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模块10 Unit 2 Project: The wandering Roma 教学案(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计) 总课时:第_课时 备课时间:_年_月_日 主备人:陈卫峥 上课时间:_年_月_日 教学重点及学法指导:教学难点及学法指导:作业布置: 教学流程: 【走进课文】 Read the passage and answer the following questions 1. Where have the Roma been wandering since the 11th century? 2. Where did the Roma originally live? 3. When did the Roma begin to leave India ? 4. Whats one thing that they have in common? 5. What were peoples opinions about the Roma in the past? 6. What did European countries do to the Roma at the beginning of the 19th century? 7. What were the Romas attitudes to these policies ? 8. What do you think the article is going to tell us ? 9.whar are the two aspects of reasons for the Romas movement.? 【重点词讲解】 1.have sth in common (with ) We have got such a lot in common. I dont think theyve much in common with their neighbors.in common with Britain ,in common with other European countries, has put an end to the death penalty. 2. submit I submit to his wishes. 我顺从他的意愿 。 Are you prepared to submit to my decision? 他准备对我的决定让步吗? He said to her, Go back to your mistress and submit to her ill-treatment.他对她说:“回到的女主人那里去,忍受她的虐待吧。” We should submit our plans to the commission for approval. 我们应该向委员会提交计划以求批准。 3. take to喜爱;养成的习惯;开始沉湎于 I have taken to jogging in the morning every day. Recently he has taken to wearing a cap. I took to her the moment I met her. 4. in vain Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her. 日复一日, 她徒劳地等待他的电话. All our work was in vain. 我们的工作全都白干了。 We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。 5. in large numbers The crowd gathered in large numbers in front of the hall . 7. compensate(for) Nothing can compensate for the loss of ones health. 什么都不能补偿健康受损。 They were likely to be compensated for the damage done to the house.他们可能得到房子的损坏补偿。 【重点句型分析】 1.No group is associated with moving and traveling more than the Roma. 2. The Roma continued to move, trying in vain to find a country where they could live and trade peacefully. 3. Some Europeans were alarmed by these travelers in rags because of their traditions.4.Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behavior. 5. Roma lived in terror as they were killed in large numbers 6.By refusing to submit to any government, the Roma cannot vote 7.Partly to compensate for past prejudice , these countries are trying to help the Roma preserve their history 【重点词组】 1.be associated with2.submit to 3.in a roundabout way 4.in rags 5.earn sb a reputation as 6.apply for 7. practice their traditions 8.take to 9. prejudice against 10.at its/their worst 11.in terror 12.in larger numbers 13. a ray of light . 14. recognize as 15. compensate for 16.in part 17.a ray of light 巩固练习 【单词连连看】 1.服从 顺从2.选举3.一系列;链条4.恐惧 5.漫游 6.封闭的7.补偿 8.passport 9.collision 10. citizenship11.suspect 12.plot 13. ray 14.roundabout 15.vain 【内容填空】 The Roma have been _1_ Europe and Asia since the 11th century, They were _2_ lived in northern India and they were _3_ even then. Because of this tradition, they couldnt find a permanent job.Although the Roma have developed differently in various places, they have something in _4_. They resisted making permanent homes, choosing to move. And they refuse to _5_ to any government, so they have no right to _6_.The Roma tried _7_ _8_ to find a country to live in. Throughout their travels, they experienced problems, Some Europeans treated them badly. Fortune telling, one of their traditions, earned them a _9_ as liars and witches. Many Europeans even did not want the Roma as their neighbors. At the beginning of the 19th century, many countries changed their laws _10_the Roma. They wanted to make the Roma _11_ their nomadic lifestyle. Unable to practise their traditions, many young Roma _12_ _13 illegal behaviour, they were often considered as the main _14_ when anything went missing. But now ,everything has changed a lot. Modern nations begin to recognize the Roma as a unique group, they want to _15_for past prejudice,they are trying to help the Roma _16_ their history, language and culture. The Roma and Europeans are on the way to becoming friends!Keys 【走进课文】 1. Europe and Asia 2. Pakistan 3. 1200 AD 4. a tendency to live in closed groups 5. They treated them as liars and witches. They didnt want the Roma as neighbors and some countries even passed laws to force the Roma to leave their countries. 6. What did European countries do to the Roma at the beginning of the 19th century? Changed their laws concerning the Roma Tried to make the Roma abandon their nomadic lifestyle. Forced adult Roma to apply for passports and citizenship Required children to attend local school 7. Worrie
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