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0浅析生物可降解高分子材料的开发利用中英文对照浅析生物可降解高分子材料的开发利用中英文对照Development and use of biodegradable polymer materials in English我国目前的高分子材料生产和使用已跃居世界前列,每年产生几百万吨废旧物。如此多的高聚物迫切需要进行生物可降解,以尽量减少对人类及环境的污染。生物可降解材料,是指在自然界微生物,如细菌、霉菌及藻类作用下,可完全降解为低分子的材料。这类材料储存方便,只要保持干燥,不需避光,应用范围广,可用于地膜、包装袋、医药等领域。生物可降解的机理大致有以下 3 种方式: 生物的细胞增长使物质发生机械性破坏; 微生物对聚合物作用产生新的物质;酶的直接作用,即微生物侵蚀高聚物从而导致裂解。按照上述机理,现将目前研究的几种主要的可生物可降解的高分子材料介绍如下。 Chinas current polymer materials production and use has leapt to the forefront of the world, millions of tons of waste materials generated each year. So many of the urgent need for biodegradable polymers, in order to reduce the pollution to human and environment. Biodegradable materials, refers to the natural microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and algae function, can be completely degraded into low molecular materials. This kind of material storage is convenient, as long as keep dry, without dark, wide application range, can be used for plastic film, packaging bags, medicine and other fields. Biodegradable mechanism can be summarized in the following 3 ways: biological cell growth of material mechanical damage; microorganism to produce new substances on the polymer; direct role in enzyme, namely microbial attack polymers resulting in cracking. According to the mechanism, the present study several main can be biodegradable polymer materials is introduced as follows.1、生物可降解高分子材料概念及降解机理 1, the concept and the degradation mechanism of biodegradable polymer materials生物可降解高分子材料是指在一定的时间和一定的条件下,能被微生物或其分泌物在酶或化学分解作用下发生降解的高分子材料。 Biodegradable polymer materials refers to a certain time and certain conditions, can be high polymer material or its secretion in microbial degradation enzymatic or chemical decomposition.生物可降解的机理大致有以下 3 种方式:生物的细胞增长使物质发生机械性破坏;微生物对聚合物作用产生新的物质;酶的直接作用,即微生物侵蚀高聚物从而导致裂解。http:/www.fclytgcl.com/ http:/www.tayibang.com/1一般认为,高分子材料的生物可降解是经过两个过程进行的。首先,微生物向体外分泌水解酶和材料表面结合,通过水解切断高分子链,生成分子量小于 500 的小分子量的化合物;然后,降解的生成物被微生物摄入人体内,经过种种的代谢路线,合成为微生物体物或转化为微生物活动的能量,最终都转化为水和二氧化碳。 Biodegradable mechanism can be summarized in the following 3 ways: biological cell growth of material mechanical damage; microorganism to produce new substances on the polymer; direct role in enzyme, namely microbial attack polymers resulting in cracking. Generally, biodegradable polymer materials is through two process. First of all, microorganism to secretion in vitro hydrolase and material surface binding, by hydrolytic cleavage of polymer chain, small molecular weight compounds molecular weight less than 500; and then, the resultant degradation by microorganism in intake in the human body, through various metabolic route, for the synthesis of microorganisms or microbial activities into energy, eventually transformed water and carbon dioxide.因此,生物可降解并非单一机理,而是一个复杂的生物物理、生物化学协同作用,相互促进的物理化学过程。到目前为止,有关生物可降解的机理尚未完全阐述清楚。除了生物可降解外,高分子材料在机体内的降解还被描述为生物吸收、生物侵蚀及生物劣化等。生物可降解高分子材料的降解除与材料本身性能有关外,还与材料温度、酶、PH 值、微生物等外部环境有关。 Therefore, biodegradable mechanism is not single, but a biophysical, biochemical synergistic complex physical and chemical process, promote each other. So far, the mechanism is not yet fully explain clearly the biodegradable. In addition to biodegradable, degradation of polymer materials in the body are also described for biological uptake, biological erosion and biological degradation. Biodegradable polymer materials and organic degrading performance of the material itself, also related to the material temperature, pH, enzyme, microbial environment.2、生物可降解高分子材料的类型 Type 2, biodegradable polymer materials按来源,生物可降解高分子材料可分为天然高分子和人工合成高分子两大类。按用途分类,有医用和非医用生物可降解高分子材料两大类。按合成方法可分为如下几种类型。 According to sources, biodegradable polymer materials can be divided into natural polymer and http:/www.tstgm.com/ http:/www.lwcek.com/2synthetic polymer two categories. Classified according to purpose, medical and non - medical biodegradable polymer materials two categories. According to the synthesis methods can be divided into the following several types.2.1 微生物生产型 Microbial production of type 2.1通过微生物合成的高分子物质。这类高分子主要有微生物聚酯和微生物多糖,具有生物可降解性,可用于制造不污(版权声明:本文转载自论文网在线(www.lunwenwang.com),版权归原作者所有。 )染环境的生物可降解塑料。如英国 ICI 公司生产的“Biopol”产品。 By the polymer synthesized by microorganisms. This kind of polymer are microbial polyesters and microbial polysaccharide, which is biodegradable, can be used in the manufacture of no pollution (copyright statement: This article reprinted from the online (www.lunwenwang.com), belongs to original author.) Biodegradable plastic pollution environment. Such as the British ICI company production of “Biopol“ products.2.2 合成高分子型 2.2 synthetic polymer脂肪族聚酯具有较好的生物可降解性。但其熔点低,强度及耐热性差,无法应用。芳香族聚酯(PET) 和聚酰胺的熔点较高,强度好,是应用价值很高的工程塑料,但没有生物可降解性。将脂肪族和芳香族聚酯(或聚酰胺) 制成一定结构的共聚物,这种共聚物具有良好的性能,又有一定的生物可降解性。 Aliphatic polyesters with biodegradability better. But its low melting point, strength and heat resistance is poor, can not be applied. Aromatic polyester (PET) and polyamide with high melting point, good strength, is very high application value engineering plastics, but not biod
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