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重庆电子工程职业学院毕业论文摘摘 要要“工学交替”是一种由企业单位、学校以及在校学生共同参与的,为适应 现代社会需求的人才联合培养新模式。相对于主要面向校内教学环节的成熟教 学管理系统而言,基于“工学交替”人才培养模式下的校外实习实训管理系统 还很不成熟,亟待开发相关教学管理系统。本论文着力于解决“工学交替”实 践教学效果评测问题,并设计开发出适合电子信息类专业的“工学交替”实践 教学效果评测系统。 在大量调研的基础上,针对“工学交替”培养模式下时间、地点、合作企 业、参与人数、指导教师、实践岗位等不确定性给管理带来的诸多问题,本论 文以实现实习生动态实时教学效果评测与管理为目的,构建了各实习实训模块 的综合指标评测体系,对参与实践环节师生、企业进行实时追踪与即时评估, 实现了综合、客观、科学地指导实践教学和评价学生综合能力的目的。在此基 础上,根据评测系统的实际需求,将实践教学环节分为参观实习、体验实习、 技能实习与就业实习 4 大模块,并以 VS2008 为开发工具,SQL Server2008 作 后台数据库,设计并实现了满足各个教学环节需求的“工学交替”实践教学效 果评测系统。 对该系统的测试结果表明:其能对参与实践环节的师生、企业进行实时追 踪,并即时评估教学效果,综合、客观、科学地指导实践教学,可实现对分散 实习实训的有效管理。这对于解决“工学交替”实践教学中出现的“教育缩水” 、 “教学不可控”等诸多矛盾问题,提高教学质量,把握实习就业市场变化趋势 等具有重要意义。关键词:工学交替,实践教学,评测系统,指标评测体系,教学效果评测重庆电子工程职业学院毕业论文ABSTRACTWorking and learning alternation is developed as a new talent training pattern in recent years to meet modern social demands, which unites enterprises, colleges and enrolled students tightly in the training activity. Compared to the mature teaching management systems for intramural teaching links, the working and learning alternation-based teaching management system for practical training outside college is immature, and it is urgent to develop related teaching management system. This dissertation aims at solving the practice teaching effect evaluating problem, and the working and learning alternation-based practical teaching effect evaluating system will be designed and implemented. The comprehensive evaluation index system for evaluating and managing the dynamic practice teaching effect of trainees in all practical models real-timely has been established, in which the problems due to the uncertain factors, such as time, place, cooperative enterprises, participation, tutor, practical post, and so on, are considered after quite a lot of investigation work. It can track the teachers, students and enterprises in the practical teaching links efficiently, guide the practical teaching activity and evaluating the comprehensive ability of the students in a comprehensive, objective and scientific way. Furthermore, the practical teaching links are divided into four models according to the actual demand of the system as follows: visit session, experience session, skill session and occupation session. The working and learning alternation-based practical teaching effect evaluation system for all the links has been designed and implemented by utilizing VS2008 as developing tool and SQL Server2008 as background database. The testing results of the system show that: it can track teachers, students and enterprises in the practical teaching links and evaluate the teaching effect in a comprehensive, objective and scientific way to guide and manage the distributed practical teaching activity efficiently. It is significant for solving the teaching quality and control problems in working and learning alternation-based practical teaching activities, improving teaching effect, and grasping the practice and employment trend.Keywords: working and learning alternation, practical teaching, evaluation system, index evaluation system, teaching effect evaluation.目录目录摘摘 要要.1 1ABSTRACTABSTRACT.2 2目录目录.3 3第第 1 1 章章概概 述述.5 51.1“工学交替”教学模式的研究背景.51.2“工学交替”教学模式国内外研究现状.51.2.1国外“工学交替”教学模式的产生与发展.51.2.2国内“工学交替”教学模式的现状.6 1.3本文研究背景.6 1.4本文研究目的、内容及其意义.71.4.1研究目的.71.4.2主要研究内容.81.4.3研究意义.8 1.5论文章节安排.8第第 2 2 章章“工学交替工学交替”实践教学效果评测系统需求分析实践教学效果评测系统需求分析.10102.1系统建设目标.10 2.2系统功能分析.10 2.3功能模块分析.142.3.1基础管理模块.
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