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现代汉语中现代汉语中“英语化英语化”问题研究问题研究“英语化英语化”:翻:翻译带来文化嫁接现象译带来文化嫁接现象广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 现代汉语中的英语化问题研究英语化翻译带来 的文化嫁接现象 姓名卜嘉西 申请学位级别硕士 专业英语语言文学 指导教师柏敬泽 20080401 现代汉语中的英语化 问题研究 英语化翻译带来的文化嫁接现象 研究生卜嘉西 年级 2006 级 学科专业英语语言文学 指导老师柏敬泽 教授 研究方向翻译理论与实践 中 文 摘 要 翻译研究的文化转向使越来越多的人开始关注翻译对译语文化产生的作用事实 上翻译见证了文化的嫁接而语言是文化的重要组成部分和传播媒介因此作为两种语 言相互影响和借鉴的汉语英语化当然也可以看成是一种文化嫁接现象本文通过从文化角 度来研究翻译与汉语英语化的关系以证明翻译可以促进文化的交流这是本文一个特色 本文中所讨论的汉语英语化实际上也就是前人所研究的欧化但本文从文 化角度对汉语英语化和英式汉语重新下了定义肯定了理性的汉语的英语化是汉语的发展 这一性质狭义的英式汉语是指在英汉翻译中模仿英语的音义或形而带有英语特色的汉 语表达而广义的英式汉语还包括人们在社会交往中创造的带有英语特色的表达方式汉 语的英语化则是指英式汉语产生并被社会接受的过程结合前人对汉语欧化的研 究成果本文详细探讨了词汇层词法层和句法层三个层面汉语英语化的表现以揭示汉 语的英语化所体现的嫁接即一方面英式汉语因为受英语影响而带有英语特色而不同 于传统汉语另一方面英式汉语依然是汉语而不是另一种语言因为它总要受汉语语法的 限制总要经过某种程度的汉化而这种嫁接实际上要通过各种不同的翻译手段 来实现 本文的另一个特色就是把汉语英语化这个语言学问题和翻译策略这个翻译学问题结 合了起来张向阳认为在中西文化移植中功能观不容忽视而作为功能派重要理论的 目的论就可以为中西文化嫁接表现形式之一的汉语英语化现象提供很好的理论依据翻译 的目的论认为翻译是一种有目的的人际的跨文化交际而翻译的目的决定翻译策略其 中译者和读者因素受到重视受目的论的启发本文分析了我国五四以来的社会背景 译者目的和读者需求来揭示汉语英语化的客观性和必然性认为这些因素所规定的翻译目 的决定了汉语英语化现象产生所使用的异化翻译策略本文认为异化策略应理解为一种 综合的翻译策略并且列出了英式汉语形成所使用到的具体的翻译技巧 最后本文对汉语的英语化作出批判性反思从积极的方面探讨了英语化对丰富汉语 表达的益处及对物质和思想文化嫁接的作用从消极的方面通过分析不合理的过度英语 v 化的混乱局面本文对过度英语化带来的汉语危机和文化侵略的问题提出警告同时还对 目的论的局限性做了反思首先目的论存在自相矛盾的地方一方面它承认译文读者在 翻译目的中的决定作用认为译文应该对读者有意义但另一方面作为一个以目的为取向 的理论它又认为翻译目的决定一切为达目的不惜牺牲读者的理解这点容易让译者陷入 极端的功利主义其次目的论没有看到目的的多层次性和层次可变性即翻译目的实际 上有主次之分且主次目的可以根据文化环境改变而变动对翻译目的理解的局限导致了 过度异化的策略进而导致了现代汉语的过度英化对此本文最后提出要避免过度英语 化我们不能一味把异国情调作为翻译目的而应把促进文化交流作为目的而归化 的翻译策略也可以促进文化交流还要通过培养语感来避免不合理的英语化 然而本研究依然存在需要完善的地方如本研究相对忽略了汉语英语化过程中汉语 对英语的同化或汉化作用且尚未能对合理的英语化和过度英语化提出明确的界定标准 这些问题都有待进一步研究来解决 关键词现代汉语英语化文化嫁接目的翻译策略异化 vi A Study of Anglicization Problems Cropping up in Modern Chinese Anglicization as The Cultural Graft Phenomenon in English-Chinese Translation Postgraduate Bu Jiaxi Grade2006 Major Field of Study English Language and Literature Supervisor Professor Bai Jingze Orientation Translation Studies Practice Abstract in English Under the trend of cultural turn in translation studies more and more attention has been drawn to the effect of translation on target-language culture Actually translation witnesses cultural graft Since language is an important component of cultural system and an essential medium for cultural dissemination the Anglicization of Chinese as the outcome of Chinese being influenced by English can be definitely viewed as a phenomenon of cultural graft From the perspective of culture the study tries to testify that translation can promote cultural communication by studying the connection between the Anglicization of Chinese and translation strategy This is one character of our study The so-called Anglicization of Chinese in our study is in fact the Europeanization as other scholars studied before And from the cultural perspective this dissertation remakes definitions of the Anglicization of Chinese and Anglicized Chinese and it admits that reasonable Anglicization is a development of Chinese language Anglicized Chinese in the narrow sense is a general term to refer to those Chinese expressions formed to imitate the sound meaning or concept shape or construction of the relevant English counterparts in English-Chinese translation While in a broad sense Anglicized Chinese includes those accepted Anglicized expressions made by Chinese native speakers in social communication besides those coming directly from translation And the Anglicization of Chinese is a process in which Anglicized Chinese is born and conventionalized With the help of the related achievements made in the Europeanization of Chinese the study here analyzes in detail the features of the Anglicized Chinese on lexical level morphological level and syntactic level which reveal the graft presented in the Anglicization of Chinese on the one hand Anglicized Chinese is different from traditional Chinese since it came from being influenced by English language on vii the other hand the Anglicization of Chinese wont turn vernacular Chinese into an absolutely new language because the Anglicization of Chinese mustnt go beyond the permission of Chinese grammar but it has to undergo sinicization to some extent In fact the graft is realized by different translation methods or skills The other eye-catching character of this study is it combines the linguistic issue of the Anglicization of Chinese with the issue of translation strategy which falls into translation studies Zhang Xiangyang found that functionalist concept should not be neglected in the cultural graft between China and the West Being a crucial theory of the functionalism the Skopos theory can offer good theo
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