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52 求学网教育论坛 免费学习资料 20132013 年高考英语难点年高考英语难点 2727 讲讲-难点难点 2121 多变的省略句多变的省略句英语中省略现象较为普遍,对省略的考查已成为高考中的热点。句子成分的省略,可分为以下几种情况:1.省略主语,主谓语或主谓的一部分2.不定式符号 to 的省略3.不定式结构中动词的省略4.状语从句中的省略5.定语从句中关系词的省略6.虚拟语气中 if 和 should 的省略7.考查 not,so,neither,nor 的“替代性”省略难点磁场1.()John plays football_,if not better than,David.A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as2.()If you go to Xian ,youll find the places there more magnificent than commonly_.A.supposing B.supposed C.to suppose D.suppose3.()What do you think made Mary so upset?_ her bicycle.A.As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing4.()I thought her nice and honest_ I met her.A.first time B.for the first time C.the first time D.by the first time5.()Boris has brains.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_IQ. (NMET 2002)A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.the highest6.()You should have thanked her before she left.I meant_,but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.(2002 年上海春季)A.to do B.to C.doing D.doing so案例探究1.Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?_.A.I dont believe B.I dont believe itC.I believe not so D.I believe not命题意图:此题考查 not 在宾语从句中的“替代性”省略。此题属四星级题。知识依托:“so”可代替某些动词后的宾语从句,但绝不能用 it 或 that。这些常用的动52 求学网教育论坛 免费学习资料 词有:believe,be afraid,expect,hope,imagine,suppose 等。例:Is she going to the party tonight?I think so./I hope so.其否定有两种:动词用否定结构。用 not 代替 so。又如:Do you think he will pass the exam?I dont think so./I think not.前者更常用。错解分析:A 项应为 I dont believe so。C 项否定也应否定谓语。解题方法与技巧:根据具体语言环境,正确运用表达观点的方法。答案:D2._ for the free ticket,I would not have gone to the films so often.A.If it is not B.Were it not C.Had it not been D.If there were to命题意图:旨在考查虚拟条件中 if 的省略。此题属五星级题。知识依托:跟过去事实相反的虚拟条件句结构为 If+主语+had+过去分词,主语+would/could/might do当 if 省略时,将 had 提主句首,即Had+主语+过去分词,主语+would/could/might do错解分析:A 项不是虚拟语气结构。B 项是跟现在事实相反的虚拟条件句。D 项是跟将来事实相反的虚拟条件句。解题方法与技巧:从题干的后一句话入手,可看出 I would not have gone to是跟过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,故答案为 C。译为:要不是因为票是免费的,我也就不会经常去看电影了。答案:C3.You ought to have given them some advice._,but who cared what I asked?A.So it was B.So I ought to have C.So I did D.So I ought to命题意图:考查 ought to 后作宾语的不定式的省略。此题属五星级题。知识依托:ought to, want, hope 等动词后可省略作宾语的不定式短语,但该宾语若是be 动词或动词的完成时,则需在 to 后加 be 或 have。Are you a soldier?No,but,wish to be(a soldier).答案:B4.The research is so designed that once_ nothing can be done to change it.(NMET 2002)52 求学网教育论坛 免费学习资料 A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun命题意图:此题考查省略在状语从句中的应用。此题属四星级题。知识依托:当主句的主语和状语从句主句一致(或从句主语为 it),且从句中含 be,可把从句的主语和 be 一起省略,例:I wonder why he didnt do as(he was) told to.错解分析:A、B、C 项都为主动,而 research 应是由人启动的,应用被动。解题方法与技巧:此类词,应分清主、被动关系。答案:D锦囊妙计掌握好省略句,应注意以下几条:1.感官动词或使役动词(如:notice,hear,let,make)等后接不定式作宾补时省略 to,被动时 to 不能省略。2.在 prefer to do rather than,cannot help butdo, nothing but 等句型中常省略 to。3.为避免重复,作某些动词(hope,want)等宾语或(tell,order,ask)的宾补时,省略不定式短语,只保留不定式符号 to。4.应注意状语从句、定语从句中的省略。状语从句中,如果谓语含动词 be,主语又与主句主语一致或主语是 it,从句中主语和 be一齐省略。5.注意 not ,so ,neither, nor 的“替代性”省略。歼灭难点训练1.()Tom fell down from the ladder.I think his right leg is broken.Oh,I_.A.hope not to B.hope not C.hope not so D.dont hope2.()If_ the same treatment again,hes sure to get well.A.giving B.give C.given D.being given3.()Arent you the manager?No,and I_.A.dont want to B.dont want to be C.dont want be D.dont want4.()While_ for the bus,I met an old friend of mine.A.waited B.waiting C.wait D.to wait5.()I dont like the way_ he speaks to his mother.A.which B.in that C. D.on which6.()They had nothing to do but_.A.to wait B.waiting C.waited D.wait52 求学网教育论坛 免费学习资料 7.()Children must be taught to act with good manners when_.A.speaking to B.spoken to C.are speaking D.spoken of8.()Have you cleaned the room?No,but_.A.Im B.I am C.Im just going D.Im just going to9.()Do you mind my taking this seat?_.A.Yes,sit down please B.No,of course notC.Yes,take it please D.No,you cant take it10.()_ green,the door might look more beautiful.A.You painted B.If painted C.To paint D.Have it painted11.()Is the boy very sick?Im afraid_.A.it B.this C.so D.that12.()They knew her very well.They had seen him_ up from childhood.A.grow B.grew C.
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