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渑池二高高二英语导学案 课型: 复习课 主备人:高二英语组 审核人 : 高二英语组 勤思多练 理清思路 探索规律 形成能力 期末复习短文改错易错点总结期末复习短文改错易错点总结思维导图: 名动形副,冠介连代 1. 名词 a. 名词是否可数;可数名词的单复数;数词+名词复数,a/an+名词单数 b. 词性误用 2. 形容词和副词 a. adj+n adv.+v/adj/advv.+n.+adv v./adj./adv.+advb.形容词副词的比较级最高级 3. 动词时态、语态(16种,高考常考8种时态);区分主动,被动语态 上下文一致 动词单三,主谓一致 非谓语动词: to do 不定式表目的,将来; 过去分词-ed/done表被动完成; 现在分词-ing表主动,同时进行 动词固定用法a.V+ doing; b. V+ to do; c.可接不定式也可接分词,含义不同 常考动词的固定结构a.动词+ sb/sth+ of sthb.动词+ sb/sth.+for sthc.动词+sb./sth.+from sthI.名词 常考点:1.名词单复数 单数可数名词不能单独出现在句中,需用冠词或变为复数;不可数名词误用。常 见不可数名词如:information, fun, news, progress, advice, 数词+名词复数 2. 词性误用 该用名词误用为动词或形容词练习: 1. a pair of dark glass 2. I should give the pet food and water, and even give them kisses on the heads. 3. solve these problem 4. make friend with his classmates5. at the same times 6. loaded baskets of apple onto the trucks 7. I felt it was a great fun 8. There is something wrong with the books(it) 9. Two and a half hour 10. Divided into group of three or four 11. told her son about her decide 12. Gave him some advices on 13. For every exams 14. Have had a discuss about 15. Do several thing 16. An Englishmen 17. A Canada crossed the channel 18. Under different kind of difficulties 19. By his advices 20. More than 1,000 painting 21. Some traveling book 22. In almost all nation 23. With only six building 24. Some other thing 25. Most of my friends had bicycle 26. To our excite and delight 27. To our joyful 28. Make a progressII. 形容词和副词 1. 明确:形容词修饰名词 adj+n; 副词修饰动词,形容词,副词本身,句子 adv+v/adj/adv 动词和副词常见搭配: v.+n.+adv. v.+adv. 29. Friendship is very importance 2. 一般而言,形容词+ly变为副词,但并非所有+ly 均为副词,如likely, friendly, lovely, lively, ugly, lonely, deadly, brotherly, manly 练习: 1. Cross the busily road渑池二高高二英语导学案 课型: 复习课 主备人:高二英语组 审核人 : 高二英语组 勤思多练 理清思路 探索规律 形成能力 2. was serious hurt 3. Work proper 4. The voice sounds unpleasantly 5. As usually 6. The anxiously father 7. An unforgettably experience 8. We are so proudly of her 9. Gradual he made 10. She rapid washed her hands and face 11. brought their newly clothes 12. Time seemed to pass quickly than usually.(两处错误) 13. Enable us to perform good in an exam 14. make full use of our freely time 15. they can study more effective during the weekdays 16. In a properly way 17. We should face it brave with a big smile. 18. True friendship must be sincerely 19. you are very popularly with our Chinese high school students(2处) 20. I got this preciously gift from 21. if you want to see the Super Bowl lively 22. because it is brightly with a lovely balcony 23. You can imagine how happily I was when I rode to school on my own bicycke. 动词 常考点:1.动词时态 全文一致/上下文一致,如上下文均为一般现在是,突然出现一句用一般过去时( 无时间状语),则将一般过去时改为一般现在时;或者上下文均为一般过去时,突然 出现一句用一般现在时,则将一般现在时改为一般过去时;第三人称单数,如he likes music. Like 后面必须加s. 有明显时间状语时,按时间状语判定动词时态。 2. 非谓语动词(改错、语法填空考得很多) 动词不定式:a. 固定短语 had no choice but to doing(do) sth b. 表目的,将来we went to the post office (to) send the donations 过去分词(-ed)表被动完成 eg. The girl (called) Lily. 过去分词短语作后置定语,被叫做Lily的女孩 现在分词/动名词(-ing)the girl selling matches. 现在分词短语作后置定语,卖火柴的女孩 3. 特殊动词的固定用法(常见的分词/不定式短语): Generally speaking 一般来说 judging from/by 根据来判断 Considering 考虑到 compared with/to 与相比 Frankly/honestly speaking 坦白说,老实说 Takinginto consideration/account 考虑到 To tell you the truth 说实话 特殊动词 常见只跟不定式+to do sth 决心 学会 想 希望 Decide/determine learn want/expect hope 拒绝 设法 愿 假装 Refuse manage wish pretend 主动 答应 选 计划 Offer promise choose plan 同意 请求 帮一帮 Agree ask/beg help 补:afford, strive, happen, wait, threaten, +to do 只跟doing考虑 建议 盼 原谅, 承认 推迟 没得 想。Consider suggest look forward to excuse admit delay fancyAdvise pardon put off 避免 错过 继续 练, 否定 完成 就 欣赏 Avoid miss keep on practice deny finish enjoyKeep appreciate 禁止 想象 才 冒险, 不禁 介意 准 逃亡。 Forbid imagine risk cant help mind allow escapePermit flee以to结尾只跟doing (to 作介词) 1.be used to doing (习惯于) 2.lead to doing 3. devote to doing 4.go back to doing 5.stick to doing 6.object to doing 7.get down to doing 8.pay attention to doing渑池二高高二英语导学案 课型: 复习课 主备人:高二英语组 审核人 : 高二英语组 勤思多练 理清思路 探索规律 形成能力 动词短语+doing1.cant stand 2.give up 3.feel like 4.insist on 5.thank you for doing 6.apologize to sb for doing 7.be busy / occup
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