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(外国语学院)(外国语学院) 文文 献献 综综 述述(2011 届)题目题目 小学英语课堂互动教学模式构建 The Construction of Primary School English Interactive Teaching Model学生姓名学生姓名: 系系 别别: 英语系 班级班级/学号学号: 指导教师指导教师: 2010 年 12 月 15 日LITERATURE REVIEWAs China has been increasingly entangled in the global village, it is obvious that English takes an important role in recent years. Undoubtedly, it is a new challenge to children. Nowadays, there are English courses in primary schools, which is a good policy. Primary school teaching is the basis of the whole English learning, thus, it is of great significance to improve the students English level dramatically, and it has been proven that interactive teaching model is beneficial to English teaching. Obviously, there are some unique characteristics of primary school students learning English. They are very curious about everything, and they are prone to be affected by adults. But it seems that most primary school students are less competent communicatively than they are linguistically and many students have low confidence in speaking English. In such cases, teachers need to provide more and better opportunities for students to develop oral skills and communicate with each other in English fluently.Many people have made researches into interactive teaching. Zhan Sen and Cai Jun (2006: 133) noted that interactive teaching model refers to the interactions between principal parts, including interactions between teachers and students, and interactions between students and students. Both the teachers and students take part in teaching activities, they accept and respect each other, promoting the overall development of students. It is an open and constructive new teaching model. This model was first put forward by Palincsar (1982: 133) who noted that it is a model to train students reading strategy based on a scaffolding idea.Tsui (1995: 156), a famous educational expert in Hong Kong points out that the process and success of the course are largely dependent on the interaction between students and teachers, thus, teachers understanding of classroom interaction is beneficial to the foreign language teaching. In the past twenty years, classroom interaction, as a second language learning course method, has been discussed from different point of views, from the study of foreign language to non-native English teachers roles of classroom instruction. They concluded that the interactions between teachers and the students, students and materials play an essential role in stimulating students learning.According to William and Burden (1977: 111), children are born to a social world, and learning occurs through interaction with other people. We learn a language through using the language to interact meaningfully with other people. Classroom interaction has become a major part of language instruction, which can never be neglected. Classroom interaction contains interactions among teachers and students, during which both teachers and students are center of the class. Teachers try their best to stimulate students, and students are following up cooperatively. Through such interactions, students can successfully develop their learning skills.Constructivists believe that interactive teaching is designed by the interactive activities of dialogues between teachers and students. Interactions between teachers and students refer to the mutual effect and influence between them. Whats more, the mutual effect and influence is not only on the aspect of cognitive information, it is also on the emotive information. In such circumstance, teachers are the controller, manager and promoter of the classroom teaching. The classroom learning is supposed to be teacher and student centered, not just teacher-centered.As Jia Guanjie (2003: 39) has mentioned that there are four goals of English teaching in primary schools. First, the students should preliminarily master English, having the ability of communication and understanding of this language. Second, students are required to know some culture of English through learning it. They need to learn something about the different thinking styles of English speaking countries. Third, since English is a synthetic course, students in primary schools also need to learn the basic knowledge of living in the social world. Finally, teachers should foster the interest of students learning in English.From the researches mentioned above, we know interactive teaching may be the easiest and most effective way to arouse students enthusiasm to learn English. We should not only emphasize on teachers “teaching”, but also pay much attention to students “learning”; meanwhile, it is necessary to construct a new relationship between teachers and students, and it is also necessary to fully use new technological teaching equipments. For primary school students, organizing and conducting a variety of classroom games is sure to work, and th
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