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工程项目管理中的造价管理工程项目管理中的造价管理 Cost management in the engineering project management论文摘要:工程造价控制是工程建设管理工作的重要组成部分,如何合理确定和有效控制工程投资,是工程项目管理的一大难题。本文系统地分析了工程项目整个过程的造价控制的主要影响因素,并提出了有效的、切实可行的造价管理措施。 Abstract : the project cost control is an important part of project construction management work, how to determine a reasonable and effective control of project investment, is a big problem in the project management. This paper systematically analyzes the main influence factors of cost control of the whole process of engineering project, and proposes effective, feasible cost management measures.论文关键词:工程;项目管理;造价管理 Keywords: project; project management;engineering cost management; 在工程项目建立和实施过程中,如何有效地利用投入建设工程的人力、物力、财力,以尽量少的劳动和物质消耗,取得较高的经济和社会效益,是工程项目管理中的一个十分重要的问题。工程造价管理。工程造价管理的目的不仅在于控制项目投资不超过批准的造价限额,更在于从项目的整体利益出发,合理地使用人力、物力、财力,以取得最大的投资效益。 Establishment and implementation process in the project, how to effectively use the input of construction engineering of the human, material and financial resources, to minimize the consumption of labor and material, to achieve good economic and social benefits, is a very important problem in engineering project management. Project cost management. The purpose of project cost management is not only the cost quota control project investment does not exceed the approved, but from the overall interests of the project, the rational use of human, material and financial resources, to obtain the maximum investment benefit.一个建设项目从酝酿、规划、设计到建成投产包括以下程序:即项目建议书阶段、可行性评估阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段、竣工验收阶段。相应地,工程造价的确定与工程建设阶段性工作相适应,一般分为以下几个阶段:一是决策阶段的造价管理;二是设计与计划阶段的造价管理;三是实施阶段的造价管理;四是竣工阶段的造价管理。 A construction project from the brewing, planning, design to put into operation includes the following procedures: the project proposal stage, feasibility evaluation stage, design stage, construction stage, the completion acceptance stage. Accordingly, to determine the project cost and project construction stage work, generally divided into the following stages: one is the cost management decision-making stage; two is the cost management in design and planning stage; three is to implement the cost management; four is the completion of the construction cost management.一、决策阶段的造价管理 I, decision-making phase of the cost management决策阶段的投资估算是项目建设前期编制项目建议书和可行性研究报告的重要组成部分,是进行投资方案选择的重要依据之一。决策阶段影响工程造价的主要因素有:建设标准水平的确定;建设地区的选择;建设地点(厂址)的选择;项目的经济规模;工艺评选;设备选用。 Estimated investment decision-making stage is an important part of the earlier stage of project construction project proposal and feasibility study report,and is one of the important basis for investment options. The decision stage of the main factors affecting the project cost: identify the level of construction standards; construction area selection; construction site ( sites ) choice; development; technology selection; equipment selection.决策阶段项目决策的内容是决定工程造价的基础,直接影响着决策阶段之后的各个建设阶段工程造价的确定与控制是否科学、合理的问题,在项目的决策阶段必须编制可行的投资估算。因此,可采取以下措施控制该阶段的工程造价: The decision-making phase of the project decision content is the basis of project cost, directly affects whether scientific, reasonable question to determine the various construction phases of the project cost and control decision-making phase, in the decision-making phase of the project must prepare a feasible investment estimation. Therefore, the project cost may take the following measures to control the:(一)做好基础资料的收集 A. basic data collection 造价人员需要收集工程所在地的水电路状况、地质情况、主要材料设备的价格资料、大宗材料的采购地以及已建类似工程资料,并对资料的准确性、可靠性认真分析,保证投资预测、经济分析的准确。 The cost of personnel need to collect the project location, geological conditions, water circuit of main material and equipment price data, procurement of bulk materials and construction of similar projects have been data, accuracy, and reliability of data analysis, investment analysis, to ensure accurate forecast of economic.(二)做好可行性研究阶段的技术经济论证 B. the feasibility study stage of the technical and economic argumentation要做好可行性研究,就需要作充分的市场调查研究,包括国内外市场在项目计算期内对拟建产品的需求状况、类似项目的建设情况、国家对该产业的政策和今后发展趋势等。 Should do well feasibility study, we need study full market investigation, including the domestic and foreign markets in the project calculation period of the product demand, similar projects, the state of the industry policy and development trend in the future.(三)做好方案优化 C. the plan optimization技术经济人员应该和设计人员密切配合,用动态分析方法进行多方案技术经济比较,通过方案优化,使工艺流程尽量简单,设备选型更加合理,从而节约大量资金。 Technical and economic personnel should cooperate closely and design staff, technical and economic comparison of several schemes for dynamic analysis method, through the scheme optimization, the process as simple as possible, equipment selection is more reasonable, which can save a lot of money.二、设计与计划阶段的造价管理 II, the design and planning phase of the cost management 基于对大型工程项目和造价控制分析与研究,发现项目规划设计阶段的方案选择对其工程整个投资影响最大,可以高达 80%以上。规划设计水平的优劣,对工程实物的投资、工程进度和建筑质量有着非常大的影响。设计与计划阶段影响工程造价的主要因素有:总平面设计、空间组合(包括层高、层数、室内外高差的确定等)、项目资金、建筑结构型式、建筑材料、建设地点(厂址)及设计人员的专业化水平等等。Based on the research and analysis of large engineering projects and cost control, the discover phase project design scheme
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