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不同手指的指甲变化是可以反映身体不同部位问题的不同手指的指甲变化是可以反映身体不同部位问题的正常的指甲应该是粉红色的,有自然的光泽,弧形外观;指甲表面平滑,没有纵横沟纹、 干扰斑;指甲对称、不偏斜。中医认为,人体五脏六腑与十个手指有着密切的联系,是脏 腑经络等的外在表现。脏腑出问题了,指甲的颜色、形状、光泽度、平滑度等就会发生变 化。而且不同手指的指甲变化是可以反映身体不同部位问题的!拇指指甲:头、颈部食指指甲:胸、心、肺中指指甲:肝、胆、脾、胃无名指甲:肾、膀胱、肠小指指甲:下肢指甲形状预言未来健康!A、方形:指甲的长、宽度接近的人,虽然没什么大病,但是有可能会有遗传病,而 且体质不太好,往往无力。若是女性,就要警惕子宫和卵巢方面的健康问题了。B、百合形:百合形指甲很漂亮,比较长,中间突起,四周内曲,形状就跟百合花瓣 一样,女性指甲比较多这样的形状。百合形指甲的人也许从小就体弱多病,或许消化系统 问题比较多,也有可能患血液系统疾病。若是女性,要警惕月经不调等健康问题哦。C、扇形:扇形指甲就像一把扇子,上宽下窄,这种人体质较强,正因为这样,往往 忽视健康,容易患十二指肠溃疡、胆囊炎甚至肝病等毛病哦。这些疾病在中医上跟情志有 关,就是说跟精神状态有关,有些是“忍”出来的病,女性易得,因此要警惕精神不振、 失眠等健康问题。D、圆形:圆形指甲的人最易发生溃疡等毛病。溃疡多是血不足引起,也会引起女性 月经不调等健康问题。E、长形:长形指甲的人很容易患呼吸道、肠胃、胸部疾病哦,女性要注意预防乳腺 增生、纤维瘤、乳腺癌等疾病。一、指甲苍白,小心贫血哦!一、指甲苍白,小心贫血哦!健康的指甲都是粉红色的,如果指甲变得苍白、没有血色,就表明体内的血不足 了,会贫血哦。特别是白领女性,长时间对着电脑,容易肝血不足;每个月到来的 “好朋友”,失血较多也易发生贫血;以素食水果当正餐,破坏了脾胃功能,会导致 脾胃造血生血功能下降。所以,如果我们发现指甲苍白时,就得要补补血、提高血动 力喽!二、指甲有白点,是缺钙还是虫子在作祟?二、指甲有白点,是缺钙还是虫子在作祟?指甲好端端的,突然出现白点,可能是缺钙或者体内有寄生虫哦!要是有寄生虫, 还会伴有经常肚子痛等现象。如果白点慢慢增多,有可能引发神经衰弱哦。三、半月痕减小或消失三、半月痕减小或消失 你的气血不足!你的气血不足!半月痕是指甲根部的白色弧形痕迹,双手要有 8?10 个、占指甲面积的 1/5 才健 康。半月痕弧度大、光泽好,说明气血旺盛;半月痕变小或消失,说明人体气血衰退, 体质寒,也就是免疫力弱。气血不足会导致脏腑功能的减退,引发疾病。四、指甲长得慢,新陈代谢变缓慢四、指甲长得慢,新陈代谢变缓慢一般指甲的生长速度因人而异,指甲一般上午、夏天长得快,习惯用右手的右手 指甲就长得快。如果长得慢了,很有可能是新陈代谢减慢所引起的。五、指甲有深纹,你平时太焦虑啦!五、指甲有深纹,你平时太焦虑啦!有些人的指甲上出现一些横纹、竖纹,这也与健康变化密切相关。竖纹:指甲表面出现竖纹,可能由于用脑过度、睡眠不足。若一直存在,体内器 官可能慢性病变,稍假时日,指甲可能变得高低不平,甚至裂开。横纹:说明身体血气不足,或近期曾经遭受疾病等损伤;若为心脏病患者,横纹 还可能是心肌梗塞发作的前兆。横纹由指甲最下端,开始向上生长,这预示着离发病 时间越来越近了。六、指甲薄,易裂 该补充维生素 A 啦!许多人的指甲受到轻微撞击,就会劈裂甚至折断,如果是因为指甲与水接触的时 间过长,这不打紧。但如果指甲变脆、变薄不是因为浸水太久,就得注意了,很可能 是人体缺乏维生素 A 或者营养不良。煮碗羊肝胡萝卜粥羊肝能养肝、明目、补血,并且跟胡萝卜一样富含维生素 A,羊肝胡萝卜粥可是补 充维生素 A 的大好滋补粥!取羊肝 250 克,胡萝卜 200 克,100 克大米蒸好、料酒、油、葱姜蒜末、盐备用。 羊肝洗净沥水切成小丁,加入酒、姜腌渍 10 分钟;胡萝卜去外皮,切成小丁;羊肝与 葱姜蒜末放盐、味精炝炒片刻。将清水与米一同入锅,烧沸后改小火煮成粥,加入胡 萝卜煮片刻;最后把羊肝放入粥锅,煮 15 分钟即可。Nail changes that may reflect different fingers in different parts of the body issuesNormal nails should be pink, it has a natural sheen, curved faade; nail surface smooth, no vertical and horizontal grooves, interference spots; nail symmetric, not skewed. Chinese medicine believes that human organs and ten fingers are closely linked, it is the external manifestations and other organs and meridians. Organs problems, nail color, shape, gloss, smoothness, etc. will change. And nail changes that may reflect different fingers in different parts of the body problem! Thumbnail: head, neck Index finger nails: chest, heart, lungs Middle finger nails: liver, gall bladder, spleen, stomach Unknown nails: kidney, bladder, intestines Little finger nail: lower limb Nail shape