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1课时作业课时作业( (十一十一) ) 必修必修 2 2 ModuleModule 5 5 NewspapersNewspapers andand MagazinesMagazines.单项填空1It was really an excellent film._!The plot was wellorganised.ANo way BAbsolutelyCGoodness DI see2_in 1982,the company is going to celebrate its thirtieth anniversary this year.ATo be founded BHaving foundedCFounded DFounding3More and more attention_to wildlife protection in recent years but still more needs to be done.Ahas paid Bwill have been paidChas been paid Dis paying4Yesterday I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_price was very reasonable.Awhich BthatCwhose Dwhat5The old man was invited to describe in detail_part he had played in bringing the war to_end.Aa;/ Bthe;anC/;an Dthe;/6The old wooden bridge was in such bad condition that they decided to_it with one made of concrete.Arecord Breduce Creplace Dreturn7She was just telling me the changed time of her flight_suddenly we were cut off.Awhen Bif Cunless Donce8How much did we spend on this trip?Well,it cost 7,000 yuan_.Ain addition Bin short2Cin turn Din total9In 1978,Naomi James became the first woman_all by herself around the world via Cape Horn.Asailing B to sailCsailed Dhaving sailed10Tony has got the promotion he wanted.Oh,really?Please offer my congratulations_him_his success next time you see him.Ato;with Bfor;onCto;on Dfor;with11Are you still willing to lend money to your roommate?Yes.I have always held the_that he is an honest fellow.Acustom BtruthCbehaviour Dbelief12How foolish I was!_you have realised that,stop blaming yourself.ANow that BUnlessCAlthough DEven if13All passengers_,please fasten your seat belts and remain seated_the plane is landing.Aon board;until Babroad;sinceCon the board;before Daboard;when14She was scolded because it was the third time that she_late to work.Acame Bhad comeCwas coming Dhas come15I had just got up and was about to cook my breakfast,_the telephone rang loudly,but it hung up_I could answer it.Awhile;when Bwhen;asCas;after Dwhen;before.完形填空建议用时 15(2013山东省四市联考)Years ago,there was a very wealthy man who,with his devoted young son,shared a passion for art collecting.Together,they traveled around the world,adding only the_1_art treasures to their collection.3One year,as winter approached,_2_engulfed (吞没) the nation,and the young man left to_3_his country.After only a few short weeks,his father received a telegram.His beloved son was_4_in action.The art collector_5_awaited more news,_6_he would never see his son again.Within days,his fears were_7_.The young man had died while rushing a fellow soldier to a doctor.Upset and_8_,the old man faced the coming Christmas holidays with sadness.On Christmas morning,a knock on the door awakened the_9_old man.As he opened the door,he was greeted by a_10_with a large package in his hands.He introduced himself to the old man by saying, “I was a_11_of your son.I was the one he was_12_when he died.May I come in for a few moments?I have something to show you.”As the two began to_13_,the soldier told of how the mans son had told everyone of his,not to mention his fathers,_14_of fine art.“I am no_15_, ”said the soldier, “but I want to give you this.”As the old man unwrapped the package,he saw a portrait (画像) of his son.Though the world would_16_consider it the work of a genius,the painting featured the young mans face_17_striking detail.Overcome with emotion,the man_18_the soldier.After the soldier left,the old man put the painting above the fireplace,pushing_19_thousands of dollars worth of art.His task completed,the old man sat in his chair and spent Christmas gazing at the_20_he had been given.1.A.latest BrichestCfinest Dcheapest2A.flood BfireCstorm Dwar3A.save BhelpCserve Dbuild4A.missing BactingCfighting Ddying5A.calmly BanxiouslyCquietly Dsecretly6A.fearing BdoubtingCwondering Dexpecting7A.completed Bdoubled4Cremoved Dconfirmed8A.nervous BtiredClonely Dfrightened9A.sad BpuzzledCangry Dworried10A.farmer BsoldierCpainter Dseller11A.guard BphotographerCpartner Dfriend12A.rescuing BcarryingCguarding Dhiding13A.argue BmoveCtalk Deat14A.description BloveCsense Dunderstanding15A.artist BbusinessmanChero Dreporter16A.sometimes BneverCoften Dstill17A.for BofCin Don18A.thanked BquestionedCwelcomed Dtreated19A.down BupCaside Doff20A.treasure BgiftCsouvenir Dpackage.阅读理解(2013安徽省级示范高中第二次联考) Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday created in 2010,held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year.Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to support small business owners and help fuel the economy by shopping at their favorite local stores.5Smal
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