team 1DK882-329-DK893+176Guangzhao Tunnel 光照隧道 Huanglongpo Tunnel 黄龙坡隧 道 Hejiazhai Tunnel 何家寨隧道 Huanglonggou Steel M Bridge 黄 龙沟钢构中桥 Hejiagou Steel M Bridge 何家沟 钢构中桥组 Team 2DK893+176-DK896+902Hejiazhai Tunnel 何家寨隧道 Chahe Super bridge 叉河大桥组 Team 3DK896-902-DK911+500Penggu Tunnel 捧古隧道 Dachashan Tunnel 大茶山隧道 Xiaojiajing Steel Bridge 肖家菁 钢构中桥组 Team 4DK911-500-DK924+135Dachashan Tunnel 大茶山隧道 Liujiazhuang Tunnel 刘家庄隧道 Liujiazhuang Super Bridge 刘家 庄大桥 重要结构 Important/ Critical StructuresLiujiazhuang Tunnel (Gas Tunnel) 刘家庄隧道(瓦斯隧道) Chahe Super Bridge 叉河大桥Chang Kun PDL Guizhou Section, Supervision Package 5 长昆客专贵州段监理长昆客专贵州段监理5标标BJTY - PB JV工地巡查详情工地巡查详情Site Visit Details日期 Date Visited9 August 2011 2011 年 8 月 9 日 地点Location Visited1.Liujiazhuang Tunnel Entrance 刘 家庄隧道进口 2.Liujiazhuang Tunnel Exit 刘家庄隧道出口 3.Liujiazhuang Tunnel Steel Fabrication Yards 刘家庄隧道钢筋加 工场巡查人姓名职位 Inspectors Name/Position1.Keith Driver 凯斯 外方专业监理组长 1.Tee Kok Yee 郑国伟 外方专业监理工程师 2.Yang Zhen 杨振 助理 现场值班监理 On Duty Site Inspector1.Zheng bing site supervisor 郑彬 现场主管 2.Zhang Xing site supervisor 张兴 现场主管 3.He Ke site supervisors 何克 现场主管 Li Gang, He Dao Rong, Liu Feng Jun, Zheng Bin, Zhang Xing, He Ke1.总结总结 Summary:The site visits was carried out on 9th August 2011. Site visited were Liujiazhuang Tunnel Entrance& Exit and their steel fabrication yards in Team 4 Contract 11.2011 年 8 月 9 日巡检了 11 标 4 项目刘家庄隧道进出口及钢筋加工场。2.意见意见 Comment:A. Liujiazhuang Tunnel Exit (DK916+630-DK924+135) Attendees: 巡检人员:BJTY-PB: Keith Driver, Group leader, Tee Kok Yee, Yang Zhen监理 5 标第 3 监理组:凯斯,郑国伟,杨振Contractor: Li Gang, He Dao Rong, Liu Feng Jun, Zheng Bin, Zhang Xian, He Ke施工单位:李刚,贺道荣,刘凤军, 郑斌, 张军,何克1)The scaffoldings erected at portal of the tunnel were found to be unstable. Ventilation duct run though the frame of the scaffoldings.进口脚手架的安装不很稳固,Chang Kun PDL Guizhou Section, Supervision Package 5 长昆客专贵州段监理长昆客专贵州段监理5标标BJTY - PB JV2)The inner face of the crown concrete was found uneven between the construction joints.3)Settlement of more than 20mm occurred at crown area between DK923 +930-975. Excavation and blasting works have been stopped. 4)Gas inside tunnel has been tested, 012 and 0.18 respectively recorded for heading face and area at 20m away from heading face. There was also a gas reading on the crown of the face of.125)No certificates attached at temporary structures.B. Liujiazhuang Tunnel Exit Steel Fabrication Yard1)Brick wall of steel fabrication yard has been cracked and potentially to be fallen down. Contractor stated that they will rectify it as soon as possible.2)Some fire extinguishers are malfunction(low pressure)3)There was no dates on the fire extinguishers,4)No anchor bolts was secured in the skirt of the wall,5)Secondary invert wall was not scabbled6)Ventilation curtain was found to be caked in Concrete fat and also ripped in certain areas,7)Workers were found not wearing the appropriate PPE Vest, Boots, Hard hatsC. Liujiazhuang Tunnel Entrance (DK916+630-DK924+135) 1)Cement slurry (left side) were found at embedded drainage pipe of 2nd lining concrete wall.2)Ventilation duct have holes on it, the volume and capacity of the air blown out have been reduced.3)Safety step distance (2nd lining) was not compliance with the specification. 二衬安全步距超标。4)Rock type 5 encountered at working face.5)Concreting to 2nd stage invert (DK916+843-851) was ongoing during the time of site visits.6)Length of excavation for primary support at right hand side of tunnel exceeding the specification.7)No approved construction drawings, nor method statement were available as of to date.D. Liujiazhuang Tunnel Entrance Steel Fabrication Yard1) The steel fabrication yard was checked and was found to be in order.Chang Kun PDL Guizhou Section, Supervision Package 5 长昆客专贵州段监理长昆客专贵州段监理5标标BJTY - PB JV3.Actions taken 采取措施采取措施The findings of site visits were briefed and discussed with the respective contractors representatives. Contractor was requested to rectify the defects identified above as soon as possible.4. 照片照片 Photos编编 号号 No照片照片 Photo小组小组 Team 桩号桩号 Chainage 单位结构名称单位结构名称 Unit Structure Name备注备注 Notes 采取的措施采取的措施 Action Taken1Length over break at right hand side of the wall四项目部 Team 4 DK916+630 刘家庄隧道进口 Liujiazhuang Tunnel EntranceContractor to immediate install the steel support23 4 5Sign: Chang Kun PDL Guizhou Section, Supervision Package 5 长昆客专贵州段监理长昆客专贵州段监理5标标BJTY - PB JV
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