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盗梦空间结局真正解密 nb 的分析WARNING: This is long, and every word of it contains spoilers. Beware * *注意:这很长,文章每个字都是剧透。慎入* It is NOT a dream: The WEDDING RING gives it away. 这不是个梦:婚戒泄露了真相 I have now seen this movie three times. The first time I saw it I thought it was not a dream and he was home. When I saw discussions to the contrary, I saw it again looking for any clues to tell whether he is dreaming the whole time, and questioned the ending thoroughly. It was not until I saw a post about someone saying he is only wearing a wedding ring when he dreams. Multiple people shot it down saying that they saw him wearing it in reality or that he was not wearing it in this dream or that one. My third viewing had me looking for the ring in almost every shot, seeing if his totem ever falls in a dream (Something someone said happened), looking at his childrens faces to see if they are the same, etc. 我已经看了三遍这电影。第一次我看时,我想这不是个梦,他是回家了。当我看到相 反的争论时,我再看了一遍,来寻找任何能告知自始至终他是否在做梦的线索,并完全怀 疑这个结局。直到我看到一个帖子说他只在他做梦的时候戴着结婚戒指。许多人反驳说他 们看到他在现实中戴着它,或者他不是在这个或者那个梦中戴着戒指。我第三次观影就在 任何一个场景中寻找这个戒指,观察他的图腾是否在梦中停下来过(有人说发生过的) ,观 察他的孩子们的脸来判断他们是否还是一样的,等等。 My analysis as follows: 我的分析如下: The Wedding Ring: 结婚戒指 We start the movie with Cobb in limbo with Saito, he is wearing a ring. Step back to the beginning, he is trying to convince Saito to let him into his mind to help protect it, this takes place in a dream two layers down. He is wearing a wedding ring. Things go south and we wake up in the apartment, where we think an angry mob is really coming down the street. They threaten Saitos life with him thinking it is reality, only for him to discover otherwise. In this entire scene Cobb is wearing a wedding ring. Wake up on the train, NO WEDDING RING. In the hotel suite on the phone with his kids, NO WEDDING RING. On the roof talking to Saito, NO WEDDING RING. France, the architecture university, NO WEDDING RING. The coffee shop in Ariadnes first shared dream, Cobb is wearing his wedding ring, she freaks out. They wake up in the workshop, NO WEDDING RING. They go back under and Ariadne explores the physics of the dreamworld, again Cobb is wearing a wedding ring. 电影随着 Cobb(Leo 演的)和 Saito(斋藤)在梦境中开始,他戴着一个戒指。倒退 回最开始时,他正努力说服 Saito 让他进入他的意识去保护他,这发生在 2 层深的梦中。 他戴着一个婚戒。事情黄了然后我们在公寓中醒来,现实中有一群暴民正沿着街道行进。 他们威胁 Saito 相信这是现实。在这个全部场景中,Cobb 戴着一个婚戒。在列车中醒来, 没有婚戒。在饭店房间打电话给孩子时,没有婚戒。在屋顶和 Saito 说话时,没有婚戒。 法国,建筑大学,没有婚戒。在 Ariadne 的第一个被分享的梦中的咖啡店里,Cobb 戴着他 的婚戒,她吓坏了。他们在工作间里醒来,没有婚戒。他们回到梦中,Ariadne 发现梦中 世界的物理学时,Cobb 再次戴着他的戒指。 Cobb goes to see Eames, the entire time not wearing a ring. He meets the new chemist, still no ring. The chemist gives him a quick taste of his latest potion, in that scene we get a quick glimpse of his hand with a WEDDING RING. Wakes up, no ring. See the pattern? Cobb 去看 Eames,这整段时间都没戴婚戒。他见了新药剂师,还是没戒指。药剂师 给了他一剂最新药让他快速尝试,在那个场景中我们看到他戴着婚戒的手快速的一闪。醒 了过来,没有戒指。看到了吗? So finally, the inception. We are on the plane, we clearly see is not wearing a ring. Level 1, WEDDING RING, Level 2, WEDDING RING, Level 3 WEDDING RING, Limbo he is wearing his WEDDING RING. 所以最后, 盗梦空间 。我们在飞机上,我们清楚看到没有戴戒指。第一层,戴着, 第二层,戴着,第三层,戴着,梦境中他一直戴着婚戒。 After he meets Saito as an old man, the conversation continues past what we saw in the beginning, yet even here he is wearing a WEDDING RING still. Then, when Saito reaches for the gun, we are on an airplane. He is not wearing a wedding ring here. 在他看到已是老头样的 Saito 之后,会谈继续经过我们在一开始看到的,在那时他仍 然一直戴着婚戒。然后,当 Saito 去够枪,我们就在飞机上了。在那里,他一直没有带婚 戒。 HERE IS THE KEY. As he is walking through the terminal, no ring, as he is greeted by father in law, no ring, when he gets home and spins his totem, no ring. 这里就是关键。当他穿过过航站楼,没有戒指,当他的岳父欢迎他时,没有戒指,当 他到家和旋转他的图腾时,没有戒指。 In his dreams he is married to Mal still, as she can still exist there. In reality, he knows she is dead and does not wear a wedding ring as he is no longer married. A simple yet easily unnoticed way to test which parts are reality. 在他的梦中他仍然和 Mal 结婚,她可以仍旧存活在梦中。在现实里,他知道她已经死 了,没有戴婚戒表示他已经不再结婚。一个简单而容易忽视的方式去推测哪段是真实的。 Not done there, I investigated another thing, Cobbs totem: 在那之前,我研究了另外一个东西,Cobb 的图腾: I have seen many posts of people saying his totem falls when he is in others dreams. This is simply not true. People say it wobbles and falls over in the beginning. I watched and listened closely, Saito spins the top and we hear it spinning as the scene cuts to the young Saito. Then, in the end when we see him old again, he looks down and it is still spinning, he knows he is not in reality and goes for the gun. 我已经看过很多人的帖子,说他的图腾在别人的梦中倒下了。这是完全不正确的。人 们说它在一开始的时候摆动、翻倒。我看了和仔细听了,Saito 转动顶部,当画面转入 Saito 年轻的时候我们听到它旋转着。然后,在结束时我们再一次看到他老的样子,他往下 看,它还是在不听地转,他知道他不在现实中就拿起了枪。 When Cobb uses inception on Mal, it continues and never stops. In the hotel after the failed Saito mission, it falls. A funny thing to note is that every scene in which the top spins endlessly he is wearing a WEDDING RING. In the scenes in which it topples, he is not. 当 Cobb 在 Mal 身上用了 inception 时,它在继续着没有停。在酒店那 Saito 失败的任 务后,它停下来了。一个有趣的发现:每
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