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罗哌卡因伍用不同阿片类药物在硬膜外术后镇痛中的效果观察罗哌卡因伍用不同阿片类药物在硬膜外术后镇痛中的效果观察赵丽云 卿恩明 刘醒帅 徐源首都医科大学 附属北京安贞医院 麻醉科(100029)目的目的 对比观察罗哌卡因分别伍用芬太尼和吗啡对上腹部手术后病人硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)的效果。方法方法 41 例择期上腹部手术,随机分为罗哌卡因+吗啡(RM)组和罗哌卡因+芬太尼(RF)组,接受 PCEA 治疗。术前用药、麻醉诱导、麻醉维持及给药方法均相同。全部病人均行硬膜外加静吸复合全麻,T8-9硬膜外穿刺向头侧置管 4ml,经导管给予 5ml 罗哌卡因与利多卡因合剂(0.5%罗哌卡因+1%利多卡因) ,平面确定后后进行全麻诱导,采用异丙酚 2mg/kg 琥珀胆碱 1.5mg/kg 快速诱导插管。麻醉维持:硬膜外持续输注 0.5%罗哌卡因+1%利多卡因合剂 6ml/h,异氟醚吸入,酌情加入维库溴胺和芬太尼,术毕完全清醒后拔除气管导管,回病房后鼻导管吸氧,常规监测生命体征。术后 PCA 配方:RM 组为 0.2%罗哌卡因加 0.05 mg/ml 吗啡;RF组为 0.2%罗哌卡因加 0.005mg/ml 芬太尼。每组配制 200ml 药液入储药袋内,安装于美国雅培公司生产的电子止痛泵,每次启动 PCA泵给药 6ml,锁定时间为 20min,24h 最大药量为 48ml。所有患者均于术前一天访视时指导 PCA 泵的使用方法,并告知正确配合视觉模拟评分(VAS)方法。术后 1、2、4、6、8、10、12、24、48h 分别观察:平均动脉压(MAP) 、心率(HR) 、呼吸频率(RR) 、指脉搏血氧饱和度(SpO2) 、视觉模拟评分法(VAS) 、Remesay 镇静评分(RSS) 、Bromage 评分法评估运动神经阻滞程度及各时段有效/无效按压次数、罗哌卡因、吗啡、芬太尼的用量,记录各时段恶心、呕吐、皮肤瘙痒发生率及排气时间。结果结果 两组间在疼痛缓解程度方面均显示出良好的镇痛效果,安静时 RM 组的 VAS 评分波动于 2738之间,而 RF 组为2839,活动时 RM 组的 VAS 为 3856之间,RF 组为3658之间,两组间无显著性差异(P0.05, ) ,但 RF 组的有效/无效按压次数明显多于 RM 组,相应地罗哌卡因的用量亦显著大于RM 组(P0.05,见表 3) ,两组无一例呼吸抑制出现,表现为术后在鼻导管吸氧的情况下,SpO2均在 93%以上,两组的镇静程度分值均在 4 分以下。结论结论 0.2%的罗哌卡因加小剂量吗啡或芬太尼对上腹部手术后PCEA 的效果相当,RM 组可明显减少罗哌卡因的用药量。【关键词关键词】 罗哌卡因;硬膜外;镇痛 ;病人控制;吗啡 ;芬太尼 作者电话:作者电话:010-81899365Postoperative patient-controlled epidural analgesia with opioid ropivacaine mixturesZHAO Liyun, QING Enming, LIUXingshuai, et al. Department of anesthesiology, Anzhen HospitalCapital Medical College, Beijing 100029【Abstract】Objective To determine the efficacy and side effects of patient-controlled epidural analgesia of morphine and fentanyl in combination with ropivacaine for postoperative pain relief after major abdominal surgery. Methods Forty-one ASA-patients undergoing elective major upper abdominal surgery were randomly divided into two groups:group RM(n=20) received postoperative PCEA with 0.2%ropivacaine and 0.05mg/ml morphine, group RF received PCEA with 0.2% ropivacaine and 0.005mg/ml fentanyl. The bolus dose of PCEA was 6ml,and lock-out time 15min. Blood pressure,heart rate, respiratory rate, and SpO2 were monitored, Assessment of pain (VAS), nausea-vomiting, Bromage motor block, pruritis and Remesay sedative score were recorded for 48hr. Results No difference in pain , nausea-vomiting, pruritus and sedative scores between groups. The 48hr postoperative opioid consumption was morphine 3.801.63 mg and 575.10180.86 g fentanyl respectively. Total ropivacaine 0.2%consumption was 78.0023.14 ml in group RM and 121.0532.77 ml in group RF . five patients in group RF complained of numbness in lower limbs while one patient in group RM. Conclusion Both methods were effective in the prevetion of pain with an absence of serious side effects.However, the consumption of ropivacaine in group RF was larger than in group RM.【Key words】 Ropivacaine; Epidural; Analgesia,patient-controlled; Morphine; Fentanyl
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