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Housekeeping Fire Procedure 客房火灾应急程序客房火灾应急程序.Policy Number:45Effective Date: 2012-03-01Prepared By: Approved By: Total Page:3Objective 目的:目的: All associates know and master Fire,fire fighter training ,evacuation procedure. 所有员工能正确了解的掌握火灾应急和疏散程序POLICY STATEMENT 政策声明:政策声明: It is the policy of the Crowne Plaza KunMing that All associates will implement this policy when there is any fire and evacuation. 昆明中心皇冠假日酒店所有客房部员工在发生火灾和应急疏散时将严格按照以下程序执行PROCEDURES 程序:程序:听见报警铃声:听见报警铃声:In case of alarm 办公室疏散准备和疏散:办公室疏散准备和疏散:Office preparation &Office evacuation Stop working immediately and to prepare flashlight. 立即停止手上工作,准备好电筒。Collect all keys of offices (including master keys of guest room and keys in Public Areas) 准备收好办公室所有的钥匙。(包括客房万能钥匙和公区其他钥匙)Cut off computer, power, air-conditioner and lights. 关闭电脑及电源,办公室空调和灯。All employees must remain in their own position to wait for further information via pager or supervisor. 监守岗位,听候应急广播,传呼或主管的通知。According to fire indications, employees evacuate from the nearest fire passage with attendance record. 按照消防指示,员工从最近消防通道疏散,并带上员工名单,排班表,及其它重要单据。Check the amount of employees. 清点疏散现场员工人数。Report the amount of employees to fire command group.Crowne Plaza KunMing Policy and Procedure向消防指挥组报告公共区域疏散的员工数。公共区域疏散准备和疏散:公共区域疏散准备和疏散:PA preparation & PA evacuation Stop working immediately and lock trolley, equipments and vacuum cleaner into pantry. 立即停止工作,将工作车、工具、吸尘器锁入工作间。Withdraw all flammability and easy exploding things in the pantry. Close all of the fireproofing doors in public area. 拔掉所有工作间和公共卫生间的电源。Check whether there are any guests left in rest area, guest toilet, passages etc. the guests shall get proper explanation. 立即检查休息区域、客用卫生间、过道等公共区域是否有客人逗留,并向客人解释和安抚。All employees must remain in their own position to wait for further information. 所有员工监守在各自岗位,听候应急广播疏散通知。After receiving correct fire alarm, do the following actions: switch off the necessary power in public area, turn off water, lock the doors and windows of toilet and public area storeroom. 接到准确的火警报警后,关闭公共区域卫生间和工作间的门和窗。Recheck public washrooms and areas so that to make sure no guests left. 对所有公共卫生间和客用区域进行从新检查,确保没有客人。Explain and comfort guests. 向客人做好安抚和解释 According to fire indications, guide public area guests, employees evacuate from the nearest fire passage with attendance record. 按照消防指示,带领公共区域客人、员工从最近消防通道疏散,并带上工区员工名单,排 班表,及其它重要单据。Check the amount of guests and employees. 清点疏散现场客人数和员工人数。Report the amount of guests and employees to fire command group. 向消防指挥组报告公共区域疏散的客人和员工数洗衣房疏散准备和疏散:洗衣房疏散准备和疏散:Laundry preparation & Laundry evacuationShut off the power of the laundry.关闭洗衣房总电源开关。 Close all of the doors and windows of laundry. 关闭洗衣房所有的门和窗。Organize employees to evacuate according to fire broadcast. 根据消防广播方向组织员工逃生。 Check the number of employees after gathering to the appointed place .到达指定地点后,清点员工人数。Report staff evacuation situation to fire command group 向消防指挥组汇报人员疏散情况。All Laundry bills shall be submitted to the chief account. 将洗衣房账单上交给总会计。
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