predict the future health! A, square: length, width, people close nails, though no serious illness, but there may be a genetic disease, but not very good physique, often weak. If women, we must guard against health problems of the uterus and ovaries. B, lily-shaped: lily-shaped nails are beautiful, relatively long, intermediate projection, within four weeks of music, just like the shape of lily petals, women more so shaped nails. Lily-shaped nails grew infirm people might, perhaps more digestive problems, there are likely to suffer from blood diseases. If female, to be alert to health problems such as irregular menstruation, oh. C, fan: fan nails like a fan, wider at the top, such a person a strong physique, precisely because of this often overlooked health, prone to duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis or liver disease and other illnesses, oh. These diseases in Chinese medicine with emotions related with the mental state that is relevant, some are “tolerance“ out of the disease, women are more likely to give, so be alert to lack of energy, insomnia and other health problems. www.xautoman.cn www.globessc.org.cn www.nhman.com.cn www.jdweixin.org www.ganaiwanqi.org D, round: round nails were the most prone to ulcers and other illnesses. Ulcers are caused by lack of blood, can cause irregular menstruation and other female health issues. E, long form: elongated fingernails, it is very susceptible to the respiratory tract, stomach, chest diseases, oh, women should pay attention to the prevention of breast hyperplasia, fibroids, breast cancer and other diseases.First, the nails pale, anemic careful Oh! Healthy nails are pink, if the nails become pale, no color, it shows lack of blood in vivo, and will anemia oh. Especially white-collar women, a long time at the computer, easy to liver blood deficiency; monthly arrival of “good friend“, more blood loss also prone to anemia; vegetarian fruit as a meal, destruction of the spleen and stomach, spleen and blood will lead to blood function decline. So, if we found pale nails, you have to make up the blood and improve blood force myself! Second, the nails have white spots, calcium deficiency or insects at work?Nail hey, suddenly white spots, may be a calcium deficiency or internal parasites Oh! If there are parasites, but also often accompanied by stomach pain and other phenomena. If white spots slowly increase may lead to a nervous breakdown, oh. Third, half marks to reduce your blood shortage or
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