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0808 年年46) believe, assert, claim, argue, assume, maintain, contend, point out, be convinced that, accept, prove, demonstrate, validate, state, scribe, tell, show, consider, opine, difficulty, difficult, compensate, compensate for, advantage, advantageous, advance, force, strength, power, thus, therefore, hence, enable, detect, detector, error, mistake, false, flaw, shortcoming, reason, reasoned, reasoning, reasonable, observe, observation, observer;47) follow, pure, purely, abstract, concrete, limit, confine, certain;48) as well, as well as, found, charge, change, critics, criticize, critical, criticism, while;49) add, addition, in addition, additional, tradition, traditional, humble, humbly, perhaps, possible, possibly, probable, probably, superior, superior to, super, inferior, inferior to, common, ordinary, banal, notice, attention, escape, carefully, careful, care, take care of;50) loss, lose (lost), at a loss, take a loss, injurious, injure, injury, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, wisdom, moral, virtue, virtually, virtual, character, characterize, characteristic;0707 年年46) legal, law, preserve, conserve, institution, constitution, view, viewas, regardas, takeas, seeas, special, specialize, specific, especial, especially; peculiar, peculiar to, particular, particularly, rather than, necessary, essential, essence, critical, significant, significance, equipment, equip, facility;47) link, connect, connection, on the other, on the other hand, on the one hand, concept, notion, real, reality, in a way, in a manner, in a form, parallel, parallel to, journal, journalist, base, basic, basis, comment, comment on, cover;48) idea, profound, profoundly, far-reaching, citizen, rest on/upon, rely on, depend on/upon, responsible, responsibility, be held responsible for, response, media, news media, news agency, establish, established, establishment, convention;49) grasp, have a grasp of, command, have a good command of, feature, competent, competition, competitive, compete, 50) reaction, react, action, in action, interaction, enhance, promotion, promote, preferable, prefer, infer, confer, favor, flavor, favorite, judge, judgment, make judgments of;0606 年年46) define, definition, defineas, select, elect, individual, active, activity, primary, duty, thinking, thought;47) analogous, analogous to, analyze, analysis, function, obligation, be obliged to do sth., be obliged to sb., obligate, be obligated to do sth., clear, course, cause, lead to, reveal, decision, decisive, decide;48) exclude, exclusive, include, conclude, conclusion, contribute, contribution, contribute to, make contribution to, distribute, distribution, accomplishment, accomplish, complete, solution, solve, resolve, be charged with, approach, aspect, inspect, expect, respect, expect, task;49) code, rule, dedicate, dedicate to, govern, government, energy, conduct, conduction, production, produce, explore, exploration; more than, less than, no more than, no less than, more than +数字, more than +名词/动词, more than +形容词/副词, no more than=no any more than;50) independent, independence, interdependence, reflect, reflection, make reflection on, earn, involve, salary;0505 年年46) television, means, feeling, convey, connect, nation, create, invent, event, recent;47) multi-media, increase, increasingly, bring, publish, in relation to, relation, relate, related to, concern, concerning;48) alone, only, survive, underline, undergo, undertake, undermine, state, statistics, loss, take a loss, at a loss,49) identify, identity, respect, expect, aspect, represent, present, presentation, fabricate, fabric, continent, task, demand, choose, choice, strategic, policy;50) deal with, deal, challenge, scale, onscale, exaggeration, it is no exaggeration to say, unite, unity, divide;0404 年年61) structure, instruction, instrument, construction, process, procedure, schedule, real, reality, realize, diversity, diverse, philosophy, philosopher;62) grateful, gratitude, different from, vanish, abolish, assimilate, similar, native, local;63) describe, description, strike, striking, remark, remarkable, accuse, accuseof, data, date;64) interested in, relationship, relative, relatively, determine, habit, habitual, though;65) come to, believe in, a sort of, linguistics, physics, psychology, aesthetics, art, fine art, archaeology, anthropology, economy, psychiatry, law, media, cross-culture, mathematics, math, physician, chemistry, humanity, form, formula, formulate, grammar, pattern, produce, consequence, consequently;0303 年年61) furthermore, further, ability, able, enable, inability, modify, change, charge, exchange, environment, deteriorate, subject, reject, refuse, fancy;62) branch, inquire, acquire, require, endeavor, order, disorder, system, passion, seek, scientific, science, phenomenon;63) combine, integrate, integration, perspective, unique, distinct, distinctly;64) complex, complicated, sophisticated, include, conclude, exclude, conclusion, custom, consume, consumer. Simple, s
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