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1.23 issue-当务之急与百年大计3 3. “It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.“ 与其花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会 问题上。结论型论证 + 题目成立的假设:immediate, existing social problems 亟待解决,其结果影响到社会稳定, 领导者政绩,国家安全 e.g. ethics dilemma, public security, difficulties and complexities caused by international situation _ 攻其假设:现在的问题有其历史原因, 同样, 我们今天的行为会影响到将来,我们不 该重蹈覆辙。 只顾眼前不计后果的例子:environmental problems relevant to technology( global warming, ozone level thinning, species extinct), sociologic problems relevant to partial emphasis in cursory profits, neglecting long-term instruction of social value system( increase in suicide rate, teenagers drinking and driving and teen suicide) . -攻其结论:long-term research 不仅 help future generations,也会帮助解决 immediate, existing social problems. E.g. education My main point of agreement with the speaker has to do with the fact that immediate, existing social problems are always emergency, which cannot be delayed or neglected for the sake of contemporary social stableness and development. For example, many ethics dilemmas, such as senior-citizen problems, assisted suicide, the application of genetic tests, directly affects the cursory interrelations among human beings, consequently the societys sets of ideas. And the difficulties and complexities caused by international situation, such as world-wide financial crisis and war threat, are the affairs government has to deal with immediately without any hesitation. Whats more, there are many problems existing chronically during human civilization, instance as public security. When it comes to the problems above, I think it is justifiable to allocate money for them. Notwithstanding the foregoing merits, I think the statement fails to consider the roots of most immediate, existing social problems. History tells us, yesterdays actions produced todays situation, just as todays actions produce tomorrows situation. So it is necessary to finance long- term research for the sake of preventing the same mistakes as yesterdays. One telling example comes to the environmental problems relevant to technologys progress. Pollutions from cars, which seen as one of the marks in the super-modern world, are realized as the chief cause of global warming, and the revolutionary technologies that mean to meet cursory energy quest, often has negative consequences: the thinning of the atmospheres protective ozone laver, and dramatic declines in fish in the ocean and forests in the continent. It is conceivable that if we continue partially emphasizing current problems as people once wrongly did, existing social problems are impossible to solve completely: one immediate goes away, others come up. Thus I think the statement is unrealistic. Another sounded example is the sociologic problems relevant to partial focus on near-sighted profits, neglecting long-term instruction of social value system. Contemporary views like job- oriented, bonus-oriented, individualism, which in spite of actually helping society to prosper for the time being, have created serial sociologic problems consequently. Instances like increase in suicide rate, teenagers drinking and driving, separate neighborhood, and vaster distance among citizens. Weighing the above, we will not prefer near-sighted focus on current problems to long- term consideration any longer, since every sociologic problem has its chronic source, but does not growth instantaneously. Finally, it goes without saying that long-term research not only helps future generations, but also serves a useful purpose for immediate, existing problems. Because long-term research contains provident consideration and wider perspective, it is capable to provide illumination or inspiration for the solutions of present problems. Take education for example. If scholars merely examine the actuality of education, they may find many difficult positions and that solutions seem inadequate. However, if they cast attentions to educations future goals and orientations, it is very likely to work through the dilemma. Thus I think the statements assertion has its limitation. 花钱解决现在的问题很合理,特别是很紧急的问题。如:tsunami 有些问题不是现在就能解决的。需要长远的规划。贫困问题、犯罪问题,有关 human nature 的问题从历史上看从来没有真正得到解决过。 我们对未来负有责任。 A 一方面,我们的行为造成了他们的损失。能源上,环境上。 B 从道德上说,人与动物的区别在于我们会感情上认为应对后代负责。1.Immediate, existing problems 好比急性疾病对于人体一样常常关系到社会的稳定,经济的 运行,国家的存亡,解决不好后果十分严重。比如失业问题引起政府税收增加,不利于企 业发展,事业人经济紧张,购买力下降进一步阻碍经济发展。附加的贫富差距引起社会阶 级对立,矛盾加剧的话引起社会动乱 2.有些问题是短时间内不能解决的,需要长期几代人不懈的努力与规划。提高人的道德素 质需要一点一滴的逐渐培养不可能一下子解决,预防贪污腐败制度的完善需要长期的研究 与实践,这些与 human nature 有关的问题从来没有被解决过。 3.当代人对于后代有责任,比如环境的恶化,能源的消耗,对后代造成了不良影响,需要 研究未来的能源危机与对策。需要针对环境的恶化做出补救措施,而且生态的恢复也是一 个长期过程。1.Naturally, each generation is most concerned about solving problems that immediately confront them. 2.However, what differentiates human beings from other animals is that humans have a sense of future and are mor
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