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第二学期第二次考试第二学期第二次考试高二年级英语试题高二年级英语试题注意事项:1、全卷共八大题,96 小题。满分共 150 分,测试时间 120 分钟。2、答题前,务必将自己的班级、姓名、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。3、答选择题时,必须使用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如果改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选择其它答案标号。4、答非选择题时,用圆珠笔或黑色签字笔将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。5、所有题目必须在规定的答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。一、听力一、听力(共 15 题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下列对话或独白,根据问题选出最佳选项Conversation11.When was the man supposed to get there?A. at 1:30 pm. B. at 2:00 pm. C. at 2:30 pm.2. Why was the man late?A. Because he set off too late. B. Because his car broke down half way. C. Because he was taken to another place.Conversation 23. How does the woman feel now?A. hungry B. tired C. excited4. What may the man do next?A. take a shower B. go to cook C. go to the parkConversation 3 5. How long was the flight delayed at least?A. for 2 hours B. for 3 hours C. for 1 hour6. Where are the two speakers?A. at a restaurant B. on a plane C. on a trainConversation 4 7. How does the woman find the book?A. easy and boring B. difficult and boring C. simple and interesting8. What do we know about the woman? A. She likes reading short stories best.B. She likes reading books on different subjects.C. She wants to become a famous writer one day.9. What may the man do? A. watch more movies B. read more books C. find the woman a movieConversation 5 10. How does the woman feel now?A. terrible B. much better C. totally fine11. What did the woman do at home?A. read a whole book B. cooked some food C. watched TV12. What can we know from the conversation?A. The man knows how to make Italian food.B. The man will teach the woman to make French food.C. The woman is good at making foods from different countries.Conversation 6 13. What do we know about the movie?A. It is a great old movie. B. It is a new movie. C. It is very scary.14. Why didnt the man have a good experience last time? A. Because he was suffering from poor health.B. Because he sat too close to the screen.C. Because the movie was very boring.15. What does the man usually do on Friday nights?A. He watches a movie. B. He teaches a boy Chinese. C. He travels around the city.二、单项选择二、单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)16. To be honest,it took me more than a month to _myself _the new school life.Aadopt;to Badjust;to Cadapt;into Dsuit;for17. They were making a plan to help those poor students _need, which attracted me. AinBon Cat Dout of18. Its freezing cold outside. Put your coat on,_ youll get a cold.Atherefore Bhowever C otherwise Dyet19. He acknowledged _ the book from my bag.Ato steal Bstealing Csteal Dstolen20. It suddenly _to the police that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own brother.A. happened B. occurred C. thought D. took place21. The boy composition won the first prize is the youngest in the group.A. who B. whose C. that D. which22. I will travel to Hong Kong this summer holiday, live my nephews and cousins.A. which B. that C. where D. there 23. I will forever remember the days I lived in the country with the farmers, has a good effect on my life.A. that, which B. when, which C. which, that D. when, whom24. _ is known to us all, the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London.A. It B. What C. As D. Which25. It has been proved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.A. if B. because C. when D. that三、完型填空三、完型填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)I hadnt even got a chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me and asked if I would help her return an item (商品). The item she had bought was _26_ for her daughter, but she had already received a similar one. The lady _27_ to exchange the item for something else in the store but she was told she needed an ID or the deal could not take place. I went to the _28_ with the woman so she could use my _29_. The sales associate immediately started _30_ her for asking the first random person she saw to help her. Although that was _31_, I didnt understand why it was _32_. After all, not everyone is given the opportunity to _33_ an ID in this country. Then, we asked to speak with a manager, who explained that _34_ could return the item without a receipt and then went on to say the woman could not prove she had _35_ the item. “If I, a young white female, were to enter the store and _36_you to make an exchange without a receipt, I would not be _37_ as I had kind of _38_in the past,” I said. He must have realized at that moment what he had done, because he agreed the womans _39_.There are many valuable lessons in the story. The first is to help a stranger in _40_. I _41_ when the woman asked for my help, but _42_ in my
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