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英语中一些比较级的特殊句型英语中一些比较级的特殊句型甘肃省民勤县第一中学 高雪萍 邮编 7333000 电话 0935-3270906在英语中,有些比较结构在形式上是比较,实质上并非比较,有自己独立的意思。这些以比较形式出现,具有特殊含义的句型有:1more than more than 后接名词,有时作“not only”解,可译为“不仅仅” , “不只” ,而无比较含义。例如;China Daily is more than a newspaper. It helps to improve our English.中国日报不仅仅是一张报纸,它还有助于提高我们的英语水平。The small town is more than a small town. Its a place where many people like to stay.这个小镇不只是一座小镇,它还是许多人愿意停留的地方。more than 后接形容词,不定式或从句等,有“非常” “超过”之意,并非比较。例如:Im more than happy to take you there in my car.我非常愿意用汽车把你送去。What he has done is more than we can stand.他做的事使我们无法容忍。He knows more than to do such a thing.他决不会做这样的事。2. more.thanmorethan 不能照字面译为“比多” 。而是表示“与其说不如说”之含义,例如:Success in language is more a matter of application than of intelligence.语言的成功与其说是智力的问题,不如说是应用的问题。 He is more deli gent than clever他并非聪明,而是勤奋罢了。3. lessthanlessthan 有时不能按字面意思译为“比少” ,此结构有“与其说不如说”之意。例如:she was less hurt than frightened.他到没怎么伤着,只是吓环了。4no morethanno morethan 不能照字面硬译为“不比多” 。它的意思是“与同样不” ,想当于“not any more than” 。例如:He is no more a pilot than we are他和我们一样不是飞行员。 注意:“no more than ”的意思是 “只,仅仅” ,相当于“not only” 。 “not more than”的意思是“最多不过” ,相当于“at the most”5.no lessthanno less than 不能译为“不少于” ,可译为“和一样” , (相当与“as well as” )或“地位相当于,不逊于” 。例如:His mind is no less alert than yours。他的头脑与你的一样的敏捷。注意:“no less than”的意思是“多达,不少于” ,相当于“as many / much as” 。例如:W won no less than 500 in a competition。我们在一场竞赛中赢了多达 500 英镑。6. little / no better than该结构的意思是“实际上;简直就是” ,相当于“almost the same as” 。例如:He is no better than a common thief。他简直就是一个小偷。7. much ( still ) more / much (still ) less此结构的意思是“更不用说;更何况” 。例如:Hes too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people。他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思,更不用说向一屋子的人讲话了。8. none the +比较级此结构的含义是“毫不,毫无” ,相当于“not at all” 。例如:Hes none the worse for falling into the river.他跌进河里但什么事也没有。注意:none the less 的意思是“尽管如此;依然;然而” 。相当于“nevertheless”This book is not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.这本书虽然不便宜,但我觉得我们还是应该买。9.nothing less than该结构表示“完全;全部” 。例如:His negligence was nothing less than criminal.他的粗心大意无异于犯罪。10not so muchas该结构可译为“与其说不如说” 。例如:I dont so much like her as love her.与其说我喜欢她,不如说我爱她。英语中表示比较的句型相当多,如果句型中插进了一个否定词,其意义和用法就很难掌握,下面介绍几种常见的表达方式: 1 1nono betterbetter thanthan:表示:表示“和和一样;实际等于一样;实际等于”,如: He is no better than a beggar. 他实际上等于一个乞丐。 The invalid is no better than he was yesterday. 病人的情况和昨天一样。 He has no better a say in the matter than I have. 他和我一样在这件事上没有发言权。 2 2not.not. . . . . anyany moremore thanthan 或或 nono more.more. . . . . thanthan:表示:表示“同同一样不一样不”,如: I could no more do that than you. I could not do that any more than you. 你不能做这件事,我也不能做。 He is not a poet any more than I am a scholar. 我不是一个学者,他也不是一个诗人。 This story is no more interesting than that one. 这个故事和那个故事一样没有趣味。 He is no more able to read German than I am. 他和我一样都不懂德语。 3 3notnot soso much.much. . . . . asas:表示:表示“与其与其不如不如” He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 他与其说是个作家,不如说是个记者。 Your explanation does not so much enlighten us as confuse us. 你的解释没有起到启发作用,反而把我们弄糊涂了。 Oceans dont so much divide the world as unite it. 与其说海洋分隔了世界,不如说海洋联结了世界。 I dont so much dislike him as hate him. 我与其说不喜欢他,不如说我恨他。 4 4nothingnothing likelike:表示:表示“没有什么能比得上没有什么能比得上” There is nothing like home. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。 There is nothing like walking as a means of keeping fit. 没有比散步来保持健康更好的了。 There is nothing like leather for shoes. 做鞋用皮革再好没有了。 5 5nothingnothing likelike(或(或 nearnear)asas(或(或 soso). asas:表示:表示“远远不像远远不像那样那样” This novel is nothing near so interesting as that one. 这篇小说远远不及那篇小说有趣。 The book is nothing like as difficult as I expected. 这本书远没有我想像的那么难懂。 His analysis of the poem is nothing like as penetrating as yours. 他对这首诗的分析远没有你的分析那样透彻。 6 6nono lessless thanthan:表示:表示“和和一样一样” He is no less active than he used to be. 他和从前一样活跃。 His mind is no less alert than yours. 他的思路和你的一样敏捷。 Our soldiers fought with no less daring than skill. 我们的士兵作战的英勇不亚于他们的战斗技能。
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