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酒店 logoTask FIT Luggage Upon Check In Page 1 of 8标准操作程序标准操作程序 Standard Operating Procedure公司名称: CX 酒店管理公司 Company : CXHotel Management Limited编号: Reference No.FO-CON-12部门: 前厅部礼宾部 Department: Front Office DepartmentConcierge日期 Date2010 年 11 月 8 日标题: 散客入住行李处理程序和带房程序。 Title: FIT Luggage Upon Check In we must make sure guests luggages safety. 对客人来说安全至关重要,我们必须保证客人行李的安全。 3.Increase guest satisfaction. 提升客人的满意度。 4.Demonstrate my professionalism. 展示我们的专业水准。WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做怎么做/工作标准工作标准Training Question & How we talk 提提 问和话述问和话述1) Escort Guest to ReceptionBellman should always escort the guest to the Why do we need to introduce the guest to 酒店 logoTask FIT Luggage Upon Check In Page 2 of 8WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做怎么做/工作标准工作标准Training Question & How we talk 提提 问和话述问和话述 引导客人去到前台Front Desk and introduce the guest to the Front Desk Agent. 行李员应引导客人去到前台并向前台员工介 绍客人. Familiarize yourself with the guest name and introduce the guest to the Front Desk. 获知客人的姓名并向前台员工介绍.the Front Desk Agent? 为什么我要向前台员工介绍客人? “先生,您这边请,总台在那里。请问怎 么称呼您?“你好托尼,这位是王先生。“2) Handling luggage 处理客人行李Luggage always needs to be well secured And tagged on a visible spot. 客人行李应在行李员的看管之下并. 行李在 显眼处依次挂上行李牌。Never leave guest luggage unattended. 永远不要让客人的行李离开你的看管范围.After registration, obtain the room number from the Front Desk. 在客人登记完毕后, 从客人处取得客人的房 号,并记录在行李牌上。Identify more than 1 guests luggage Verify the room number and write it on the luggage tag. 确认好每一位客人行李及数量,将确认好的 房号写在行李牌上.Why should we never leave the luggage unattended? 为什么我们永远不能让客人的行李离开我 们的看管范围? “你好,王先生,您的房号是?如何询问客人的房号,而减少泄露的机会“您的房间号?好的,这两件行李,红色 的和这个电脑包。”酒店 logoTask FIT Luggage Upon Check In Page 3 of 8WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做怎么做/工作标准工作标准Training Question & How we talk 提提 问和话述问和话述指引客人至电梯间,如果行李太多不能跟随 客人乘同一电梯,应首先请客人进入电梯, 告诉客人自己将乘下一步电梯。 在电梯外为客人护住电梯一侧门,您请,我 将乘下一步电梯为您送行李。“ 同时为其 他客人护梯, 问候并点头示意。如果和客人同乘一部电梯。在电梯外为客人 护住电梯一侧门,您请, 同时为其他客人 护梯, 问候并点头示意。最后携行李进入电 梯,站立于电梯控制位置。并询问其他客人 楼层。如果没有其他客人,可以简短简绍饭 店的设施:商务中心位置,游泳池和健身房 位置,早餐地点等。达到楼层后,控制住电梯门后,请客人先出 电梯。随客人后迅速离开电梯,为客人指引房间方 向引领客人至房间外,借用客人房卡按门铃一 下,有节奏轻敲三下门,并报自己的身份。 为客人开启房门,定门。插入房卡取电,开 启房间走廊灯后,请客人进入房间。 “ Maintain eye contact and smile. 保持目光接触与微笑.“王先生,这边请,电梯间在这里。”“您请,我坐下一部电梯。”晚上好,您好。“王先生,您请。晚上好,您好。“您到几层?“早餐在一楼的西餐厅,时间是早上 6 点 30 分开始,10 点结束。“(平时)“王先生,楼层到了,您请。“这边请。“能借用您的房卡吗?bell service,您好行 李员。“王先生,您请。“酒店 logoTask FIT Luggage Upon Check In Page 4 of 8WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做怎么做/工作标准工作标准Training Question & How we talk 提提 问和话述问和话述After entering the room, gently put the luggage on the top of the luggage bench with the locks facing toward you. Ensure up side up. 进入房间,依次将行李轻轻地放在行李架上, 行李锁朝外,行李朝上方正确放置。Neatly and carefully hang garment bags either inside the closet or on the luggage rack. 小心地将行李挂件/客人套装依次挂在衣橱 里或房间行李架上. 与客人确认行李已经送到Ask if guest would like any clothes pressed or has any laundry.礼貌地询问客人是否有衣物熨烫或有洗衣。询问客人是否需要简要简绍房间和酒店.“王先生,您的行李都已送到“请问您有洗衣吗?”“需要为您介绍房间设施吗?”3) Deliver luggage to guest room without guest 客人没有随行的情况下将客人行李送 至客人房间Once in front of the correct room, knock on the door and announce yourself to the guest. 到达客人的房间门前, 敲门并报出你的身份.按门铃一下,并连续轻敲三下门。 Greet the guest by name and introduce yourself Why does the guest need to know who we are? 为什么要报出我的身份? “Bell service 您好,行李员。”酒店 logoTask FIT Luggage Upon Check In Page 5 of 8WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做怎么做/工作标准工作标准Training Question & How we talk 提提 问和话述问和话述 after the door is opened 跟客人礼貌地打招呼. Maintain eye contact and smile. 保持目光接触与微笑.After entering the room, gently put the luggage on the top of the luggage bench with the locks facing toward you. Ensure up side up. 在征得客人示意后,进入房间,依次将行李 轻轻地放在行李架上, 行李锁朝,。行李朝 上方正确放置。Neatly and carefully hang garment bags either inside the closet or on the luggage rack. 小心地将行李挂件/客人套装依次挂在衣橱 里或房间行李架上. 与客人确认行李已经送到Ask if guest would like any clothes pressed or has any laundry.礼貌地询问客人是否有衣物熨烫或有洗衣。如果客人已经忙于回电话及休息等,应询问 客人是否需要其它帮助。后退回至房门,并轻轻为客人带上房门。“王先生,您好,您的行李。”Where should we put the luggage? 我们应该将行李放在哪?LB rack is not in the closet. It should be beside.Why do we need to place Suits in the wardrobe? 为什么我们要把客人套装挂在衣橱里? “王先生,您的行李都已送到“请问您有洗衣吗?”“请问您还需要其它帮助吗?。祝您入 住愉快,晚安。“酒店 logoTask FIT Luggage Upon Check In Page 6 of 8WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做怎么做/工作标准工作标准Training Question & How we talk 提提 问和话述问和话述4)If the guest needs brief Introduction of hotel & room facilities 客人需要介绍酒店及房间设施与客人确认行李已经送到询问客人是否需要简要介绍酒店和房间设施。Explain the hotels facilities such as Restaurant, Business Center, Spa, In-Room Dining, etc. 向客人介绍酒店的设施,如: 餐厅,商务中心, 温泉浴, 房间送餐等.At least one F&B outlet must be promoted during rooming process. Breakfast venues need to be explained. 在此过程中最少一个餐厅需要向客人介绍. 早餐的地点与供应时间也需要向客人说明.Inform the guest about the Mini bar, climate control, light switches and bedside control, laundry/dry cleaning supplies and TV. 简单介绍客人房间内小酒吧, 空调, 灯光, 电 视,网络以及洗衣服务.Ask if guest would like any clothes pressed or has any laundry.礼貌地询问客人是否有衣物熨烫或有洗衣。Why do we need
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