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1英语写作常见错误英语写作常见错误 一、词法错误 1 词的误用 1) 词性的误用:指不同词性之间的误用,如 adj 与 n, v 与 n 的混淆。 2) 词义误用:因为词形相近,词根相同,发音相近,导致混淆。 3) 介词误用:由于对惯用法、固定搭配掌握的不够,导致误用。 4) 连词误用:指连接副词和关联词的使用错误。 5) 词的指代错误:指代词的数或性与先行词不一致及代词在搭配使用时的错误 6) 名词的单复数错误 2 词的遗漏:如冠词、连词、介词的遗漏 3 词的多用:如冠词、代词、介词的多用,以及赘述 二、句法错误 1 主谓一致错误 2 时态错误 3 语态错误 4 平行结构错误 5 语序混乱 6 动名词、分词使用错误 三、中式英语Now is an age of information.It is an age of information.What is the price of the coat?How much is the coat?How do they think of this novel?What do they think of this novel?To learn English is step by step.To learn English, one must go step by step.The problem has two reasons.There are two reasons that cause the problem.写作模板写作模板一、一、对立观点型对立观点型模板模板 1Many students like (1)主题 . Among them there are two types of attitudes in(2)主题 . Some of them think that A. They think that (3) 支持 A 的理由 and they should (4) 结果 .Other students, however, dont think so. They feel that B. They argue that (5) 支持B 的理由 .2I like A. Because (6) 支持 A 的理由 . So, as a result, I (7)支持 A 的结果_. By A, I can (8)重申支持 A 的理由 . I like this way of (9) 主题 . 模板模板 2The topic of (1)主题 is becoming the most popular one recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of (2)支持 A 的理由之一. Whats more, (3)理由二 . Moreover (4) 理由三 .While others think that B is a better choice in the following reasons. Firstly, (5)支持 B的理由之一. Secondly, (6)理由二 . From my point of view, I think (7) 我的观点 . The reason is that (8) 原因一 . 模板模板 3(1)提出主题 Some people object that (2)反对主题观点 .At the same time, many people go along with (3)赞成主题观点 .They argue that (4)理由一 and (5)理由二 In my view, (6)综合 A 和 B . (7)理由一 . (8) 理由二 模板模板 4Some people think (1) A . In their opinion, (2) 重申支持 A 的理由一 . 理由二 .Others, however, (4) B . They believe that (5) 重申支持 B 的理由一 . (6)理由二 . To my mind, (7) A 和 B 都有道理 . But (8)A 更重要 . So (10)结论:支持 A .模板模板 5Some people think it is not wrong for (1) A . (2) 支持 A 的理由一 . On the other hand, (3) 支持 A 的理由二 . (4) 支持 A 的理由三 .However, other people are arguing against (5) B .They think (6) 支持 B 的理由一 . It is not only (7) 支持 B 的理由 二 .I think it is acceptable (8) 我的观点(支持 A) . (9) 理由 一 . (10) 理由二 .模板模板 6(1) A . Some of them (2) 支持 A 现象一 ; some (3) 支持 A 现象二 ; others (4) 支持 A 现象三 .But some people consider (5) B . They cant accept it because (6) 支持 B 理由一 . They dont think it necessary to (7) 理由二 . They argue that we should (8) 理由三 .3In my view, (9) 我的观点 . But (10) 重申支持 A 的观点 . On the other hand, (11) 重申支持 A 的理由 . 模板练习:模板练习:Love and Learning1. 老师的看法。2. 学生的看法。3. 我的观点。One-Child Family1. 大多数人持积极的态度。2. 有些人持消极的态度。3. 我的观点。Can Money Buy Happiness?1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本。2. 也有人认为金钱是万恶之源3. 我的看法。Reading Selectively or Extensively?1. 有人认为读书要有选择。2. 有人认为应当博览群书。3. 我的看法。My View On Job-Hopping1. 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为2. 有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为 3. 我的看法。Vacation, Long or Short?1. 有人认为假期应长些。2. 有人认为假期应短些。3. 总结。Are Pets Good for Mankind? 1. 有人认为养宠物好。2. 有人认为养宠物不好。3. 我的观点。Is Content Happiness?1. 有人认为知足常乐。2. 也有人认为不满才能产生进步。3. 我的观点。My View On Opportunity1. 有人认为机会是极少的。2. 另一些人则认为人人都会有某种机会。你的看法如何?Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来运气。2. 也有些人认为数字与运气无关。3. 试说明你的看法。二、阐述主题型二、阐述主题型模板模板 14There are many reasons for (1) 主题 . The main one is that (2) 释义 . I decide to (3) 我的观点或抉择 . Of course I must admit that (4) 从反面论证我的观点或抉择 . For in todays world, (5) 说明主题 . For the reasons, I (6) 我的理由一 and (7) 我的理由二 模板模板 2Nowadays quite a few people think (1) 主题 . In their eyes, (2) 释义 . To illustrate, they will say that (3) 举例说明一 .To them, (4) 举例说明二 .As a college student, I (5) 我的观点及理由一 . In addition, (6) 我的理由二 . 模板模板 3Some people say that (1) 别人的观点 , but I consider (2) 我的观点 . First of all, (3) 理由一 . Furthermore, (4) 理由二 .As a matter of fact, (5) 强调我的观点 .模板模板 4Many people cherish the motto that (1)名言 . They always (2)释义 . They do so mainly because (3)理由 .However, nowadays (4)提出不同观点 . For example, (5)举例说明 . (6)强调第二段主题 . (7)理由 .模板模板 5A good mastery of A can give you a lot of help. Firstly, (1)用途一 . Secondly, (2)用途二 .There are many ways to acquire A . You can (3)方法一 . You can also (4)方法二 .However, easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. Only when you pay attention to it, will you hold it sooner or later.模板模板 6There is old saying (1)名言 , which means as long as (2)释义 一 . In other words, (
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