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语言与应用语言学:实用手册期末考试复习指导 一一. . 考核说明考核说明 本课程考试的命题依据是中央电大本科开放教育英语专业教学计 划、课程教学大纲以及“高级英语自学系列教程”中的语言与语言 学:实用手册教材。根据教材所涵盖的有关知识内容、以及与教材 难度相当的口头和书面语言材料命题,涉及教材的内容不少于 80% 。 本课程考核包括两部分:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩 采用百分制,形成性考核占 20% ,课程终结考试占 80% 。 1 、形成性考核: 包括完成平时作业、参与面授辅导和各项教学 活动及对学习过程的自我监控情况。 2、 课程终结考试:笔试,由中央电大统一命题,在同一时间全国 统考。二、 评价目标评价目标 本考试重点考查学生对本课程中语言和语言学基本理论的了解, 和运用理论知识对一些语言现象进行初步分析的能力。要求学生能够 对本课程有框架式的整体了解,对各单元之间的联系有较好的理解, 树立学生对语言学与语言的教与学之间紧密关系的意识。 三、 课程终结考试试题结构课程终结考试试题结构 考试内容题型得分比例考试时间 1 1 对课程总体内容对课程总体内容 了解了解 填空、选择填空、辨认错误 并改正、命题分类、定义配 对、多项选择等(每次考试 选其中三种题型) 30% ( 15 小题)20 分钟 2 对语言和语言学 基本原理的理解 简答问题 24% ( 8 小题) 30 分钟 3 对语言和语言学 专 门知识的理解和 分析 完成命题、图表填空、回答 问题等 24% ( 8 小题) 30 分钟 4 运用理论知识分 析语言现象和问题 分析问题 22% ( 2 小题) 30 分钟 校对 10 分钟 合计 100% ( 33 小题)120 分钟 四、 考试要求考试要求 本课程终结考试为闭卷考试,考生不得携带任何教材、参考资料、 电子读物或工具等。 五、课文复习 UnitUnit oneone Awareness task: Language is a tool of communication, it means any language or all language put together. Here is the first important point about this book: It is about language, not confined to any particular language. There is one sentence can summarize Unit one: wewe mustmust appreciateappreciate thethe factfact thatthat wewe oweowe ourour humanityhumanity andand civilizationcivilization toto language.language. 1) Is language inside or outside the brain? It is known as the nature-nurture controversy. The position we adopt is: human are born with language capacity that enables them to acquire language, any language, during their formative years. 2) Language users use language to do a lot of things, between which naming things is the oldest and the most fundamental. 3) Take a notice of page 19, the little words answer, which lead a list of development process of language 4) No language no civilization 5)Word magic: in mans history people believe that those words ( such as 发,寿,喜,逝 ) associated with bad or pleasant things to people. Cursing is based on the belief. 6) Illiterate people are very much underprivileged and remain low in a social hierarchy, on the other hand, those who can read and write well are regarded as educated scholars, and command respect. 7) Language is everyones language is in fact an important feature of language. Reviewing some useful information on page 37 UnitUnit twotwo The key points of this unit are: what we hear, and what we read are physical aspects of language: they are physical representations of language. Language can also be represented in many other ways such as in Braille and the British manual alphabet. 1) Language in face to face communication there are four steps: hit upon an ides, articulate the idea, loaded sounds travel via air and get the message (psycholinguistics, , neurolinguistics,neurolinguistics, cognitivecognitive linguistics)linguistics). 2) Written language communication is same as speech language. 3) The handicapped people communication- by gesture and sign (Braille and sign language) 4) Review the figure 4, 5, 6 to understand speech organs, knowing the accurate name of these organs. 5) Understanding the function of these organs. The lungs can be seen as a source of energy in speech production. Vocal tract refer to the route the air from the lungs travels through the throat to the mouth or the nose or both and finally to the outside world, etc. 6) There are three stages of sound production, initiation (air production is technically called initiation), phonation and articulators. Underlined the last second paragraph on page 63 7) Advantages in having a writing system are: on page 68 8) Chinese term 甲骨文 are translated into English as oracle bone-inscriptions recorded event on tortoise shells. 9) Writing systems can be classified into two general categories: phonological writings: non-phonological writings. On page 71. Chinese writing is often called “pictographic writing, ideographic 表意文字 . English writing is also known as an alphabetic writing system. 10) Persons handwriting is considered being relevant with his characterUnitUnit threethree This is the most difficult unit; at the same time a very important one. From Unit 1 we know that other animals including our closest cousins - chimpanzees and apes, cannot learn a human language. What makes human language so unique is its symbolic nature. Language in its symbolic nature cannot be heard, or read, or seen or touched. We have to find ways (i.e. media) to make it tangible to us. So as a linguist, our job is to see the true nature of language through its media. To help you understand this point, you can think of a situation like this: different media such as sounds, writing systems, Braille, signs, etc. are like different colorful skins that wrap language up. 1) The character of words is that it cannot make changes freely, having pronunciation and no such conscious agreement. 2) Triadic relations on page 88 3) Three worlds: things in this world can be sensed by our five sense organs, this world is called a mater
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