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| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said:“ the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter“. Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it s time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it. - Guo Ge TechPositive1 Be supposed to -shouldIn fact, going on a diet is supposed to be more than just eating little. It should also be about eating healthily.1. Bear in mind that 牢记牢记Its important to bear in mind that an assessment based on the data is only a prediction. The results are not carved in stone.2.There is no better way to than to 去做某事的最好方式去做某事的最好方式There is no better way to connect with and truly understand the diverse experiences and talents of students and their families than to be a visible member of their community.3.Go a long way-非常有效Sincere praise, encouragement and appreciation go a long wayeven just saying “thank you” leaves a lasting impression.4.It is worthwhile to -be worth doing sth Before you vote for a certain candidate in an election, its worthwhile to find his/her true worth.5.Give Sb. A competitive edge 给某人竞争优势给某人竞争优势Foreign language skills give people a competitive edge in this age of globalization.6.Expand ones outlook 开阔眼界开阔眼界Encouraging students to study a foreign language is a way to expand their outlook.7.Generate employment opportunities-创造就业机会创造就业机会8.Dedicate A to B-spend A on B9. Assume/ shoulder the responsibility for-承担起责任承担起责任10. Be mindful of -pay close attention to- 关注关注11. Put into practice 12. Fulfill ones potential13. From within- 来自内心深处来自内心深处When you feel uncomfortable with your circumstances, listen to yourself, you own experiences, your own thoughts and your gifts from within, which are real and true.14. Be in tune with-与与 和谐,和谐, 与与一致一致15. Promote the development of-促进促进.发展发展16. Raise peoples awareness of 提高人们的某种意识提高人们的某种意识17. Has found ones niche-找到适合自己的工作事业定位找到适合自己的工作事业定位18. Be the cornerstone of-是是.的基石的基石19. Participate in - 参与参与20. Afford people the sense of belonging21. .is a main driving force behind是是的主要推动力的主要推动力22. Be in accordance with23. Catch a glimpse of-走马观花走马观花Visitors to gallery caught a glimpse of the painters observations and fantasies.24. Incorporate into 将将 XX 结合进结合进 XX25. Get the best of both worlds -两全其美两全其美26. Awaken the conscience of society-唤起社会的良知或责任感唤起社会的良知或责任感27. Far from being-完全不是完全不是.Far from being amateurs, these kids know the game rules inside out.28. Knowinside out-对对了如指掌了如指掌29. Make it a point to-make sure that 确保确保30. Is a milepost in 在在过程中是一个标志性事件过程中是一个标志性事件31. A labor of love-发自内心的努力发自内心的努力He did all this as a labor of love. He didnt need any recognition for it.32. Get into the swing of things- 去努力熟悉适应身边的事物去努力熟悉适应身边的事物Moving to a new country can be really stressful and itll take a while for you to get into the swing of things.Negative1.Be at riskRun the risk of2.Few of us have ever stopped to think about-很少有人去考虑很少有人去考虑3.Be concerned about-担忧担忧4.Have a hard time doing sth-很难实现或者完成某事很难实现或者完成某事Youll have a hard time falling asleep if you wake up earlier than desired or if you continue to think and worry.5.Be at odds with sth-与与.冲突,冲突, 与与.不符不符6.Be threatened/intimidated with-受到受到威胁威胁7. Abide by/ comply with/ conform to law/ rule 遵守遵守8.Be overly dependent on-对某事过度依赖对某事过度依赖9.very little, if any, 只有很少,如果有的话只有很少,如果有的话Some scientists believe that human activity has very little, if any, impact on the recent warming trend on Earth.10. In part because-partly because部分因为部分因为11. If, .will ensue-如果如果., 某种结果将跟随而来某种结果将跟随而来Disasters will ensue if they remain unready like this.12. . Hover at high levels-居高不下居高不下The unemployment rate has been hovering at historically high levels this year.13. Be subject to经受经受/遭受遭受14. Be susceptible to-容易受到来自容易受到来自 的负面影响的负面影响Children tent to be more susceptible to advertising, especially when they view the advertising alone.15. Be confronted with-face16. is not a panacea for某种方案并不是解决某个问题的万能药某种方案并不是解决某个问题的万能药17. Drive up the crime rate18. Have adverse effect on-对对.有负面的影响有负面的影响19. Sth. Is unwarranted-某种做法很不合理某种做法很不合理20. Spin out of control / lose track of 失去控制失去控制/ 失去对某事的管理失去对某事的管理The demand for economic growth is helping make the American consumerism spin out of control.Its easy for people to lose track of time when they use the internet.21. be not compatible with.与与不一致不一致22. Be vulnerable to 容易成为容易成为的受害者的受害者23. Whats the good of.? .又有何好处呢?又有何好处呢?Whats the good of having more advanced public transit if its increasingly difficult to transport industrial and agricultural products?24. Live in poverty/ misery/frustration/ anxietyLiving in misery, these people have no chance to receive education, which might be the only way that can lift them out of poverty.25. Diminish individuals leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间减少人们的休闲时间26. Stifle creativity 扼杀创造力扼杀创造力27. Be afflicted by-遭受遭受28.
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