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本本 科科 毕毕 业业 论论 文文(20152015 届)届)题题 目目浙江省纺织品出口的发展对策分析浙江省纺织品出口的发展对策分析- 以绍兴柯桥轻纺城为例以绍兴柯桥轻纺城为例学学 院院经济学院经济学院专专 业业国际经济与贸易国际经济与贸易班班 级级 学学 号号 学生姓名学生姓名 指导教师指导教师 完成日期完成日期20152015 年年 6 6 月月杭州电子科技大学本科毕业论文诚诚 信信 承承 诺诺我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文浙江省纺织品出口的发展对策分析-以绍兴柯桥轻纺城为例均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。承诺人(签名):承诺人(签名): 年年 月月 日日杭州电子科技大学本科毕业论文摘 要自丝绸之路开辟以来,中国的纺织品贸易一直处于世界领先地位,通过今年来世界市场的开发,世界市场份额逐步提升,已经渐渐成为全球纺织品最大供应商和制造商。而浙江是国内主要的纺织品生产基地,是我国纺织品的主要出口省份之一,这为浙江省纺织品贸易打下了扎实的基础。但是近几年来浙江纺织品作为一个劳动力密集产业的弊端就体现无疑,随着国际贸易环境的恶化,浙江纺织业结构不完善所带来的弊端也被大幅度放大。同时随着纺织品贸易配额体制的结束,虽然带来机遇,但是潜在的巨大威胁又让本就严峻的浙江纺织品企业雪上加霜。而且由于浙江省纺织品进出口大多属于初加工,大部分柯桥轻纺的商户或者相关制造企业都属于劳动密集型,依赖引进的大量廉价劳动力,以大量低廉的劳动力生产初加工纺织品,以量来获取利润,并没有自己的品牌,无法产生品牌效应。而有些不良商户又用粗制滥造或者不合格的面料来制成的纺织品,使得浙江出口的纺织品价格一跌再跌,纺织企业纷纷打起了价格战,这种不良的价格竞争,导致的不仅仅是大量纺织企业的倒闭,即使浙江纺织业拥有得天独厚的资本和基础,但是其显露出来的疲软也让人不得不警醒,是时候做出相应的调整,这将迫使着纺织品企业进行转型升级。本文将基于浙江纺织业的现状,以绍兴柯桥轻纺城为例,分析其优劣势和所面临的机遇挑战,根据实际轻纺城企业所面临的问题出谋划策,为浙江省纺织品贸易健康发展做出一定的建设性贡献。关键词:浙江纺织品;柯桥轻纺城;SWOT 分析杭州电子科技大学本科毕业论文ABSTRACTThe history of the textile industry is Chinese advantage industry, Chinese has become the worlds largest textile production and trade in China though the international transfer of the global textile industry. Zhejiang is a major textile production base, is one of the main export provinces of Chinas textile, the textile trade in Zhejiang province has laid a solid foundation. But in recent years, the rapid development at the same time, the Zhejiang textile industry which has labour intensive defects gradually revealed, the end of textile trade quota system, although the opportunities, but also great potential threat to the grim Zhejiang textile enterprises . And because Zhejiang Province Textile Import and export mostly belong to the early processing, most of Keqiao textile businesses or related manufacturing enterprises are labor-intensive, relies on the introduction of cheap labor, with a large number of cheap labor production at the beginning of textile processing, to profit by volume. In order to profit from the amount, and does not have its own brand, not a brand effect. Some selfish businesses with shoddy or substandard fabric made of textiles, making Zhejiang textile exports prices fall further, textile enterprises have been playing the price war, the bad price competition, resulting in not only a large number of textile enterprises collapse. Although the textile industry of Zhejiang province still has many advantages and has many good opportunities, but on the other hand, the textile industry of Zhejiang province are facing challenges but also a very serious, it will force the transformation and upgrading of textile enterprises. In this paper, the present situation of Zhejiang textile industry based on Shaoxing Keqiao Textile City, taking it as an example, analysis of its strengths and weaknesses and opportunities facing the challenge, give advice and suggestions according to the actual textile city the problems faced by enterprises, make a constructive contribution to the healthy development of the Zhejiang Province Textile trade.Keywords:ZheJiang Textile,Shaoxing Keqiao Textile City,Analysis of SWOT 杭州电子科技大学本科毕业论文目 录引 言 .1一、浙江省纺织品出口现状分析 .3(一)浙江省纺织品出口的总额.31浙江省内纺织品生产状况 .32浙江纺织品出口总额 .43浙江纺织品出口来源地分布 .4(二)浙江省纺织品出口的产品结构.51纺织纱线类出口量 .52棉布出口量 .63纱线产量 .64服装类出口量 .7(三)浙江省纺织品出口的市场.81亚洲市场 .82欧盟市场 .83美国市场 .94非洲和拉丁美洲市场 .9(四)浙江纺织品出口的态势.10二、浙江纺织品出口的 SWOT 分析以绍兴柯桥轻纺城为例 .11(一)优势.111地域优势 .112总体规模优势 .113民营企业经济优势 .114技术水平优势 .11(二)劣势.121产业链不够完整 .122企业自身品牌优势弱 .123同行业不良竞争 .134成本增加 .13(三)机遇.131产业链的转型
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