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1教学过程设计:教学过程设计: 教 学 过 程集体修改 建议个人再探讨自主学习案: 教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐 趣 预期目标:掌握词汇:bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs 预习导航:说出你所知道的一些国家的人们第一次见面时的礼仪。(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ 一词形转换 1. kiss(现在分词_ _ _ 2. relax (形容词)_ _ _ 3. shake (过去式)_ _ _ 4. drop (过去式)_ _ 5. a bit (同义词)_ _ _ 6. with (反义词)_ _ 7. late (比较级)_ _ 二短语互译 1.握手_ 2.第一次_ 3.风俗_ 4.中国人_ 5.日本人_ 6.美国人_ 7.meet someone_ 8.be supposed to do sth_ 三用 supposed 的适当形式填空 1I_ she is not thirty years old. 2. You were _ to be here at 2:00. I have been waiting for you for almost an hour! 3. I _ that my father will be back in half an hour. 4. You are not _ to trouble her again. 5. I _ so. 群学学案:教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我 预期目标:能用所学单词描述见面礼仪。 一、Lead in 老师在黑板上画两栏,写上 Right 和 Wrong, 对学生说:Please tell me things these are good to do in school and these are not good to do in school. 让学生讲出他们的 suggestion. 二、合作共建 Step1 自由交谈: Look at the picture in 1a,What do people do when they meet for the first time? Work in pairs and write down what you are talking. A: B: A: B: A: B: 预习检测导入学生自主探究活动: 根据图片及资源协助, 培养学生自己获取信 息的能力。同时,图 片和动画也使教学更 直观、更生动。这样 教学使各种不同层次 的学生都能以其各自 不同的水平自由练习, 改变了以往教学的一2听力链接: 1).Brazil 巴西 2) kiss 吻;亲吻 3)Mexico 墨西哥 4) Korea 朝鲜 5) shake hands 握手 6)bow 拥抱 Step2 听力步步高 1b: 1.英语视听:让我们先通过练耳来接触新句型,一定认真对待哦!看下面的问题,然后听。(1) How many people are mentioned in the conversation? (2) What are they talking about ? 2 、Listen to the conversation and check your answers in 1a. 3、 听录音,在横线上填上缺失的单词、短语或句子。Hi! Do you know what people are _ to do when they meet for the first time in different countries? In Brazil, friends_. In Mexico, they _.They_ in Japan and Korea. In most Western countries people_. Step3 完成 1c. 观察与思考 1.shake v. 摇动;(使)震动 e.g: The earthquake shook the house.地震使房子震动。 注:shake 既可作 vt. 也可作 vi. 用作 vt.时,其后直接跟名词, 代词作宾语 e.g.Shake the bottle before taking the medicine. 服药前先将药瓶摇一摇。 “握手”的表达方式有三个: (1)shake hands with sb. (2)shake sbs hand (3)shake sb. by the hand 【展示】:He shook _ with us. 他和我们握手。He shook my _ warmly. 他热情地和我握手。 作可数名词He shook _ by the hand. 他与我握手。 2kiss v. & n. 吻,亲吻 e.g.:The children kissed their parents good night. 孩子们吻了吻父母以道晚安。The little girl gave her father a sweet kiss. 小姑娘给了父亲一个甜甜的吻。 常用搭配:kiss sb. hello/ goodbye 以亲吻问候某人/ 与某人吻别 展示:我常常以亲吻的方式问候我的妈妈。(汉译英) _ suppose v. 意为“想,认为”, 常见用法有: (1)be supposed to do sth. 意为“被期望做某事;应该做某事” 。eg:He is supposed to arrive on time.他应该准时到达。 (2)在口语中,常用否定结构“be not supposed to do sth.”刀切。做哪些练习由 学生自主选择, 既 节约了时间又使学生 真正成为学习的主人。3意为”不允许做某事;不应该做某事。eg:They are not supposed to smoke here. 他们不应该在这里抽烟。 (3)suppose + that 从句,当主句主语为第一人称,that从句变 否定句时,否定词应该前移。类似的词还有:think, believe 等。eg:I dont suppose he will tell you about it. 我认为他不会告诉你这件事。 (4)suppose 还有“猜想”的意思, suppose sb. to do sth. 意为“猜想某人做某事”。 eg:I supposed him to go shopping. 我猜他去购物了。 展示: You_ _ _ hand in your homework on time. 你应该按时交家庭作业。 I_ _ he will come. 我想他不会来了。 学生不应该在课堂上吃东西。_ 我猜她去教室做作业了。_ 当堂训练案:教师寄语:相信自己,永不放弃 完成下列各题: 1.Students are supposed _(pass) the end-of-year exams. 2.We should_(study) from each other and _ (help) each other. 3.What was _(happen) when you watched TV at 10:00 yesterday night? 4.Before he flew to London, he _(握手) with me. 5.Please_(给我一个吻) 6.There are different_(风俗) in different countries. 7.Do you know_ in different countries when they meet for the first time?A. what people are supposed to do B. what are people supposed to doC. what people were supposed to do D. what were people supposed to do【拓展提升案】一用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 (greet , relax , towards , kiss , suppose)1.Were_ to smile to foreign friends.2.We all felt_ after the big test. 3.I said good morning to Lucy, but she didnt return my_. 4.Many winners at the Olympic Games happily_ the medals(奖牌) they got. 5.Lin Feis attitude_ it is positive. 二句型转换。 1. I suppose you have had dinner.(改为否定句) I_ _ you_ _ dinner. 2.He is supposed to be an expert in this field.(改为否定句)分层反馈练习 学生自主探究活动: 通过学生自己到网站 上搜索信息。4He_ _supposed to be an expert in this field.3.I dont suppose they can win us, _ _? (完成反意疑问句? 4.We should help each other at school.
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