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0Unit 1 How can we become good learners?1本单元所授课时本单元所授课时授课时间授课时间教教学学设设计计说说明明通过本单元的学习,从学生兴趣出发,通过学习介词 by 和现在完成时来表达自己的观点和想法。鼓励学生树立自信,培养坚强的意志,通过各种方法克服学习中遇到的困难,并找到适合自己的学习方法。教教学学目目标标知识目标:知识目标:能听懂谈论学习方法的对话。能力目标:能力目标:学会谈论平时的学习方法,并对其做出评价。能读懂有关学习方法的文章。情感目标情感目标: :通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明 白“一份耕耘,一份收获”。教教学学重重难难点点重点重点: 1. 学会运用 how 来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用 by + doing 的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过方法或途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by 后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成: 难点:难点: 动词后加动名词 doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语 定语等 2教教学学内内容容分分析析Section A: 1.textbook (原句)by reading the textbookI just hid behind my textbook and never said anything. (1) cn 课本;教材;教科书 a chemistry textbook.化学课本 textbook contents 教材内容 textbook analysis 教材分析 She wrote a textbook on international law.This textbook contains 25 lessons. (2) adj(案件、例子)典型的,典范的 The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture. 这所房子是典型的中世纪民居。 2.conversation(原句)Do you have conversations with friends in English? (1)conversation 既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,意为“交谈;谈话”。常指非 正式社交场合的谈话,也可指在正式场合的谈话。与动词 have, hold 连用时,其前需 加不定冠词,但与动词 make 连用时,其前不加冠词。 (2)have/hold a conversation with与交谈/谈话 make conversation 闲谈;搭讪 everyday conversation personalprivate conversation (3)getenterinto conversation with 和攀谈 He warned her against getting into conversation with other passengers on the train. 他警告她不要在列车上同其他旅客攀谈。 (4)havecarryon a conversation with 与会谈 Well carry on a conversation with her tomorrow. 我们将于明天与她会谈。 Its difficult to have a conversation with each other. 彼此难以交谈。 (5)in conversation with (在)和谈话 I saw him in conversation with a friend. 我见他和朋友谈话。 Mrs. Smith spends a lot of time in conversation with her neighbor.史密斯夫人经常把许多时间花在同邻居谈话上。 3.aloud(原句)What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?(1)aloud adv 意为“出声地,大声地”。 It is very important to read aloud in studying English.在英语学习中大声读是很重要的。 That hungry baby cried aloud.那个饥饿的婴儿大哭起来。 (2)助记:aloud-aloud 形容词/副词,大声的/地 loud + ly loudly 副词,高声地 (3)辨析:aloud, loud 与 loudly 具体用法如下表: aloudadv 大声地 call, shout cry 等连用That hungry baby cried aloud. 那个饥饿的婴儿大哭起来。 出声地 read 等连用 Please read the text aloud. 请朗读一下课文。 loudadj 大声的 可作定语或表语The music is too loud. Please turn it down. 这音乐太吵了,请把声音调低些。3adv 响亮地,高声地talk, speak, sing, laugh 等连用Speak loud, please, or no one will hear you. 请大声说,否则没人能听见你。 loudlyadv 高声地”,含有“喧闹”的意思knock, ring 等连用Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly. 突然墙上的铃大声地响起来。 4.pronunciation(原句)What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?But I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. (1)pronunciation 名词,意为“发音;读音”。其动词形式为 pronounce,意为“发音”。 He speaks English fluently, but his pronunciation is poor. Please pronounce your words clearly.请你把单词的音发清楚。 (2)What about?意为“怎么样”,相当于 How about? 常用来征求对方的意见或向对方提出建议。 I think this is a good idea. What about you? What about visiting the East Lake?去浏览东湖怎么样? 注意:about 为介词,其后可接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。(3)to practice pronunciation 在句中作目的的状语。动词不定式(短语)在句中作目 的的状语时,可以放在句子的开头,也可放在句子的末尾,通常译为“为了” To keep fit, we should drink milk every day. I want to come over to your house to see your parents. 【中考链接】 How kind you are! You always do what you can others. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help 答案:D (4)practice 此处用作动词,练习,后可接名词、代词、动词-ing 形式。 They practice speaking English every morning. 【拓展】practice 也可用作不可数名词,意为“练习”。 Students get lots of practice in the English club. (5)助记:常跟动词-ing 形式的动词及短语 完成,练习,盼望,忙(finish, practice, look forward to, be busy); 考虑,建议,不禁,想(consider, suggest, cant help, feel like); 错过,习惯,(别)放弃(miss, be used to, give up); 继续,喜欢,(要)介意(keep on, enjoy, mind). 5.sentence(原句)Try to guess a words meaning by reading the before and after it.I also learned useful sentences like “Its a piece of cake” or“It serves you right” (1)cn 句子 There is a straight line under the sentence. (2)vt 宣判、判决 动词过去式: sentenced 过去分词: sentenced 现在分词: sentencing 第三人称单数: sentences 形容词: sentential 副词: sententially4No one could understand why the murderer was not sentenced. 谁也不理解为什么杀人犯没有被判处徒刑。 The judge sentenced him to do hard labour. 法官宣判他服苦役。 He has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000. 他被判罚款 1000 英镑。 They were sentenced to be hanged. 他们被判处绞刑。 (3)辨析:try to do sth.与 try doing sth. try to do sth.意为“试图做某事,尽力做某事”表示想尽一切办法做某事 try doing sth.意为“尝试做某事”表示一种试着做做看的做法 She tried to carry the basket. 她努力提起了这个篮子。 The boy tried making a model plane. 这个男孩试着制作一个飞机模型。 6.patient(原句)Well, be patient. (1) patient adj 意为“有耐心的”。 常用短语:be patient with sb. 意为“对某人有耐心”; be patient of sth. 意为“忍耐某事”.You should learn how to be patient. 你应该学会忍耐。 (2) patient cn 意为“病人”。The patient is too weak to speak. 病人太虚弱了,不能说话。Doctors are patient with the patients. 7.expression(原句)Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces help me to get the meaning. (1)expression 此处作可数名词,意为“表情”。 expression 作名词时还可意为“表示;表达方式”。 There was no expression on her face.她脸上毫无表情。 I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks. 我给他们送去了鲜花表示感谢。 (2)although 引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管;虽
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