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3 月月 7 日外交部部长杨洁篪答中外记者问日外交部部长杨洁篪答中外记者问(节选节选)这次的记者发布会中,杨洁篪外长回答了许多当下国际事务中的焦点、热点问题。在谈及中美关系时,一个巧妙的“油画与中国画”的比喻,使得讲话生色不少。中美关系 中日友好 世博外交 中欧关系 中美关系中美关系CNN: My question is about mutual understanding or lack of it. Hardly any major global issue today can be resolved without US-China cooperation and understanding. And yet lately, the two sides have clashed over critical bilateral issues that perhaps impede such cooperation. The US side, for example, cited human rights, among others, as its core issue. What in your view is Chinas or are Chinas core issues? And why? And along the same lines, we foreigners are often told, “You just dont understand China. You dont understand Chinas history and reality.“ What do you think is the biggest misunderstanding of China? What are you doing to bridge such understanding gap? Thank you.美国有线电视新闻网记者:我的第一个问题是有关相互了解或者是缺乏相互了解的。现在国际社会上许多重要问题没有美中之间的合作和相互了解是很难解决的。但最近我们看到,在一系列重要的双边关系问题上,美中两国出现了冲突和摩擦,阻碍了美中两国的合作。美方认为,美中关系中的核心问题包括人权。请问中方认为核心问题是什么?第二个问题是外国人经常被告知“你们太不了解中国的历史和现实”,您认为我们外国人能最终真正了解中国吗?您认为外界对中国最大的误解是什么?中国采取了什么行动来减少误解呢?Foreign Minister Yang: It is my view that in the 21st century, China and the United States share a common objective in developing their bilateral relationship, that is, to contribute together to peace, stability, development and prosperity in our region and beyond. This is conducive to the region and the world, and to the fundamental interest of people of both countries. I hope both countries will have a very clear understanding about this. I believe the United States knows very well Chinas core interests and major concerns. There are clear explanations about this in the three Sino-US joint communiqus and China-US Joint Statement. And these documents have also set out the principles in handling sensitive issues in China-US relations and issues concerning each others core interests and major concerns. China has firm and solid positions on issues of principle. As I said, the Chinese side is committed to pushing forward the China-US positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship. I hope the United States will make similar efforts.杨洁篪:我认为中美关系在 21 世纪的共同目标应该是共同为地区和世界的和平稳定、发展繁荣作出努力,这对世界、对地区有利,也符合我们两国人民的根本利益。我希望双方对这一点都看得很清楚。对于中方的核心利益和重大关切,我想美方应该是很清楚的,而且在中美三个联合公报和中美联合声明里面对此也有明确阐述,规定了处理中美关系敏感问题、彼此核心利益和重大关切的原则。中国在原则问题上的立场是坚定不移的。同时,中方致力于推动中美关系沿着积极合作全面的方向发展,我们希望美方也作出同样的努力。Mutual understanding forms the basis of state-to-state relations. And much is changing in countries, in the world and in the international situation. Therefore, we all have the task of “adjusting the focus and apertures.“ In spite of the remarkable achievements China has made in its economic and social development, China remains a big developing country with a big population, weak economic foundation and uneven development. And there is still a long way to go before China can achieve modernization. We want to work with other countries to deepen mutual understanding, draw upon each others strength and pursue common development. We hope the outside world will appreciate Chinas uniqueness and national circumstances. We hope that some people will abandon their colored spectacles or stereotyped views about China, and in particular abandon some ideological biases about China. I like both oil paintings and Chinese ink and wash paintings. If one tries to appreciate a Chinese ink and wash painting with the criteria of oil painting, I am afraid he will make a mistake. There are some people in the world who have some misunderstandings about China. For example, some people believe China is becoming tougher and tougher on the external front. Well, I would like to say here that to stick to ones principles and being tough or not are two completely different matters. What is important in dealing with state-to-state relationship is to see whether one follows the widely-accepted principles. It has always been the mission of Chinas diplomacy to defend Chinas sovereignty, security and development interests and promote world peace and development. This is the principle that China adheres to in conducting diplomacy. And I believe it is also the principle that is reflected in the norms governing international relations. If one views the actions taken by a country to defend its own dignity and core interests as being tough and takes for granted that the interests of other countries can be infringed upon, how can there be justice?相互了解是发展国与国关系的基础。当前,各国的情况、世界的情况都发生了很大变化,所以我们大家都存在如何“调焦距、对光圈”这样一个任务。尽管中国在经济社会发展方面取得了巨大成就,但是中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人口多、底子薄、差别大,要实现现代化还有很长的路要走。我们愿意同世界各国增进相互了解、取长补短、共同发展。我们希望外界能够了解中国的独特性和真实国情,我们更希望一些人能够抛弃他们的有色眼镜和思维定式,特别是意识形态方面的偏见。我既喜欢油画,也喜欢中国的水墨画,但是如果有人用油画的标准来欣赏中国的水墨画,那恐怕就要出错。现在外界有些人对中国是有一些误解的,比如说有人认为,现在中国对外表现得越来越强硬。我想说的是,坚持原则立场同是否强硬是两码事。国与国之间打交道,重要的是要看是不是占“理”。中国的外交是以维护国家的主权、安全和发展利益,以促进世界的和平与发展为己任,这就是中国外交的“理”。我想这也是国际关系准则所坚持的“理”。如果把一个国家维护本国的核心利益和尊严的行为视为“强硬”,而把侵犯别国利益的事看成理所当然,那么公理何在?Now there are over 700 foreign correspondents representing over 400 media organizations working in China. You have all been workin
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