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学学 号:号:HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY毕毕 业业 论论文文GRADUATE THESIS论文题目:论文题目:从门罗的从门罗的逃离逃离谈女性的自我追寻及谈女性的自我追寻及其挫败其挫败学生姓名:学生姓名: 专业班级:专业班级: 学学 院:外国语学院院:外国语学院指导教师:指导教师: 2014 年 05 月 31 日Female Self-pursuit and its Frustration from Alice Munros RunwayByA graduate thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts to the College of Foreign Languages Hebei United UniversityMay 31st, 2014摘 要I摘要摘要艾丽丝门罗是一位加拿大籍女性作者,她擅长于短篇小说,被誉为”当代契科夫”。她的小说朴实感人,着眼于普通人的日常生活,关注普通女性内心暗藏的波澜。在她的短篇小说逃离中,一个平凡女子对自我的渴望、追求和理想生活破碎后的无奈被她娓娓道来。本论文就选取了逃离作为研究文本。毫无疑问,门罗的作品中有着很强的女性意识。她在写女性的同时,又不动声色地赞扬与批评女性。但是门罗从来不会给予读者任何有着鲜明立场的观点,她只是平静地描述一段事实,在人物的选择中,有着她对人生的感悟,但她不会逼迫她笔下的人物和读者作出选择,一切只是遵循着命运的轨迹,往往意料之外又情理之中。本论文在第一章,对门罗和她的作品做了一个简要的介绍,阐述了国内外目前对其作品的研究成果。在第二章,论文对小说逃离和门罗的女性主义作出了简要的阐述。在第三章,论文以逃离为蓝本,分析了文中女主人公追寻自我之路。通过分析,读者将对女主人公被压抑的自我,受男性控制的精神世界有一个深入的理解。在第四章,论文深刻地分析了造成女主人公自我追寻之路挫败的原因,提出了两个切实可靠的解决方案。最后在第五章中,总结和升华了论文的主题思想和研究成果。关键词 艾丽丝门罗;女性主义;自我追寻;挫败;策略;ABSTRACTIIABSTRACTAlice Munro is one of the famous Canadian writers and noted female writers in the contemporary literature. Her theme has often been the dilemmas of the female coming to terms with family, friends in a small town. This paper attempts to make a brief introduction about the titled story Runaway, the first short story from the collection of stories Runaway, which is her masterpiece. The thesis explores the protagonists way of the female self-pursuit and the frustration of escape that they cannot get rid of the ineluctable reality of life. Unquestionably, a strong awareness is showed in Munros works. When she depicts female, she praises and abuses female as well. Yet Munro doesnt tend to display any personal perspective. She just descries a story for audience and never forces the heroes and reader to make choice.In chapter one, the thesis makes introduction to Alice Munro and her works and elaborates the current research on Munros works from abroad and China. We find the associated study of Munros works is superficiality and insufficient, typically in feminine perspective, so the research is of significance. In chapter two, with meticulous description, the thesis makes a brief introduction of Runway and its unique feminism. In chapter three, the thesis makes a further study on the way of female self-pursuit based on the short story, Runway. According to research, the audience of this thesis can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the spiritual world of protagonists in the story. In chapter four, the thesis analyzes the reasons causing the frustration of escape and raises the strategies to find the outlet for the female plight.In chapter five, the thesis makes a final conclusion based on the topic and achievements of the whole paper.Keywords Alice Munro;female self-pursuit; frustration; strategiesCONTENTSIIICONTENTS摘要 .I ABSTRACT.II Chapter 1 Introduction.1 1.1 Literature Review.1 1.2 Alice Munro and her Works.2 Chapter 2 Runaway and Feminism.4 2.1 A Brief Introduction of Runaway.4 2.2 Munros Feminism.5 Chapter 3 The Way of Carlas Female Self-pursuit.7 3.1 The First Period of Carlas Female Self-pursuit.7 3.2 The Second Period of Carlas Female Self-pursuit.9 Chapter 4 The Frustration of Carlas Female self-pursuit .12 4.1 The Main Reasons behind Carlas Frustration.12 4.1.1 The Impossibility of Female Quest.12 4.1.2 The Impossibility of Self-awareness.14 4.2 The Strategies to Female Plight.15 4.2.1 Female Initiative against Male Repression.15 4.2.2
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