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清华大学心理学系 樊富珉教授 心理学与生活 psychology and life 清华大学心理学系 钱静 2011.2.23 1 清华大学心理学系 Course Requirement Attending each lecture 5% After-class reading Quiz + Mid-term + Final 10%+20%+60% Experiment Participation (5 Hours) 5% 3 清华大学心理学系 Psychology in life Why do we dream? How is my personality formed? How do I improve study efficiency? How do I cope with loneliness when I travel away from home? Under what circumstances are people more likely to help each other? Why do people misunderstand each other? How to make friends and influence people? Can mental disease be cured? Why do some people commit suicide? 5 清华大学心理学系 Psychology in life Why people behave differently in groups and alone? How do thinking and behavior change as one ages? What are the individual differences in investment decisions? What are the changes in mind and behavior when one is at zero gravity? How much does psychology affect sport performance? 6 清华大学心理学系 Psychology and Life Closely reflects everyday life Highly applicable to our thinking and behavior Widely connected with a variety of disciplines Anyone can find topics of interest in psychology 7 清华大学心理学系 What can you gain from this course? Gain insight into the mind Understanding of people Understanding yourself 8 清华大学心理学系 什么是心理学什么是心理学 心理学的定义心理学的定义:关于关于个体个体的的行为行为及及精神过精神过 程程的的科学的科学的研究研究。 个体:心理学是人类了解自身和发展自身的一门科学,分析的对象往 往是一个人。 行为: (behavior)行为就是行动,心理学也就可观察行为,探索 影响个体行为的因素。 精神过程:(mind)人类的思考,归因等精神活动与行为息息相关。 科学的:心理学是以实验作为主要研究方法的学科,心理学的结论要 建立在依据科学方法搜集到的证据。 9 清华大学心理学系 心理学是研究心理现象发生、发展和活动规 律的科学。 心理包括人的感觉、知觉、注意、记忆、思 维、情绪性格、能力、兴趣和意志等。 心理学家就是探索这些心理活动规律即它们 如何产生、发生受那些因素的影响及它们之 间的相互关系。 10 清华大学心理学系 What is Psychology Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior Greek origin Psycho = mind or soul Logo = study of 11 清华大学心理学系 What is behavior Any action that others can observe and measure Walking Talking Physical movements Neuron firing, blood flow, perspiration 12 清华大学心理学系 Five goals of psychology Observe Exam, watch, or interview a persons behavior Describe Record specific behavior under certain situations Explain Give reasons for behavior in terms of feeling of anxiety or distraction Predict Determine how a person will behave under a certain situation based on ODE Control Change the behavior or mental process by teaching patients new ways of keeping their anxiety under control 13 清华大学心理学系 Three Main Level of Analysis 14 清华大学心理学系 行为的生物学基础 生理学、生物学 遗传学、神经科学等 行为的社会学基础 人际关系,跨文化 婚姻家庭、性别等等 行为的认知基础 认知信息加工、 问题解决模式等 理解人 的行为 15 清华大学心理学系 Five Broad Areas Neuroscience 脑与神经科学 Developmental 发展心理学 Cognitive 认知心理学 Social 社会心理学 Clinical 临床心理学 16 清华大学心理学系 17 清华大学心理学系 Can you do this? Try drawing one shape with your left hand and one with your right hand, simultaneously. BBC 清华大学心理学系 Phineas P. Gage (July 9, 1823 May 21, 1860) American Crowbar Case Stimulates discussion on “brain localization” in the 19th century 清华大学心理学系 Techniques to Study the Brain Animal models Brain damage, surgery Brain stimulation Brain listening technologies Electroencephalography (EEG) Neuroimaging technologies PET scan fMRI scan 清华大学心理学系 Preschoolers, although still egocentric, develop the ability to understand anothers mental state when they begin forming a theory of mind. The problem on the right probes such ability in children. 清华大学心理学系 A B C D 清华大学心理学系 Verbal comprehension (fluency) Perceptual speed (space) Processing speed (number) Memory Inductive Reasoning 清华大学心理学系 Are we born good or evil? Phillip Zimbardo. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (Random House, 2007) 清华大学心理学系 樊富珉教授 Psychological Disorders 清华大学心理学系 Homo Economicus 经济人 Homo Sapiens 社会人 Economic Rationality Bounded Rationality 清华大学心理学系 “Proposer” offers split of total, e.g. $100 If “Responder” accepts, the money is divided. If (s)he declines, both get 0. Normative (i.e. rational economic) model predicts Responder will accept anything greater than 0 and therefore Proposer will offer $99/$1 split 清华大学心理学系 Digit Ratio The growth of the 2nd and 4th finger is affected by exposure to androgens 雄激素 e.g. testosterone 睾丸激素 while in the uterus 子宫 and that this 2D:4D ratio can be considered a crude measure for prenatal 胎儿期的 androgen exposure, with lower 2D:4D ratios pointing to higher androgen exposure. 2D:4D is sexually dimorphic: in males, the second digit tends to be shorter than the fourth, and in females the second tends to be the same size or slightly longer than the fourth. 28 清华大学心理学系 How does Digit Ratio correspond to the observations? Prenatal androgen exposure Difference s Numeracy Dyslexia Musical ability Aggression 清华大学心理学系 Why Psychology is considered a science? Social Science Study the structure of human society and the nature of the individual in the society.
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