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英语句子成份的划分英语句子成份的划分 东联现代中学东联现代中学 张利平张利平一英语的六种基本成份:一英语的六种基本成份:1主语(Subject)句中谓语动词的动作执行者。2谓语(Predicate.)句中主语所做的动作或主语的行为。不及物动词(vi.)不能跟宾语的动词。单宾动词(vt.)只能跟一个宾语的动词。双宾动词(D.vt.)可跟两个宾语的动词。3宾语(Object.)句中谓语动词的动作对象。间宾(Indirect-object.)表示“人”的宾语。直宾(Direct-object)表示“事-物”的宾语。宾语补足语(Object-complement)说明宾语的行为、特点或状态。4表语(Predicative)系动词后的成份。名词表语:说明主语的内容“是什么”。形容词表语:说明主语的性质,特点或状态“怎么样”5定语(Attribute) 用于修饰、限制或说明“名词”的成份。6状语(Adverbial)用于修饰、限制或说明“动词、形容词或副词”的成份。二英语的五种基本句型:二英语的五种基本句型:1 S+P(vi.).2 S+Link-v+Pre.3 S+P(vt.)+O4 S+P(d.vt.)+O(indirect)+O(direct)S+P(d.vt.)+O(direct)+to/for+O(indirect)5 S+P(d.vt.)+O+Obj-complement综合句型: attr./S/(attr.)+(adv.)P+attr./O/(attr.)+adv.attr./S/(attr.)+(adv.)P+attr./O/(attr.)+adv.三划分句子成份的方法:三划分句子成份的方法:I I首先要找句子的首先要找句子的“谓语谓语”。1根据英语五种基本句型特点,我们可以发现英语的“谓语”只能由“动词” 来承担,而且英语句子中“谓语动词”有人称、数、时态、语态、语气等变化。 我们可以从这些变化中很容易地找到“谓语”。如:1) He usually has sports after class.(一般现在时第三人称变化)2) I am reading a book now. (现在进行时第一人称变化)3) They found the lost boy yesterday.(过去时变化)4) We will have a meeting tomorrow.(将来时变化)5) I have seen the film before.(现在完成时变化)6) The students had already learned 1000 English words by the end of last term.(过去完成时变化)7) She was reading a book at 8 oclock yesterday.(过去进行时变化)8) He said that he would come here soon.(过去将来时变化)9) English is taught in our school.(被动语态变化)2谓语划分除将构成动词各种变化形式的“助动词”划入谓语部分中外,还应 注意“短语动词”和一些“复合谓语”结构也应划入谓语部分中。1)短语动词包括:link-v+adj.+prep.:be fit for; be good to; be famous for;be covered with; be surprised at;be made up of; be used toeg. The U.S is made up of 50 statesvi.+prep.Look at; look for; deal with; turn to; look forward to; refer to; care foreg. We are looking forward to seeing you.vi.+adv.Sit down; stand up; get up; go ahead; set off; die out; go off; drop ineg. Ill drop in and leave my new address.vt.+adv.Put down; clear up; keep back; take off;blow away; bring up; hand outeg. Strong winds can blow away the valuable soil that lies on the top of the fields.vt.+n+prep.play a(the) part in; take pride in; take care of; make room for; make use of; pay attention to; take the place ofeg. We must pay special attention to the idioms when we study a language.vt.+n.take place; take care; catch fire; lose heart;hold ones breath; make progress;eg. Marx made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles for an American newspaper2) 复合谓语包括: link-v+Pre.(系动词表语) 常用系动词包括:A. be(am, are, is) +n/pron.(人称代词主格,形容词性物主代词,相互代词 除)/num./adj./adv.(只有方位,地点副词),prep.-phrase/non-finite-verb/n.-clause become+n./adj./participleeg. He is a teacher.(名词)Who is it? It is me. (人称代词)The book is mine. (物主代词)He is quite himself.(反身代词)(表示人的身体状况)What I referred to are those who didnt study hard.(指示代词)That is all for today.(不定代词)Two and three is five. He is the first.(数词)He is tall.(形容词)He is out.(副词)He is in the classroom. (介词短语)He is to clean the windows. (不定式)His job is teaching. (动名词)He is surprised. (过去分词)The story is very interesting. (现在分词)He isnt what he was 10 years ago. (名词从句)He became a doctor after graduation. (名词)He became famous from then on. (形容词)He became very excited when he heard the news.B.get, turn, grow +adj. (“turn” can be followed by a noun withoutaor an.)eg. When winter comes, the days are getting shorter and shorter.His face turned red, when he was asked a difficult question.He turned doctor after graduation.The smoke grew heavier and heavier.C.keep, remain, stay +adj. (“remain” can be followed be a noun.)eg. He kept silent when the teacher asked him a question.He remained a farmer, while Peter became a doctor.The temperature has stayed hot this week.D.look, sound, taste, smell, feel +adj./as if-clause(后跟名词时与 like 连用)eg. The food tasted delicious.That sounded reasonable.He feels like watching TV now.He looks like his father.He looked as if he had just stepped out of a book of fairy tails.It smells as if it went bad.E.seem,E.seem, appear,appear, prove(prove(证明是证明是),), happen(happen(碰巧碰巧)+n./adj./to)+n./adj./to dodo sth./sth./eg. He seems (to be) an honest man./ He seems honest.It proved (to be) a fine day./ It proved fine.He happened (to be) a kind-hearted person./He happened kind- hearted.I happened to meet my friend in the street yesterday.ItIt seems/appears/proves/happensseems/appears/proves/happens that-clause/asthat-clause/as if-clauseif-clauseeg. It seems that he is an honest man.It proved that it was a fine day.It happened that he was a kind-hearted man.It happened that I met my friend in the street yesterday.F.F. come,come, go,go,come true, go bad, go mad, go hungry, go pale/red, go angry bebe sure/certainsure/certain toto do/do/ bebe likely/possible/probablelikely/possible/probable toto dodoeg. He is sure/certain to do the job well.A hurricane is likely to come soon.bebe ableable toto do/do/ bebe goinggoing toto do/do/ bebe aboutabout toto dodoeg. My friend was about to leave when I went to see him.He was able to speak to the foreigners when he met th
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