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黄石理工学院毕业(设计)论文I摘摘 要要机构分析与仿真是机构设计的重要内容,其中对连杆机构的研究较多。对于结构类型比较固定的机构,已经有不少的研究成果,但在机构的综合问题上还需要进一步的研究完善。本文叙述了平面连杆机构运动分析和可视化仿真的理论,比较分析了多种机构的分析方法后,运用基于杆组的机构组建理论对机构进行了运动分析,利用Turbo C语言在数学处理方面的优势,采用C语言编程,开发了一套平面连杆机构运动分析和动态模拟仿真系统。该系统可以任意组建机构,不限制机构组成构件的数目,综合度较高;修改完成后进行机构的预运行,提出了机构可行性的概念,解决了在运动模拟中机构在某一角度位置不满足装配条件时,计算出错的问题,保证了任意搭建的机构均能实现运动模拟;对机构在整个周期内的可行性进行了计算分析并记录相应信息,随后进行动态模拟仿真,可根据需要输出任意构件点的位移、速度、加速度曲线和相应文字信息,形象直观。该系统界面美观,人机交互性能强,并有较强的容错机制,操作时根据文本提示,不需要很强的专业知识。使用该系统,我们可以优化设计新机构,并对机构进行运动模拟,观察机构运动过程中的情况,预测设计缺陷,提高设计效率。本论文的创新之处:1.用基于杆组的思想来组建机构,并可以任意的添加和修改,在动态仿真中可以观察到机构比较“真实”的运动情况,并有相应数据和图表信息的显示。2.对机构运行的可行性进行了分析研究,对机构运动仿真前,在后台进行了机构运动模拟的预运行,甄别任意组建的机构在整个周期运动中不满足装配条件的角度并记录,而展现给用户的则是机构在可行域内连续的运动情况,提高了程序的运行效率,并且使得程序的使用更加合理化和美观化。关键词:平面连杆机构、运动分析、杆组、Turbo C黄石理工学院毕业(设计)论文IIAbstractAbstractMechanisms analysis and imitation is the key content of the mechanisms design, in which the planar linkages analysis is more than others. To the mechanism whose structure style is fixed, there have many researches, but their synthesis is still need to be researched.This paper describes the theories of planar linkages movement analysis and visualization simulation, after comparing with several ways of the mechanisms analysis, adopt the mechanisms construction theory based on rod-group and analysis the mechanisms movement, take the Turbo advantage in math display, adopt Turbo c as the program language, exploit a system of planar linkages movement analysis and dynamic simulation and imitation. This system can construct mechanism at random, no limitation in the number of the construction, the synthesis is very high; after amend, make the re-circulate, propose the conception of feasibility, resolve the problem that when the mechanism is not accord with the assemble condition the system will make wrong, so to ensure that the mechanism which constructed at random can make dynamic imitation; count and analysis the feasibility of the mechanism in whole period, then register all the information, and make dynamic simulation, and can output any components curve of displacement,edacity, acceleration and corresponding text information according to the need, it is visualize and view.This systems interface is very beautiful, and its communion ability between people and computer is very good, and also has a good form in dealing with the fault, when manipulate, we can infer form the hint text, so it is not need special knowledge in using it. Using this system, we can optimize and design new mechanism, and make movement 黄石理工学院毕业(设计)论文IIIsimulation, observe the status of the mechanisms movement, forecast the bug of the design and so to improve the design efficiency.The innovations of the paper:1. Set up the mechanism on the basis of rod-group, and can add or amend freely, during the course of dynamic simulation, we can observe the “real“ movement of the mechanism, and also the corresponding data and figure be displayed.2. Make analysis on the feasibility of the mechanisms movement, before simulation, count and analyze the mechanism in the backstage, so as to find out in which angel the mechanism accord with the assemble condition and in which angel not, then the pictures showed to the user is the continuous movement, such improve the run efficiency, and make the programs use be more rational and beautiful.KeyKey WordsWords: Planar Linkage, Movement Analysis, Visualization Simulation Rod-Group MATLAB, Dynamic Simulation and Limit.目目 录录摘要摘要ABSTRACTABSTRACT第一章第一章 绪论绪论.1 11. 1 平面连杆机构运动分析的国内外研究现状.11. 1. 1 平面连杆机构的发展现状.11. 1.2 连杆机构分析的历史与现状.11.2 平面连杆机构运动分析综合和动态仿真的国内外研究现状.4黄石理工学院毕业(设计)论文IV1.2.1 连杆机构分析的常用方法.41.2.2 连杆机构运动分析仿真软件研究现状及发展.51.3 本文研究的内容和意义.61.3.1 本文研究的内容.61.3.2 本文研究的意义.71.4 平面连杆机构的组成原理.81.4.1 研究机构组成的目的.81.4.2 平面连杆机构的组成原理.9第二章第二章 平面连杆机构的运动学分析平面连杆机构的运动学分析.11112.1 引言 .112.1.1 机构运动学分析的目的.112.1.2 机构运动分析的常用方法.1122 曲柄、基本杆组的运动学分析.122.2.1 曲柄运动学分析 .122.2.2 RRR级杆组运动学分析 .132.2.3 RRP级杆组运动学分析 .142.2.4 RPR级杆组运动学分析 .15第三章第三章 平面连杆机构的动力学分析平面连杆机构的动力学分析.1
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